Prayer and reflection
Growing up, one of my closest friends lived across from a foster care home. Her bedroom’s Victorian sash windows framed its back garden. We rarely saw anyone playing outside, and it seemed too quiet for a house full of children. We made friends with one of the boys who lived there. He was friendly and genuinely kind. We called for him one day, but he’d been moved on. It was sad not to have the chance to say goodbye.
In 2023, 65 per cent of children entered the care system due to abuse or neglect. Currently, there are nearly 84,000 children in care in England, with about 68 per cent living with foster carers. The cost of living crisis compounds the issues of neglect, and shortfall in foster families. Yet behind these numbers are children needing a loving home. When someone adopts or fosters a child, they bring stability and nurturing, which are the bedrock of lasting health.
Adoptions in England are decreasing and the rise in abortions, reduced stigma around single parenting, long-term fostering and living with family members are all factors towards the trend. However, there is still a growing number of children waiting to be adopted, far surpassing the number of potential adopters.
Proverbs 22:6 says: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Jesus, too, urged us to show care for children: “whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me” (Matthew 18:5).
I know someone who lives these words. Initially, she cared for one child, then welcomed two more siblings over time. She is a modern-day miracle worker and an unsung hero who gives these children a happy home. Stories like hers need to be shared and celebrated more often. She embodies the commandment: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34). May this narrative shape our commitment to our collective accountability. The African proverb: “It takes a village to raise a child” seems more apt than ever.
God help us to love one another,
To open our hearts and homes to
those most in need.
May your love strengthen us and
carry us forward,
To bring safety and support to all.
God help us to be free to
think for ourselves,
To follow your example and
spread your word.
May your eternal wisdom shine through,
To support families who adopt and foster.
God, we thank you for
your wondrous ways,
To infinitely follow you and
trust in you brings salvation.
May we all be held by your endless love,
To live together and help one
another always.
God, please protect all
vulnerable children,
To guide them toward your
care and love.
Forever in your name.

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