All Faith articles
What we can learn about faith from Charlie Sheen and Denise Richard’s daughter, Lola
‘Watching her speak about Jesus and what he has done for her is so refreshing. She is not apologetic, or embarrassed about naming Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. Instead she simply appears grateful for what he has done in her life,’ says Woman Alive deputy editor, Jemimah Wright.
What are divine appointments, and should we pray for them when looking for love?
What is the difference between a divine appointment, a movie ‘meet-cute’, or just simply serendipity? In biblical terms, a divine appointment is when God sets the stage for a meeting that changes everything, and Jemimah Wright says maybe we should pray for more of them.
How God changed my thinking and led me to start a women’s movement
In the Autumn of 2020, Jo Lee was leading the women’s ministry in her local church, when she felt God say: ‘Dream big Jo, it’s time to go wider.’ After meeting with some women to pray, RISE was birthed - to encourage, empower, and inspire women from around the globe to transform the world around them, one life at a time.
‘I went to the Museum of the Book and this is how it helped me become more confident in my faith’
‘Biblical illiteracy is something I think that the current generation is struggling with and I therefore appreciate museums like this that host evidence of the reliability of scriptures,’ says Maxine Harrison.
‘It’s my daughter’s 7th birthday on International Women’s Day and I want her to be exposed to amazing women who have inspired me throughout history’
‘This year’s theme for International Women’s Day particularly excites me in that it’s inclusive of all ages, as I believe we’re never too young to receive truth. Reinforcement of sound doctrine is essential in an age of cultural promiscuity where the boundaries of identity are disputed,’ says Hannah Wickens.
My spiritual mother has just gone to be with Jesus
Julie Anderson, along with her husband, Rod, led The Prayer Foundation and were Senior Leaders of Commonwealth Church in London. Julie died on the 24th Feb and as Julie’s ‘spiritual daughter’ Bobbi Kumari shares a tribute.
Six Christian books to encourage you in tough times
For World Book Day, Kate Orson offers insght into six books that have helped encourage her in tough times.
What question would you like God to answer?
As public figures Grimes and Cord Jefferson discuss the death of religion,and whether God even exists, Jemimah Wright says we need to look at it as an encouragement to share the good news of Jesus to those around us.
We are calling for a 40-day prayer and fasting relay for God to bring revival in the UK
‘Today our land is just as broken and desperate as a century ago. Will we allow God to stir us in the same way for precious souls? It’s time for repentance and turning from our wicked ways, time for humbling ourselves, to seek the face of our God in prayer and fasting,’ says Theresa Shurey.
Learning from God – it’s not what you think
Lynn Swart was born into a privileged family in South Africa and then had an accident that left her paralysed, but that did not stop the plans God had for her
Honouring diversity through fashion
Candy Ellie Graham, Founder of Cultural Fashion Week, highlights inspirational Christian women who reflect the beauty of diversity within the Church with their thoughts on how culture enriches our collective faith journey.
The beauty myth unveiled
Rev Katherine Chow reveals how shallow the narrative we are sold daily truly is, and suggests we embrace God’s better way instead – as Leah did
The word of God healed my aunt of dementia
Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention
Football stadiums can give you a taste of what heaven might be like
‘A vast crowd united in their focus, not on a carefully tended pitch, but on the Saviour who effectively paid the entry fee for us to be there. Here we’ll be more participants than spectators, and thoroughly exuberant!’ says author, Jenny Sanders as she compares a cheering football stadium with heaven.
Your relationship with your dad can affect how you see your heavenly father
‘Our earthly dads will let us down, they may have abandoned us, failed to protect us or been abusive. When that’s the case, it’s very difficult not to perceive our heavenly dad through the same lens,’ says Samantha Bailie-McMurdock.
Bishop Budde has been praised for being boldly outspoken at Trump’s first prayer service, but women in positions of power don’t always warrant celebration
‘As Christians, we consistently need to scrutinize the leanings of the cultural zeitgeist against the truth of scripture. Would the Bible have us believe Potiphar’s wife over Joseph or trust Delilah’s honey tinged sentiments?’ asks Hope Bonarcher as she considers Bishop Marian Budde’s sermon alongside Queen Athaliah, the little known Queen of Judah.
Can AI help your faith?
Maxine Harrison has found the AI app helpful in answering her questions around faith and the Bible, but says we can’t rely on AI alone…
Love lessons from mystic powerhouse, Julian of Norwich
Dr Belle Tindall looks at the groundbreaking life of the first female English-language author