Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention…
Saved from injury in a car crash
As I recount the details of the events surrounding the car crash in September 2024, I’m aware of God’s hand of protection and blessing throughout. That morning, I left the house as usual with my nine-year-old daughter to take her to school. We took our more robust car as my husband was working from home, so I didn’t need to take the older car.
I ran back into the house before starting the car, realising suddenly that I didn’t have my phone on me. Ordinarily I would have left it behind, but I felt a nudge to take it in case I needed it. As I started the car, I commented to my daughter that her seat seemed really far back and asked if she had changed the position of it. She hadn’t so I made a mental note to alter it later.
We prayed together as we do every morning and, as we finished, the crash happened. A car coming uphill was going too fast, and didn’t have time to stop when he saw us on the narrow country lane. Our car was a write-off, but my daughter and I were unscathed. However, I was in shock for an hour or so afterwards. In that time, I was asking God why the crash had happened when I had just been specifically praying for the armour of God from Ephesians 6 as protection. It was later, when we realised the impact should have been far worse and we should certainly have sustained serious injuries, it became so clear to me how God protected us.
First, I had my phone so was able to call my husband straight away. He was working from home and if he had been at work he would have been an hour or more away.
My sister was five minutes behind us so able to comfort us both and then take my daughter on to school as she was keen to “return to normal and forget it all”. The school nurse checked her over straight away and told her to return any time during the day if she needed to. The teachers were also aware of what happened and kept a close eye and sent me a report later that day.
The car that crashed into us was a Land Rover with a trailer carrying heavy wood. The driver was driving into the sun and hadn’t seen us, so braked too late and then skidded. It should have been far worse and a greater face-on impact. Both our airbags blew up – if my daughter had been sitting closer she could have had a harsh encounter with the airbag. Neither of us were impacted by the airbags.
The police came within ten minutes and were able to help us move the cars.
Our other two younger daughters have often been with me in the car for school drop off but had stayed with my husband that morning.
I could easily complain and blame God for us having an accident, but he has given us eyes to see his goodness in it all. We gave thanks to God for his faithfulness and for protecting us.
Healed of hormonal symptoms
I’m 46, married, work part-time and have three kids aged between seven and 14. I had always been a stable, level-headed, happy person until about three years ago when I started feeling low and getting upset more easily. I thought this was due to several lockdowns and not being around people as much, other than my family. After chatting with a few close female friends, I wondered if I was starting to have some hormonal changes. So, I decided to start taking evening primrose oil, which did initially help. However, over time, more changes in my body occurred, I began forgetting things and became very emotional and angry at my kids for the smallest of things. My periods were changing too, from very heavy to very short cycles, and more PMT symptoms. I booked to see a nurse and came home with a prescription for HRT. I’d read up a lot and listened to podcasts all endorsing the many benefits of keeping your oestrogen levels higher for longer. However, I still really didn’t want to take it as I’d not responded well to trying various forms of the pill when I was younger.
Shortly afterwards, we had our annual church weekend away, and there was an opportunity to go to the front for healing. I had been praying a lot about this over the last few years and desperately wanted to see God’s healing in my life. So, I went forward and someone had a prophetic word for me about different areas of my life coming together. In the moment I had no idea what this meant or whether it had any link to why I had gone up. I didn’t stay for any other prayer, but felt satisfied that I had been obedient in going forward for healing. Over the coming week I realised that I felt different. I woke up feeling happier, had more patience with the kids and was less reactive to my husband. I had been healed! But because there was nothing visual to see, I had to make sure I really was healed and not just going through a good patch.
As I ran out of my supplements, I didn’t replace them and continued feeling better. Then, as I started telling more people (just Christians initially), I got more excited for what God had done for me. I almost couldn’t help myself, if anyone mentioned anything hormone related, I felt I had to tell them about my experience. I believe God has healed me and given me a testimony to share. I’m excited for what’s ahead, and want to encourage any woman who is going through any hormonal changes, mental health problems or physical problems; that God knows you and wants you to seek him for your healing and restoration.
What’s your story?
Testimonies are an important way of encouraging each other in faith and we’d love to hear your personal experiences of God, whether that’s a miracle story or Jesus standing with you in the storm.
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