Recently the Prince and Princess of Wales released a video with family footage, giving an update on the health of Princess Kate. Suzie Kennedy shares her view on the video, and rejoices at the second chance both she and Kate have been given. 


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On Monday, September 9th, 2024, Princess Kate shared her thoughts about her journey through cancer treatment with the world. As Kate smiled and embraced her family in the video issued by Kensington Palace, she stated her hope was for a cancer-free future.

Cancer has no prejudice. According to Cancer Research, half of the population born after 1960 will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. It’s a sobering statistic. I was diagnosed with stage 3 Cancer in 2013 and underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  Hearing a person living with cancer talk about how they have navigated their journey is always interesting.

While listening to Kate’s revelations of her journey with cancer,  although she made no reference to the Bible or faith in Jesus, I was reminded of how the comforting words of Jesus had brought me through my own cancer journey.

Kate spoke of having to find a way to ‘navigate the stormy waters and the road unknown’

Kate spoke of having to find a way to ‘navigate the stormy waters and the road unknown’. As Christians, we know that when we must navigate the stormy seas, our God promises to still them (Psalm 89:9) and promises to guide us through the unfamiliar paths (Isaiah 42:16).

Kate reflected that she had never considered her vulnerabilities before, which now made her grateful for the simple things in life. Kate has a privileged life compared to most, yet she now recognises the importance of the simple gift of life, which many take for granted. The Royal Crown cannot give Princess Kate life; only he who wore the crown of thorns can bestow the gift of life. The message of James 4:14 reminds us that we cannot predict tomorrow that our life is the gift of God’s will.

Kate sent a message to people living with cancer, that she would remain with us, side by side, hand in hand. 

Kate sent a message to people living with cancer, that she would remain with us, side by side, hand in hand. This was a beautiful sentiment of camaraderie in battle, which every person living with cancer will understand. During my battle with cancer, I did not have a princess remain with me, but I did have a King. One who told me that he would never leave me or forsake me (Hebrews 13:5) and that I should not fear (Isaiah 41:10) as he is with me until the end of the earth (Matthew 28:20). 

Kate ended her message by declaring, ‘Out of the darkness can come light.’ Out of the darkness of my cancer journey came the light of the Lord, who promises that his light will always shine in the darkness (John 1:5). After my journey through cancer, I, too, like Kate, had a renewed hope and appreciation of the life I had ahead of me. I wanted to honour God with his gift of a second chance at life.

I was baptised in the River Jordan and enrolled on a theology and counselling degree to become a Christian counsellor. I qualified and now have a private practice, Faith in Me Therapy, helping others to navigate the storms of life that Jesus helped me through. Cancer sadly does take lives, but it can also change them. Kate and I appear to be two lives affected by cancer that will never be the same again.


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