Many people are feeling the weight of anxiety at the moment, as they process the last two years’ pamdemic and the horrific scenes on the news. Christian self-esteem and anxiety coach Nothando Osondu explains what you can do to take care of yourself.
The last two years have not been easy and they have certainly left a lasting impression on many nations around the world. We all hope to get back to “normal”, but some of us aren’t sure what that looks like anymore.
It is quite easy to forget what life was like before lockdown and restrictions, so now that they have lifted, it has been difficult to adjust to the freedom. As creatures of habits, you may have become comfortable with your quieter routine which would have taken time and a lot of effort to get used to, only for the doors to be flung open and all restrictions lifted. This means that you have to override your current habits in order to adjust to the new way of life.
Plus for most people our homes have become associated with safety during lockdown, so public spaces can seem unsafe, scary and uncertain. It might seem daunting but do not be discouraged, there is hope with the right support and self-care strategies.
Here are some tips to help you:
Talk to your most trusted friends and family
Seeking support from those who know you before lockdown helps to remind you who you truly are and what you enjoy. It also helps you to reconnect with them as others may be struggling with the same challenges and feelings.
Create a self-care routine
Incorporating self-care into your daily routine will ensure that you are looking after yourself spiritually, mentally and physically. This could be; time in nature, regular exercise, meditation and prayer, journalling, consistent sleep patterns, nutritious meals, time with loved ones or deep breathing exercises.
Speak to a professional
Working with a therapist allows you to freely express yourself in a non-judgemental space and will help you to learn the right skills you need to deal with the challenges you are facing. The expert you work with will also personalise the skills and strategies you need for the best results.
Prayer is a way of speaking to God. In Hebrews 4:16 the author said: “Come boldly to the throne of grace.” That means you don’t have to feel ashamed or unworthy to go to your heavenly father asking that he give you strength and his perspective. God longs to hear from his children no matter the circumstances, nothing is ever too big or small for the creator of the universe.

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