We might think being a missionary means going to a far off land, and living amongst people of a different culture, but Lucy Burrows shares her story of God calling her to ministry in her home country.

Lucy and husband Pete

Lucy and her husband Pete in Thanet

I have always felt a connection to other countries; many of the children in my London nursery school came to the UK for their parents’ work in the nearby embassies. Then I spent my childhood in Hong Kong, there were over 70 nationalities in my primary school!

Being called to be a missionary took me to Cape Town, South Africa to join Youth With A Mission (YWAM). I served with YWAM, travelling to lots of different countries. In 2006, after five years in Cape Town I returned to serve with YWAM in the UK through mercy ministries and training. From 2010, YWAM England started visiting the cities and towns around the nation in anticipation of the Olympic games in 2012.

As I visited Coventry and London for evangelism, my eyes were opened to the reality that people in the UK were looking for something more and sharing my faith here wasn’t as difficult as I had thought

Throughout my life as a Christian, I had shared my faith, but in the UK it was mostly in the context of project work. As I visited Coventry and London for evangelism, my eyes were opened to the reality that people in the UK were looking for something more and sharing my faith here wasn’t as difficult as I had thought. Although I had been based in the UK, I had seen it as a temporary posting. Over time I started to believe that I could be involved in God’s plan for this nation - and God started to place a deeper love for the UK in my heart.

At the end of 2012 before moving to another YWAM location in the UK, I took a sabbatical in Kent. I had grandparents who lived in Thanet and spent all my summer holidays enjoying it’s sandy beaches. My family temporarily relocated there after our time in Hong Kong, however, I couldn’t imagine that it would ever be my home.

Something strange started to happen… as I drove around Thanet, during a cold and windy winter,  I felt a fresh love for the area

As I drove around Thanet, during a cold and windy winter, I felt a fresh love for the area. God was showing me his love for Thanet and softening my heart to mirror his. My move was well tested - over the next five years I visited Thanet with many teams; praying and serving the local community and church. Like many seaside towns, Thanet experienced economic decline and the challenges that go along with it; but God showed me that just as he has restored me with his love, he wanted to restore Thanet with his love.

We have now established ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Thanet, offering free classes and conversation for refugees, asylum seekers or those with low/no income. We also have Gather Thanet, a safe place for women to find hope and community held at St Luke’s church in Ramsgate. I am focused on coordinating outreach teams when they serve in the area and we are actively involved with local church networks in prayer, worship and intercession (which incidentally is where I met my now husband, but that’s another story!)

During a conversation with a young woman from the area, she commented, “I always thought you said you loved Thanet because you had to for work, but you really do love Thanet!” And she is right, God had put that love in my heart.

Being based in England, I haven’t lost my heart for other nations, or the opportunity to travel to other places. Just as the early followers of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts :8), were Jesus’ witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and then to the ends of the earth, we here are to be his witnesses in England and the ends of the earth.

I have never asked God “Why didn’t you just call me here in the first place?” I know that my journey around the world has prepared me to see Thanet with God’s eyes. I see the riches that the nations have to bless Thanet with and the riches that Thanet has to bless the nations with.

My missionary journey started with a simple response to Isaiah 6:8 “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”  I had a longing for more. The journey has had lots of faith challenges and times which weren’t that easy, but I know that through taking the step of faith to respond to his call, it was the best way to see God at work.

Perhaps you too are seeking God with a question “what more?” Simply offer a faith filled “Here am I. Send me!” With that one prayer you will give God the opportunity to show you so much more. 

Premier’s Mission Week is 5-13th October. Find out more here.