‘Would this be a year for us to look back and see how God has been at work, a year of letting go of things that stop us seeing God and others clearly and a year of hearing how God wants to frame the coming year?’ asks speaker and leadership consultant, Hellie Brunt.
Seeking what God has in store for the seasons ahead, for me, is the most exciting part of going into a new year. Scripture shows God communicating with his people directly and through others. It’s not difficult to believe that God would want to give you guidance, inspiration, direction, solutions and wisdom. My prayer as you read on is that it will come to you and we will sense these nudges for ourselves!
Here is my own how-to guide:
Looking Back:
I love seeing how Jesus has been at work in his world, how he has changed me, grown me, challenged me, taught me…. I sit and jot it all down.
Four Japanese New Year traditions and what we can reflect on in our Christian faith
I sense what word, phrase or Bible verse might have summed up the past 12 months.
I go through my calendar clocking the memorable moments that I am thankful for.
I note what part of God’s character I have most needed and known over the past year
I note what part of God’s character I have most needed and known over the past year - sometimes what comes into my mind is a visual metaphor for him (eg, God as a lion, brooding hen, gardener, potter etc), other times a description like Advocate.
The writer of Proverbs 3:5 reminds us that when we know, acknowledge and recognise God in all of our ways; then He will make our paths ahead straight and smooth.
I wonder if we have looked back and looked for God lately? Looking back, looking for God helps us to look forward with God.
New year, same you?
Letting Go:
When we seek his plans sometimes we realise something is blocking our view, or limiting our vision.
We all have lenses or filters that can obstruct our ability to see clearly. Jesus warned us that we might have a log in our own eye! (imagine that scene; very uncomfortable, very vision limiting and not to mention very inconvenient!) A new year gives us an opportunity to remove the logs of judgments we have formed. I want to be log free so I can see clearly. My encouragement to myself is to stop meddling and pass on mercy and not be trapped in cycles of judgement. I take the time to cancel things with God that I feel owed that are left outstanding from myself and others. I write down and shred any disappointed expectations, leave them with the Lord and look ahead with God’s new mercies for each new morning! I am more free to see what God has in store. You might like to do that too!
My encouragement to myself is to stop meddling and pass on mercy and not be trapped in cycles of judgement.
Looking forwards:
It is popular nowadays to have a word for the year. How amazing if this word was God’s word. I start with Scripture to help me pray and hear him guide me to a word or phrase for the year ahead. The Bible speaks of various eras and ‘times’.
Why I’m giving up guilt this new year
The writings of Ecclesiastes and Isaiah contain useful phrases that frame the moments people may be living in.
Ecclesaiastes 3 describes both “a time to be born” and “a time to die” so I ask questions in prayer: What are you wanting to birth / start / grow in me this year? What has come to an end?
Isaiah 61:2-3 also describes “a year of favour” and how God wants to work in us - “joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair”.
I sit with the Lord, Bible, pen and paper at the ready. I ask which phrases need to stand out personally. I also write the first part of those same sentences: “ A time to…A year of…Instead of …” and ask God to inspire me to finish each sentence off. Often a single word, phrase or metaphorical image comes to mind that frames the whole year which then shapes my decisions, prayers and everyday day life. Perhaps there is something he wants to show you specifically too.
Would this be a year for us to look back and see how God has been at work, a year of letting go of things that stop us seeing God and others clearly and a year of hearing how God wants to frame the coming year, and as the Psalmist declared ‘God would you guide us along the right paths for your own names sake’, Amen!
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