Within every hope and flicker of a dream is a core value bursting with love, true brilliance and wonder; it is ever ready to shine. It is our values and talents, both God-given, that when combined create our unique yet powerful purpose; one we would be wise to follow.
Within every hope and flicker of a dream is a core value bursting with love, true brilliance and wonder; it is ever ready to shine. It is our values and talents, both God-given, that when combined create our unique yet powerful purpose; one we would be wise to follow.
I recently read about nurturing a growth mindset. Studies suggest that through diligence, hard work and consistency, we may elevate our love of learning and strengthen our resilience to new challenges. A growth mindset does help us, yet creativity’s essence is a gift. The first half of Romans 12:6 tells us that we are each blessed with God-given talents: “In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well” (NLT).
I believe life is a steady awakening, and the more honest we are with ourselves, the clearer our direction. When I tune into that quiet inner peace and direct loving consciousness inwards and then outwards, like a wave, I find true, deep peace. In these moments, through prayer, I feel a genuine connection with God. I’m sure my sense of purpose becomes most apparent in stillness.
I asked a dear friend about her life mission, and she said: “Seeing friends; there is something very magical in simply sharing thoughts, ideas and fears.” Prayer gives me this sense too. In Colossians 3:17 we are reminded: “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Trust that whatever you do and whatever you wish for, God has your best interests at heart. When we are guided by our core values in him rather than influenced by the approval or criticisms of others, we are living our purpose steadfastly. Whether you are an actor, an accountant, a chef, a writer, an artist, a doctor, a nurse, a builder, a full-time parent, a philosopher, a broker or a banker; your work and passions matter and deserve to be treated with reverence. By living in the light of Christ, we worship God in truth and kindness and live out our true life’s mission.
Lord, in stormy seas, we thank you for your light.
You bring hope in the darkest moments, always burning bright.
Lord, in calm waters, we thank you for your patience.
You anchor all with graceful talents, always strengthening.
Lord, with merciful acceptance, you support and guide us,
Always with love and dignity.
Lord, lead us towards almighty truth,
Guide us with your Spirit, so that our lives may reflect the beauty of your blessings.
Amen.Within every hope and flicker of a dream is a core value bursting with love, true brilliance and wonder; it is ever ready to shine. It is our values and talents, both God-given, that when combined create our unique yet powerful purpose; one we would be wise to follow.

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