I’m sure I’m not the only one whose social life gets an upgrade in the summer. During the warmer months, I am the sender and recipient of what seems like hundreds of invitations to go here, there and everywhere.
Morning coffee dates, afternoon brunches and evening drinks fill my calendar in a relentless pursuit to network, be social and connect with friends. This fits my “Go, go, go!” nature but does also leave me feeling somewhat overwhelmed at times.
My role as magazine editor requires me to be outgoing and chatty as I promote Woman Alive and grow awareness of the brand. Similarly, as an author I’m expected to be very present on social media. With this in mind, it has become too easy for me to fill my time with stuff in the name of doing what I believe God has called me to do, but what about rest?
I definitely need to get better at taking time off. This summer I intend to make the most of any downtime I have. God gave us the command to take a Sabbath rest so we can’t – and shouldn’t – ignore that.
Issue favourites:
On the topic of rest, Clare Backhouse explains the benefits of learning God’s rhythm for daily life on page 38. I loved speaking with children’s TV presenter Gemma Hunt for this issue.
Some of you may recognise her smiling face from CBBC but did you also know that she’s a Christian who was called by God to be ‘light in the darkness of the media’ when she was 16? Read her story on page 6.
Pat Brooker shares her ‘Life Lessons’ journey on page 48 and it comes with a trigger warning for anyone who might have suffered abuse. But her story is inspiring and reading how God is at work in her life is reassuring for us all.
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