All Editorial articles
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: I am a married woman but have a crush on my best friend’s husband
In our fortnightly column ‘Great Sexpectations’ we answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us an email on and ask us anything. Here, Marcia Dixon responds to a reader who feels attracted to a man that is not her husband.
Woman Alive exists because of your support, so here's our Christmas gift to you...
A message from the editor, Tola-Doll Fisher
Feb 2024: 'Should women propose?'
Women Alive editor, Tola Doll Fisher shares what’s coming up in the February issue, and asks, as it is a leap year, are you planning on proposing to the man in your life?
It’s important to take a Sabbath and I don’t think we should live without it
We know the Bible talks about a Sabbath rest, but is it really possible in todays frenetic world? Wai Jia Tam shares how she learnt that the busier she was, the more important it was to take the time to meet with God.
Jan 2024: 'You are part of an incredible group of inspiring women'
A message from Doll for the new year
It’s Christmas Day – how are you doing?
In the midst of the gift giving, food preperation and social engagements, Christmas Day isn’t always the day of joy it’s supposed to be, says Woman Alive’s deputy editor, Jemimah Wright. So if you are not feeling great today, here is a little reminder that you are not alone.
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: My husband won’t stop watching porn and I know it’s going to break our marriage, what should I do?
In our fortnightly column ‘Great Sexpectations’ the Woman Alive panel answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us a confidential email on and ask us anything. Here, we answer a questions about porn - what do you do when your husband won’t stop watching it?
Have you bought all your Christmas presents yet? Here is why I feel conflicted about gift-giving this year
With the cost of living crisis and prices rising, buying Christmas presents can feel a little overwhelming. Writer, Amari Yogendran shares how she has taken over the family gift giving role, and looks at where the tradition came from.
Christians in Armenia are still being kidnapped, here is why I think you need to know about it
Armenia, the first Christian nation, needs our prayers this Christmas says resident of the country, Dana Fitzgerald. As war is ongoing with Azerbaijan and Christians are being held in Baku and Pakistan, we must pray for mercy, comfort, and freedom of the captives.
Pop singer Pink is giving away copies of banned books at her concerts and I think she is right to do so
Following news that the state of Florida has banned certain books in school libraries, here is writer Alex Noel on why she shares Pink’s view that book bans are a danger to freedom of speech and self expression.
Political treachery? Spying? Welcome to the first Christmas
At the time of Christ’s birth, ‘peace’ was maintained by the Roman occupying force, but under the surface, spying and oppression countered the risk of rebellion, says Rosemary Hector. Today Palestine and Israel are engulfed in appalling suffering, how far is that from the first Christmas?