Editorial from July 2021
There’s nothing quite like summer in the UK. I travelled abroad for most of my summer holidays when I was younger and that tradition has continued into adulthood. When we talk about annual leave in the office, the first question is usually: “Going anywhere nice?” The assumption being, of course, that you are flying off to some Instagram-worthy exotic location.
Over the last 18 months, there has been an undercurrent of almost desperation from those of us who would usually take off to a beach destination for spontaneous weekends away or spend our half terms in a holiday home. COVID-19 cancelled everything.
But for someone with a significant amount of travelling experience, I have rarely been past north of Manchester – I know, shocking and feel free to judge away! As a Londoner, the only time I left the comfy confines of the M25 was from an airport to a foreign destination. Lockdown, and a recent move outside the city, has shown me how beautiful the UK is, and no more so than when the sun shines benevolently on it.
I saw a post on Twitter not too long ago about how the term ‘staycation’ has an air of snobbery around it. It suggests that a holiday without a passport is somewhat less than. I mentioned in a previous issue that simply by having a dark skin tone I need more sunshine, but this is exactly why I think spending the summer – when there is actually sunshine – in the UK is a good idea. Not only does it keep our carbon footprint down by not flying, it also means we support home tourism, which gives many people in remote parts of the UK their livelihoods.
This issue focuses on children and young people. I don’t have any, but I feel for parents this summer who will need to find endless things for them to do! If you are not a parent or carer but have children and/or young people in your community, do reach out if you have capacity – it takes a village to raise a child after all.
Tola-Doll Fisher