Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention


Healed of anorexia aged 75 

It is thanks to Woman Alive magazine that I read about Mercy UK, an organisation supporting people with mental health issues. I wondered if they would accept someone like me, who had had anorexia since her teens and was nearing 75 years of age. I went through several hospital in-patient treatments as a young woman and, amazingly, was brought back to life by God’s grace on the first occasion! At the time, anorexia was thought of as a slimming disease and mental health was not to be talked about; there was a real stigma about it. More recently, I had experienced therapy with no success either. The professionals were lovely people and helpful but not Christian, and as soon as I was released from hospital or therapy there was always a gradual decline. However, Mercy UK accepted me and, using their ‘tools’, I have been released from this ravaging slavery. The programme was hard work but after completing the study, which is fundamentally Bible-based, I am free and staying free. Thank you Woman Alive. Thank you to Mercy UK and the wonderful facilitator and psychologist, who were so understanding and sensitive Christian people who I felt able to trust. Most of all thanks and praise to God.

I still have various medical issues because of the condition invading my body for so long, but the Bible tells us “they will still bear fruit in old age” [Psalm 92:14] so I pray my life story will help others, giving God the glory.


Missing necklace found

In the late 1960s I was on a walk with a young people’s group and my then boyfriend (now husband). We were walking over our local hill through countryside. We had walked quite a distance when I discovered that of the gift my then boyfriend had given me of a gold cross and chain, the chain was loose around my neck and the cross was missing. There didn’t seem any hope of finding it, but we prayed and retraced our steps then found it in the middle of a country road. Don’t underestimate the power of prayer; I have the gold cross still after over 50 years, but we never forget that day when a miracle happened.


Waiting for a camera from God  

In October 2023 my joy was indescribable as I stood on a boat called Faith in the Sea of Galilee with my miracle camera. God had said to me back in 2014: “don’t buy yourself a camera, I want to gift one to you”. Yet as every year rolled by I wondered if I had heard wrong. In 2016 in Hong Kong, I had felt led to buy a rainbow multi-coloured strap in faith for the promise yet to come. But the years kept passing by and there were many moments I wanted to give up or take shortcuts, yet I kept feeling the Lord whisper encouragement to me that he would be faithful to his words. Yet it wasn’t until 2022, just after my birthday, that I received a call out of the blue from someone saying they would like to buy me a new camera! With tears rolling down my cheeks I couldn’t believe it! Due to the time I had waited for it, my thankful levels were that much greater and the joy that much deeper. So, I want to encourage you — no matter the time frame the gift takes to come, he is faithful. I have felt so encouraged from this miracle that no matter the promise God has given, wait for it. It will be worth the wait.


Healed of mental health struggles

I became a Christian when I was ten. I grew up in a local Baptist church and had summers at Christian camps, but when I was a teenager I went away from the Church. I began a journey of what I would call a toe-dipping faith. I always had some faith, I definitely believed in Jesus, but my prayers were typically: “Help me, I need you.” It wasn’t ever a personal relationship. I suffered sexual abuse from when I was a young child and never shared or processed it. I carried it for years with a lot of shame, and the unresolved trauma presented itself in me making really poor life choices. My behaviours reflected what I was feeling, consequently I suffered poor mental health. It went under the radar and I was undiagnosed for a long time. My behaviour choices were destructive to myself and those around. For a while, I quite liked that way of living. 

In 2021, I was worked as a nurse during COVID and suffered significant trauma. I came out with a clinical diagnosis of PTSD and depression. I was in a really lonely, dark place. My [Christian] mum saw an advertisement on Facebook for a church play group and suggested it to me as a way of integrating back into looking after my son independently. I remember walking through the doors of Revive church’s Stay and Play with my son and felt safe there. I couldn’t really explain that but know now that it was Jesus. I started going to the Sunday service. For months I was the last one in the door, first one out. I always sat on the back row and did anything to avoid the inevitable awkward post church chit chat. But I quickly changed my mindset and embarked on the most life-changing discipleship with Jesus.

My mental health struggles had led to a lot of psychiatric care. My GP referred me into the community mental health team and a care plan was agreed that meant I was safe enough in the community. I had suicide ideation but did not attempt suicide. I had intense specialist therapy, prescribed medication and for a long time that worked well. I still believe in those things, as Jesus doesn’t just heal in one way. Sometimes it looks like being able to say I need specialist help. For myself, that was a part of my healing but no longer my story. Essentially the difference between where I am now and where I was, is Jesus. My pastor led me in Sozo deliverance healing. I don’t need any medication now, and I am ten months sober. I was able to forgive my abuser, which 30 years on was only because of God. I had spent many hours in therapy where I tried to forgive but could not. I heard the phrase: “The story’s not over” recently. There was a time in my life when I wanted my story to be over. There was no other way; there was no hope, no joy. I hope that my story can show you that when you feel like there is no hope, there is Jesus – and he will turn your life around.


What’s your story?

Testimonies are an important way of encouraging each other in faith and we’d love to hear your personal experiences of God, whether that’s a miracle story or Jesus standing with you in the storm. 

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Please include your first name with your correspondence – but do let us know if you want to share anonymously. Entries may be edited for length and clarity.