A message from Doll
I’m in a pensive mood this month. Just over a year ago I returned to my new home in the Cotswolds having put to bed the last chemotherapy treatment. As someone who has always been particularly sporty, and with a mother fastidious about nutritional health, I never thought I would get sick.
In fact, whenever flu season rolled back around, I would confidently attest: “I’m fine, I don’t get sick!” But get sick I did, and it was a trauma to my mind and body unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.
But a year on and I am praising God for my continued and growing health. Every photo of me now, is a reminder of how far I’ve come and the extent of God’s grace in keeping me safe and well.
When you go through a life experience like this, and come out of it, in my experience you feel like you can do anything! And with God’s help, we all can. A new favourite scripture of mine is Proverbs 24:16:
“though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again”, which seems the epitome of resilience. I hold this close to my heart when life seems difficult – as it is for so many right now – and I hope it blesses you too.
Tola-Doll Fisher
Editor + Creative Director
Issue favourites: Aude Lombard’s baby daughter Juliette was diagnosed with a genetic disease while in the womb and died at 36 weeks. This heartbreaking story on page 27 is also encouraging when you read how God helped Juliette’s grieving parents transform their perspective.
I was also intrigued to read about ‘haptonomy’; a French technique that emphasises the power of touch during pregnancy. On page 42 you can read the real-life account of Samara Levy, an ordinary mum who felt led to support children in Syria but didn’t know where to begin.
God told her to start with what she had and since 2014 Samara’s Aid Appeal has provided aid to more than half a million people, and medical aid for more than 70,000.

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