A message from Doll
Woah what an issue. I am not much of a crier; combining toxic strong black woman syndrome with the stiff upper lip of a London-born Brit. However, the topics in this issue will evoke many different emotions as you read through the history and real-life experiences our contributors have shared. Here are some of my more emotional moments:
Reading about how Cathy Madavan and her family welcomed in their home a friend experiencing a marriage breakdown. As I read it, I felt compelled to express my public gratitude to Steve and Bekah Legg who did the same for me during my own experience of divorce following baby loss.
The many stories of fostering and adoption. Elaine Storkey ascertains that this is a biblical mandate and references Moses and Esther, two biblical heroes whose stories began under this support system.
Finding out about the Slave Bible, a heavily censored version of the Bible that was handed to slaves to make sure they behaved. This honestly made me think that it is nothing short of a miracle that so many black people remain Christians to this day.
There’s a lot to digest in this issue; do take your time.
Love and blessings,
Editor + Creative Director

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