A message from the editor, Tola-Doll Fisher
Telling stories is one of the things we’re very good at, and here at Woman Alive we are working hard at being so much more than just a magazine. We are your community and that means whether you simply enjoy the content or we interview you about your business, your life lessons, your salvation story, your testimonies or your dilemmas – you are part of a much wider sisterhood.*
If you are new to Woman Alive, welcome! We love meeting new people so do drop us an email telling us what you’re enjoying most about being part of this community. Do you feel there’s something missing? We’re all ears, so what would you like to see more of? Your feedback is discussed at our membership focus meetings.
And now to how you are doing. The beginning of a new year is always a good time to take stock of the past and reflect on the future. What are you grateful for and what are you looking forward to over the next twelve months?
As editor and creative director, I take my position at the helm very seriously and will continue to create content that I believe will bring you joy and, more importantly, give God glory.
Love and blessings,
Editor + Creative Director
*Please send an email to
womanalive@premier.org.uk if you want to feature in any of the following sections:
In business: your entrepreneurial journey
Life lessons: your story (for those women aged 70+)
Great sexpectations: your questions about sex, intimacy and relationships, answered by a dedicated panel
Signs & wonders: your stories of God working miracles or simply standing with you in the storm
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