Here are the latest news, views and ideas from the Woman Alive community

Loving the themes 


I have loved the themed issues. It has encouraged me to see life from others’ perspectives. Whilst some may not have been directly relevant to my life - for instance the focus on singles, it was still brilliant as I have a number of single friends and it was helpful for me to better understand how to support and help them. What I particularly love about the themes is how each writer contributes something different - like a facet on a gem - which produces a sparkling whole, in the magazine, set in place with Doll’s editorial.  I really look forward to my magazine and I always find something to encourage, uplift and challenge me in each issue. It does everything I think a successful magazine should do. 

Michaela, by email

I would like to say how much I am enjoying the new themed issues. It is great to have a magazine that is different from the popular woman’s magazine. Like Jane and Wendy mentioned in the August issue, there are certain themes that maybe don’t quite interest us as much as others, but as Veronica Zundel wrote: “we need to broaden our reading lists beyond what is deemed safe”. So true. So even if it’s not my favourite theme I still devour the magazine and I also learn so much more that way too. Please keep up the good work. Definitely the best magazine out.

Evelyn, by email


Fantastic read!

I just read August’s Woman Alive. It was a fantastic read! Lovely to have a theme each month. I really enjoy ‘Signs and Wonders’. I loved the Book Bingo pages by Amy. I also loved reading Elaine Storkey’s article on why the Bible is such a good read. I will take notes before I pass the magazine on. I also found the last article about Emma Randall wonderful. I thought the tip box for budding illustrators was brilliant. I think that it could apply to all creative gifts.

Juliet, via Woman Alive Book Club Facebook page


Topic heavy

Thank you for having the courage to include some negative feedback on the comments page. I have to say I agree with the comments. I have wondered a couple of times whether to cancel my subscription, but it’s the only Christian magazine I know of aimed at women and so I’m loathe to do so. I think the comment (last month) that you have four regular columns was a bit disingenuous as even those writers have obviously been told to stay on theme. Having said all that, this month’s topic of books does break the mould somewhat as the articles are so varied within that topic. I also like the return of the prayer in this month’s issue. I do pray Tola will soon be fully recovered and that Jemimah will enjoy her time as editor; it can’t be an easy task trying to please everyone.

Ann, via email



What content have you been loving and sharing this issue? Remember, as part of the Woman Alive community you not only have your print magazine but you also have access to: 

• The Woman Alive Book Club group on Facebook – for book reviews and conversations
• The Woman Alive page on Facebook – for the latest news on your magazine
• The Woman Alive website – for blog posts and video content
• The Woman Alive Instagram account @WomanAliveUK
• The Woman Alive Twitter account @WomanAliveUK

If you have anything to share, contact us by email using or write to us at the address on page 4. (Please note that as we are not currently working full-time in the office, the fastest way to get in touch is by email.) Emails may be edited for length and clarity.
