Sue Gray describes how she became a doula and why she is passionate about helping mothers and newborns
‘This is a role over which one has absolutely no control. Nobody invites you to become a grandparent! Reactions vary hugely, from delight, to dismay at becoming ‘old’ to everything in between,’ says Rosemary Hector, as she shares some of her experiences of becoming a grandparent.
‘I’d rather know this ‘anxious generation’ as the ‘feeling generation’. They now have the vocabulary to articulate their fears. This is a blessing and a curse,’ says Rachel Allcock
‘This year’s theme for International Women’s Day particularly excites me in that it’s inclusive of all ages, as I believe we’re never too young to receive truth. Reinforcement of sound doctrine is essential in an age of cultural promiscuity where the boundaries of identity are disputed,’ says Hannah Wickens.
Rhiannon Goulding says it’s time we stop pretending and allow our families the grace to be real
‘The bill proposes objectives that at first glance ostensibly shield children from potential harm, even from well-intentioned but ‘ill-informed’ parents. In reality, the small print will render parents defenceless against state intrusion,’ says Hannah Wickens.
The teenage years can be difficult for everyone. Rhiannon Goulding says it is how you behave that will impact and teach your children the most
In her first column, Rhiannon Goulding says it is time to consider what we want to pass on to our children without simply following what everyone else is doing
In our fortnightly column ‘Great Sexpectations’ we answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us an email on and ask us anything. Here we answer someone who misses her life before having a baby.
‘I’ve learned that Christmas isn’t about achieving perfection. It’s about celebrating love, laughter, and the birth of our Saviour during all the craziness,’ says Salomé Criddle.
In her final column, Cathy Madavan reminds us that we all have our part to play in encouraging the next generation
With a recent survey revealing more women are deciding not to have children, Alex Noel looks at the Church’s attitude in response
Cathy Madavan reminds us that our children are learning what godly living looks like by watching us
Rebekah Watkiss thought she would not be able to get through the emotional and physical pain of losing her firstborn, but she says, ‘I discovered God’s grace was truly sufficient in each and every moment.’
’Raising a teen in these times seems almost impossible, but Laura Ingalls gives me a model of what true joy and contentment can look like,’ says Kate Orson.
Anna Hill looks at the effect of social media on our children, and says, ’Any government raising essential questions about our children’s safety and mental health, particularly as they navigate the complex world of online connections, identity, and peer pressure, is on to a win, in my opinion.’
Dr Belle Tindall on her experiences of interviewing those involved in setting homeless children in families
The offer of free childcare has caused Hannah Wickens to prayerfully contemplate the conflict she felt about accepting it, and wonders if the reason she felt incensed was that childcare is not regarded as ‘work’.
’Raising my daughter without my mother’s physical presence, even just over these past few months, has pushed me to lean into God’s promises more than ever,’ says Bethany Hobbs.
Holly Wright explains why she feels she is partnering with God as she educates her four children outside of mainstream schooling
Cathy Madavan tackles this parenting paradox with helpful advice she’s learned through raising her two grown-up daughters
Hope Bonarcher reflects on her own teenage years and says that ’feeling as though I’m doomed to relive my own agonizing teen journey vicariously through my teenager rekindles some of my deepest seated fears.’
‘I can confidently assert that it increases bonding, creating strong foundations for a child’s emotional resilience,’ says Hannah Wickens, as she acknowledges the dedication of Olympian Clarisse Agbegnenou.
Eliza Bailey observes from antenatal classes that grandparents ’might not agree with modern guidance’, and considers what the Bible has to say.
Cathy Madavan encourages us to remember that we won’t simply repeat what our mothers did – but nor should we expect our daughters to be just like us
Cathy Madavan on why the great outdoors should not be restricted to the playground of men and boys
Songwriter Mia Fieldes moved to Hillsong in Sydney aged 17 and has written many celebrated worship songs for herself and others but she has faced particular difficulty in her personal life
Cathy Madavan urges us to stop comparing ourselves to other mums, and our daughters to theirs
Instead of falling into the negative stereotype, Tania West has a unique take on her role as mother-in-law as she looks to the words of John the Baptist for guidance.
Parenting solo can be tough, but as Katherine Ryan shares, it can also be the most beautiful, precious relationship. Harriet Sanders explains why Katherine’s words touched her, and how they can point us to God, who turns all things for good.
Cathy Madavan believes reinforcing our own family’s values through our unique traditions and routines is vital
Mother’s Day became painful for Sarah Portal after her mother died when she was 22. Later, she felt the pain of waiting for children via adoption. Now Sarah is a mother, she describes both the pain and the joys of the day.
A few weeks after having a baby, Shakira Peronet said to her husband ‘please remind me to not give advice to new mothers unless they’ve asked for it’. She explains what we can do to support them instead.
Cathy Madavan acknowledges the benefits but also the pitfalls of today’s tech-filled world, and offers advice on how to navigate it all with the younger generation
Dr Belle Tindall shines a light on the gender-reveal parties that reveal a dark attitude towards women and girls
Sarah Bennington was a happy and frequent flyer before she had children but when a work trip to Zimbabwe came up, she struggled with the fear of leaving them behind. Here is what she learned.
Cheryl Wilding shares the challenges and joys of parenting two children with additional needs
Cathy Madavan shares ways in which we can navigate the emotional rollercoaster of supporting our daughters as they date
Since Covid, persistent absenteeism from school has increased. To tackle this problem a new form of school has been introduced, but at £4,000 a term, Lucy Rycroft wonders how accessible it really is.
What does it mean to be a holy woman in a modern world? Megan Madden writes about finding fulfilment in taking a traditional role in the home, and why she believes it glorifies God.
In her new column, Cathy Madavan shares ways in which we can encourage the young women in our lives to embrace who they are
More and more women are having babies in their 50s, Woman Alive deputy editor Jemimah Wright looks at what the Bible says about having a baby in ‘old’ age.
Hope Virgo asserts that parents suffering from mental ill-health really need the Church to step up and provide support
It's difficult to know how to handle elderly relatives if they say something racist, here Cassandra Maria explains why it's important to speak up.
Sophie Dianne hoped for children but those dreams seemed over when she received a diagnosis in 2022. But then God stepped in to give her new hope.
Rachel Allcock reflects on her years as a primary school mum and the relationships she's built at the school gate.
Author, podcast host and founder of award-winning teen girls platform Girl Got Faith, Emma Borquaye, wife of rapper ‘Guvna B’ speaks with Jane Knoop about the highs and lows of motherhood, and the realities of being married to a famous rapper
Award-winning mentor and speaker Funke Oham had her life all mapped out, until she realised conceiving wouldn’t be as easy as she thought.
Shannon Cramer was devastated when she found out she couldn’t carry her own children but then another incredible family stepped in.
Christian writer Kate Orson explains why her past experiences with the new age mean that she would never try hypnosis and hypnobirthing.
Writer, speaker and broadcaster Sheridan Voysey shares his experience of infertility and explains why we need to talk about the damage it can do to men as well as women.
Picking out the perfect name for your newborn child is a big decision. Here, journalist Lauren Windle shares a few options from the Bible.
Midwife Chloe Edmonds explains why she would encourage her mothers to explore their mystical connection with Christ when giving birth.
Picking out the perfect name for your child is a big decision, journalist Lauren Windle helps out with a few options from the Bible.
New research suggests that 98% of women in the UK want to return to work after maternity leave, but only 13% make it back full time. The reasons? Sky-high childcare costs and inflexible employers…
After Carrie Jones had her first child, it was nine years until she had another successful pregnancy. She never imagined she would give birth to quintuplets – thanks to the determined prayers of her eldest
Our contributor from fostering and adoption charity Home For Good shares her reflections on waiting to become a parent after being approved to adopt.
Rev Jules Middleton shares the realities of being a 'ministry mum' this Mothering Sunday.
Children’s charity Home for Good has launched an urgent appeal in response to an unprecedented shortage of homes for children who need them and a desperate need for more foster carers in the UK.
A reader shares her and her husband Jeremy’s journey of adoption and what it showed them about the heart of God
Hope Bonarcher threw herself into motherhood, trying to do everything perfectly. But, as she became more and more exhausted, God began to teach her a better way
Author Gemma E Asafo-Adjei explains that a woman doesn’t need a mother of her own to be an amazing parent.
We don’t know if Jesus was born without any pain to Mary, but the process of childbirth is not straightforward. Here Chelsea Boes explains how she realised she was suffering from trauma three years after having a baby
Amy Ellison is the proud step-mother to her partner’s children. Here she explains the honour God has put on the role, even if at times it can feel like a struggle.
Home for Good’s Rosie Killick explains the things she loves about the new John Lewis Christmas advert - the tale of a couple preparing to foster a teenage girl.
This World Adoption Day, writer Lucinda Smith, explains that we are all welcomed in and adopted by God and explores how that identity should help us break free from fear and anxiety.
Mum Anna’s oldest daughter is just seven years old but she’s already feeling the effects of technology as her friends are less interested in connecting and more interested in their phones.
For minister Sophie Bannister, every Sunday is “Bring Your Child to Work Day” which create some unique challenges. Here she reflects on her two vital callings; motherhood and ministry - and asks which comes first?
Helping children understand death and grief is a challenge, but mum-of-two Sarah Jones, explains that the Queen’s death is an opportunity to speak to our children about God and Jesus and the promise of eternal life.
‘Single parenthood is one of the most precarious states’ says writer Emily Beater, who explains the trials she faces in a church environment and how we can all support single parents better.
With two grown-up daughters, Cathy Madavan shares advice and wisdom on navigating the huge transition that occurs as children leave home
Plenty of parents post snaps of their children to social media. Here, leadership parenting coach, Sarah Hamaker, explains the things that you should think through before clicking ’upload’.
God isn’t afraid of difficult teens and even had one of his own in Samson. Here, author Hilary Higgins, explains why you should take heart if you’re struggling with your child’s adolescence as you have no idea what God will call them to.
Retired head teacher Angie Jones challenges Christian parents to check whether their priorities are based on God’s principles or our consumer-driven culture.
Breast may be best, but breastfeeding is no walk in the park, says mum-of-two Rachel Pearce. Here she shares her five top tips for feeding little ones.
This weekend brings World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. To mark the occasion Louise Morse from Pilgrims’ Friend Society explains why grandparents can play a vital role in the faith of our children.
Victoria Hinton co-parents her two sons Isaac, seven, and Arthur, five, with her ex partner Dave. The pair have managed to find a set up that works for them and their sons, and good communication is at the heart of it.
Victoria Jennings, founder of Bloom Baby Classes, suffered from post-natal depression after having her first child. Here she explains that it also affects ten per cent of men and what steps you can take if you suspect your partner needs support.
July sees the end of the academic year – a relief to students finishing their exams but possibly daunting to children starting new schools in September
Rachel Pearce offers her top tips for holiday bliss as she prepares to travel abroad with two very little people and a happy-go-lucky husband. What could possibly go wrong?
Gaming addiction in young people increased drastically in recent years. Addiction specialist Lauren Windle explains how to spot the signs and what you can do if you’re concerned for your children.
Writer Andy Kind is the father to two young girls, here he explains what he hopes to teach his daughters as they venture into the world.
Children are often glued to a screen and getting them to put it down in favour of a book is a difficult task. Here Isabell Fisher, co-founder of Little Hands Learning, shares her three tips for getting your children excited about reading.
Mum Lucy Rycroft was delighted when her talented son was picked for the local football team, until she realised that matches were on a Sunday morning. Here, she explains why she insists on church before activities for her children.
Speaking to children about race in an open and appropriate way can be a challenge. Loretta Andrews, author of Talking to Children about Race gives her five tips for tackling the tricky topic.
As GCSE, A level and general end-of-year exam season is nearly upon us, Claire Musters shares some practical ways to be there for the young people in your household who are sitting exams this term
Rachel Pearce was worried that telling her daughter about Jesus’ death might scar her for life. Little did she know that the Easter story was about to take a surprising turn…
Every stage of parenting poses its unique challenges. Each fortnight mum-of-babies Rachel Pearce and and mum-of-teens Claire Musters compare notes on the ups and downs of everyday life. This time: tackling the mess.
Whether you’ve experienced discrimination in the workplace since becoming pregnant or simply want to know what you’re entitled to, this guide from Rachel Pearce should help.
The cost of everything is rising, so while we want to mark Easter and Jesus’ resurrection in a big way - many of us don’t have any cash to splash at the moment. Here are some ideas to keep costs down and fun high.
Laura Grant and her husband had planned to wait two years before trying for a baby until someone challenged her to ask God if and when he wanted their family to grow.
Every stage of parenting poses its unique challenges. Each fortnight mum-of-babies Rachel Pearce and and mum-of-teens Claire Musters compare notes on the ups and downs of everyday life. This time: date nights.
Flowers, a spa day voucher…a rubber chicken? Rachel Pearce shares her all-time present lowlights.
Friends is having a comeback as a whole new batch of teens follow the exploits of the six main characters. Here writer Lauren Windle, explains why she thinks you should let your older children watch it and why you should watch it with them too.
Smacking your child will be made illegal in Wales this week. While in England the government is encouraging people to call the police if they witness a parents smacking their child. We asked four women about their experiences of smacking and what they thought of the new rules.
For those who’ve often dodged questions about science and faith, because it all seems too overwhelming and they’d like to get it right, Christian scientist Steph Bryant explains how to encourage your children to celebrate God through science.
The pandemic saw a huge increase in our, and our children’s, screentime. Katherine Hill, author of book Left to Their Own Devices? explains how you can encourage your children to have safer screen time.
Avoid these five faux pas if you want to keep your pregnant friends, advises Rachel Pearce.
Mum-of-two Jade Reynolds explains that while being a parent is tough for us all, paralysis created big hurdles for her when it came to caring for her children.
It’s the job of parents to protect and inform their children, which is easier said than done when it comes to a topic as horrific as war. Here Lauren Windle explores the experts’ advice for navigating the tough conversation.
*Guaranteed in the sense that even if they don’t fall asleep because of the song, they will – at some point, eventually, once all hope is lost – fall into a light slumber that lasts just long enough for you to nip to the loo.
Clare Luther made the counter-cultural decision not to have a smart phone when her children were young. Here she explains the benefits it had for her family.
The latest trend of ‘Conscious Parenting’ may sound like a passing craze to be ignored. But mum-of-three Rebecca Hunter-Kelm explains how doing it with Jesus can be transformational.
Despite the constant messages that mums need ’wine o’clock’ just to get by, as Christians we know Jesus offers a radically different perspective and dialogue, says author Clare Luther.
Worried about how much time your children spend on their computers and their phones? Katherine Hill explains how to put healthy technology boundaries in place with your kids.
Mum-of-three, Sarah Jones, always knew she wanted to stay home with her children and set up her family and finances so that she could. Now, six years in, she explains why, despite not being able to afford the insta-worthy house and regular manicures, she wouldn’t change a thing.
Singer Jessie J and Hollyoaks actress Jorgie Porter have both spoken out about the shock and overwhelming sadness they experienced due to a miscarriage, baby loss charity founder Zoe Clark-Coates MBE explained why it’s more important that we listen to people’s stories of loss than ever.
Catherine Etherington, the Head of Recovery for the UK-based Naked Truth Project, talks about their mission to free lives from the damaging impact of sexual addictions
Kate Neal says the growth of social media seems to have created a society in which bullying is more prevalent than ever before, with devastating and even life-altering effects
Rachel Gardner urges us to get over our embarrassment and fear of saying the wrong thing, because we have a vital role in helping to shape young people’s attitudes towards relationships and sex
On World Adoption Day, Chrissi Pegg shares the story of how she and her husband came to adopt their two daughters
A new report from Home for Good highlights the benefits of support lodgings as a way for young people to receive support within a family environment. Lucy Colman explains how individuals and local churches can provide a vital safety net for teenagers in the care system
During National Fertility Awareness Week (1-5 November) we look at how employers are beginning to recognise the need to support those experiencing fertility issues – it is time the Church did the same
Is it a trick or is it a treat? Rachel Pearce explores whether the opportunities Halloween presents outweigh the fears many Christians have about celebrating this contentious festival
Tania Bright believes National Adoption Week (18-23 October) is a great time to alert society to the amazing opportunity we have to give vulnerable children a loving, safe and stable home
Lauren Windle shines the spotlight on Netflix’s new, extremely popular, show
To mark Baby Loss Awareness Week (9-15 October) Tammy Tunnah shares about her traumatic miscarriage and how mentally agonising her next pregnancy was, and we look at the place of art therapy in processing baby loss
Reflecting on the excitement and heartache involved when our children head off to university
As Childhood Cancer Awareness month draws to a close Jess George shares how her faith was tested when her son had cancer
Dr Kate Middleton, psychologist and project lead for Headstrong – an online teen mental health and wellbeing site – responds to reports that Instagram may increase teen anxiety, depression and body image concerns.
Restored director Bekah Legg believes parents have a pivotal part to play in protecting young people from physical and online abuse
CARE chief executive Nola Leach calls for age-check porn legislation
Sharon Bricker, 73, was mum to three boys, but she always dreamed of having a daughter. After a hysterectomy due to ill health, she wondered how it would ever happen
We can celebrate the positives that gaming holds for young people
Claire Musters, mum to two teenagers, considers how we can all – whether parents/carers or not - support young people this summer and beyond
Given the response we had to the piece on young people’s mental health in May’s issue*, we know that many of you have experienced huge highs and lows over the last 18 months in your families. Here, author Lucy Rycroft gives a snapshot of the impact of COVID-19 on children’s and parents’ mental health, and claims it was no mistake that God picked you to parent your kids
As we finally start meeting for coffee, going for walks and even having people in our homes, Joy Vee asks the Church to reach out to her teenage children.
As schools begin to break up for the summer, Katharine Hill, UK director of Care for the Family, encourages parents to remember that they truly are the people best placed to help their children adjust.
Founder of the Princess Project, Emma Tanner, looks back over the past ten years of the charity, and celebrates how God has used it to transform women’s lives.
We hear from Tom Morgan about what life is like as a single and childless church leader, especially on days like Father’s Day.
As we approach Father’s Day, Andy Frost thinks back to how his dad influenced his own Christian journey when he was younger. He also shares details of a great new resource to help fathers as they take their kids on an adventure of faith.
Shovorne Adams was judged for being a single mum at 17. But God never left her alone, providing love, protection and hope for her future
Alastair McIver reports on how a Christian-run hospital is pioneering a new ‘respect’ agenda in Bangladesh
As we continue to think about maternal mental health, Lindsay Rumbold bravely shares her own experiences after giving birth to her son.
Sarah Everard's abduction and death have sparked conversations on the things women have to do to stay safe from male predators. Here we look at how boys can grow up with a healthy view of women and girls
As many children have gone back to school this week, Claire Musters takes a look at how parents have found the experience of home schooling