TV presenter, Tearfund ambassador and now author Gemma Hunt talks to our editor Doll Fisher, about how her career has developed
Walking through a field on a warm August evening, my eye caught sight of a glimmer of colour. There, standing tall but alone in the middle of the field, was the glorious bright yellow head of a sunflower. It seemed confident and not at all out of place among the dreary brown vegetation. Its bright, sun-filled face beamed at the world beyond
Elaine Storkey unpacks the story of the two sisters, and shows us that the traditional interpretation doesn’t give us the full picture
Stories of God’s intervention
‘It’s so exciting to be heading up a brand with such rich history and potential’
Stories of God’s intervention
Margaret Reed Roberts was diagnosed in her late 40s. Here she describes the unsettling journey it has taken her on
‘Watching her speak about Jesus and what he has done for her is so refreshing. She is not apologetic, or embarrassed about naming Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. Instead she simply appears grateful for what he has done in her life,’ says Woman Alive deputy editor, Jemimah Wright.
What is the difference between a divine appointment, a movie ‘meet-cute’, or just simply serendipity? In biblical terms, a divine appointment is when God sets the stage for a meeting that changes everything, and Jemimah Wright says maybe we should pray for more of them.
In the Autumn of 2020, Jo Lee was leading the women’s ministry in her local church, when she felt God say: ‘Dream big Jo, it’s time to go wider.’ After meeting with some women to pray, RISE was birthed - to encourage, empower, and inspire women from around the globe to transform the world around them, one life at a time.
‘Biblical illiteracy is something I think that the current generation is struggling with and I therefore appreciate museums like this that host evidence of the reliability of scriptures,’ says Maxine Harrison.
‘This year’s theme for International Women’s Day particularly excites me in that it’s inclusive of all ages, as I believe we’re never too young to receive truth. Reinforcement of sound doctrine is essential in an age of cultural promiscuity where the boundaries of identity are disputed,’ says Hannah Wickens.
Julie Anderson, along with her husband, Rod, led The Prayer Foundation and were Senior Leaders of Commonwealth Church in London. Julie died on the 24th Feb and as Julie’s ‘spiritual daughter’ Bobbi Kumari shares a tribute.
For World Book Day, Kate Orson offers insght into six books that have helped encourage her in tough times.
As public figures Grimes and Cord Jefferson discuss the death of religion,and whether God even exists, Jemimah Wright says we need to look at it as an encouragement to share the good news of Jesus to those around us.
‘Today our land is just as broken and desperate as a century ago. Will we allow God to stir us in the same way for precious souls? It’s time for repentance and turning from our wicked ways, time for humbling ourselves, to seek the face of our God in prayer and fasting,’ says Theresa Shurey.
Prayer and Reflection
Rev Katherine Chow reveals how shallow the narrative we are sold daily truly is, and suggests we embrace God’s better way instead – as Leah did
Candy Ellie Graham, Founder of Cultural Fashion Week, highlights inspirational Christian women who reflect the beauty of diversity within the Church with their thoughts on how culture enriches our collective faith journey.
Lynn Swart was born into a privileged family in South Africa and then had an accident that left her paralysed, but that did not stop the plans God had for her
Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention
‘A vast crowd united in their focus, not on a carefully tended pitch, but on the Saviour who effectively paid the entry fee for us to be there. Here we’ll be more participants than spectators, and thoroughly exuberant!’ says author, Jenny Sanders as she compares a cheering football stadium with heaven.
‘Our earthly dads will let us down, they may have abandoned us, failed to protect us or been abusive. When that’s the case, it’s very difficult not to perceive our heavenly dad through the same lens,’ says Samantha Bailie-McMurdock.
‘As Christians, we consistently need to scrutinize the leanings of the cultural zeitgeist against the truth of scripture. Would the Bible have us believe Potiphar’s wife over Joseph or trust Delilah’s honey tinged sentiments?’ asks Hope Bonarcher as she considers Bishop Marian Budde’s sermon alongside Queen Athaliah, the little known Queen of Judah.
Maxine Harrison has found the AI app helpful in answering her questions around faith and the Bible, but says we can’t rely on AI alone…
Dr Belle Tindall looks at the groundbreaking life of the first female English-language author
Prayer and reflection
Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention…
‘It’s easy to judge people who are in the public eye, but we only see an image, and don’t really know what goes on in their hearts,’ says Kate Orson after hearing Dru Hammer shared the gospel with Princess Diana.
Jessica Stark shares her fascination with cathedrals, and how celebrating them opened up the way for her next steps in life.
‘For Christian women, understanding the sacred nature of marriage intimacy can transform their perspective on relationships,’ says Jan Coleman as she gives six reasons why she believes marriage is a powerful testimony of God’s design for love and intimacy.
‘Would this be a year for us to look back and see how God has been at work, a year of letting go of things that stop us seeing God and others clearly and a year of hearing how God wants to frame the coming year?’ asks speaker and leadership consultant, Hellie Glynn.
‘If you’re tempted to stave off giving this Christmas season because of anxiety, financial stress, or even the humbug feeling from the world that says “what does it matter, it’s all just about spending money,” remember; giving is just as much for the giver as for the one who receives,’ says Hope Bonarcher.
Sophie Dianne has a message of solidarity and support for those feeling grief or pain this Christmas.
A prayer and reflection for January
Growing up feminist, Kate Orson was initially disgusted by Ephesians 5. But she says she has learned to trust that God’s way is best
Veronica Zundel responds in her usual direct manner to the statement: “Women should submit to their husbands”
Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention…
‘If you want to perpetuate the idea that all the presents beneath the tree were brought by Father Christmas, you are free to do so. Enjoy it. Your children may go along with it, or not, though if they decide he isn’t real it begs the question, will there still be presents next year?’ says Jenny Sanders.
Jessica Stark shares a testimony of supernatural insight, when the Holy Spirit intervened on a night out in Edinburgh.
‘The ultimate answer to our exhaustion is coming to God and receiving his rest,’ says Danielle Finch.
Inviting the lonely and those without families to join your Christmas Day, might be the very thing to light up the season.
Samantha Bailie-McMurdock explains how an innocuous relaxation cassette opened the door to the occult in her life.
’Advent isn’t about ticking boxes on a list or adding another tradition to our calendars. It’s an invitation to slow down and let God prepare our hearts,’ says Bethany Hobbs
A prayer and reflection for December
Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention…
On 29 November 2024, MPs will vote on the proposed bill to give terminally ill people in England and Wales the right to choose to end their life. Having lost her parents in quick succession, Danielle Finch knows the pain of watching loved ones suffer and considers what this bill might mean for Christians.
Woman Alive deputy editor, Jemimah Wright shares a story of provision that taught her an important spiritual lesson.
‘When my quiet times are dry, reading a good quality novel can help me connect with God in profoundly spiritual, and, yes, emotional, ways,’ says Nicki Copeland.
‘Hope is a way of thinking. It can break us or make us, depending on the state of our minds,’ says Pauline Newton.
Kate Orson shares her experience of making herself vulnerable on social media and the rejection that followed.
‘Witchcraft is not harmless entertainment in Haiti,’ says Ingvild Snow, as she shares the realities of the power of darkness, but reminds of us our authority and victory in Jesus.
Ann-Louise Graham says that Christians now being perceived to be the ‘bad guys’ resonates not because this is a novel concept, but because it has long been the reality. She encourages us to stand firm under opposition.
A prayer and reflection for November
Well-known speaker and author Nancy Goudie is the founder of NGM (New Generation Ministries) and runs life-changing spiritual health weekends. She explains how it all started and shares the more personal struggles and miracles along the way
Kezia Neusch is the creator of The Whole Home, an online space where she explores attainable low-impact living. Should all Christians be doing this?
Hope Bonarcher shares honestly about the sting of rejection, and learning more about herself
Veronica Zundel urges us to look at how we live not to appease campaigners, or make ourselves feel more holy, but because to do so is loving others as Jesus did
Signs & Wonders in everyday life
On World Menopause Day, Jayne Manfredi asks, ‘Does scripture tell a different story? Not one which denies the value of hormone therapy or modern medicine, but one which might support women in mind and soul whilst going through this transition?’
Bex Roberts from charity Junction 42 explains why she has hope for the female prisoners she works with, regardless of whether they fit neatly into our often man-made Christian boxes.
Maxine Harrison shares what she learned from Pastor Stephanie Ike Okafor’s new book, The Power of Your Dreams: A Guide to Hearing and Understanding How God Speaks While You Sleep.
Ruth Cooper wasn’t sure she was confident enough be a preacher or be on an outreach team, but using her teaching skills to enable people to see God’s love for them in a practical way felt more accessible.
We might think being a missionary means going to a far off land, and living amongst people of a different culture, but Lucy Burrows shares her story of God calling her to ministry in her home country.
Jemimah Wright shares a testimony of healing from the Philippines, when she saw what she describes as ‘the Bible coming to life in front of me.’
Prayer and reflection
For years, Ruth Cox felt called to serve overseas but it was a number of years before she was able to, and there was much heartache as well as joy along the way
Hope Bonarcher considers what might be behind Elon Musk’s recent statement on faith and urges us to speak up for truth
Elaine Storkey looks at the stories of Moses and Esther, explaining how they both were instrumental in Israel’s deliverance from its enemies, as well as revealing God’s heart to care for orphans throughout scripture
Your stories of God’s intervention
Dr Sheila Akomiah-Conteh unpacks the origins and teachings of the little-known 19th-century Slave Bible
From a high school romance to moving mountains in the Andes, Dr Martina John shares how the dream she and her husband shared, became a reality.
Hazel King shares her personal story of healing following a cancer diagnosis with a very slim chance of survival.
A prayer and meditation for September
Hope Bonarcher unpacks what it means to be transformed by God’s Spirit, explains why this is so different to society’s view of change, and shares radical testimonies of how individuals have been impacted by God’s life-changing grace
Signs & Wonders in everyday life
What do we do when what began as a good spiritual discipline has become dull and dreary? Jenny Sanders gives some ideas on how to meet with God in new ways.
‘Doubt is no small thing, it’s heavy, invasive and not an emotion someone can carry alone,’ says singer, Steph Porter. She shares her husband’s experience walking away from faith, and his journey back.
Prayer and reflection
Cathy Madavan reminds us that parents have a crucial role in encouraging faith and provides tips on how we can do this in our everyday, busy lives
Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention
Prayer and reflection
Your stories of God’s intervention
We can sometimes question God’s character when our circumstances are hard. Jemimah Wright remembers a time when God showed her his love and power in fulfilling her desire… to go swimming.
Prayer and Reflection
Signs & Wonders in everyday life - Your stories of God’s intervention
While waiting for her own healing, Jennifer O’Brien prayed for people randomly and often; at work, in coffee shops, anywhere.
Prayer and reflection
When Jenny Gilpin discovered she was the product of gang rape, it started her on a huge journey of healing in which she discovered the true fatherhood of God
A native New Yorker, Hope Bonarcher’s formative experience of festivals centered on drug-fuelled “raves”. Now a Christian and mum, she has learned to enjoy mainstream music events on a different level
In festival season Veronica Zundel admits that, while she loves Greenbelt, she prefers comfort to camping – but nevertheless is convinced that God loves to be on the move
Signs & Wonders in everyday life
Sinead Mcleod shares a prayer and reflection for April
Author John Bevere talks about the danger of taking offence in his classic book The Bait of Satan. Thirty years after it was first published, our modern day cancel culture is proof we might still need a reminder…
Dr Belle Tindall highlights how women are still not taken as seriously as men, but encourages us to stand up against such prejudice – as Jesus did
Veronica Zundel unpacks the differing views on the cross, and provides her own take on the meaning of Easter
Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention
In Matthew 22:36-39 Jesus was asked: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment?” and he answered: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’”
Through her own story of loss and that of Mary and Martha in John chapter 11, author Pamela Havey Lau encourages us to truly believe that our Lord feels our pain deeply and waits faithfully for us, and with us
Jill Duff, Bishop of Lancaster and former director of St Mellitus College, North West, spoke with Jane Knoop about the topsy-turvy nature of God’s kingdom
Your stories of God’s intervention
Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention
Prayer and reflection for February
Author of Image Bearers, Rachel Atkinson highlights the importance of integrating our emotional and spiritual lives
Start the new year with some inspiring words from world renowned speaker and author Joyce Meyer
Your stories of God’s intervention
Sinead McLeod shares a thought and prayer for the month of January
Sarah Hodgkinson, founder of Positioned For Promise, shares her wisdom for those struggling with the waiting.
Your stories of God’s intervention
Devon-based Lucy Grimble has led worship at venues as large as Wembley Arena and The Royal Albert Hall and her fourth album, Between the Shadow and the Sun, was released in October. Here she speaks with Jemimah Wright about how she moved from being a private worshipper to leading others
Here is a taster of a new book full of reflections, carols, poems and prayers for the festive season!
Sinead Mcleod shares a thought and a prayer for Christmas
*This article contains content of a sensitive nature that some might find disturbing*
Cathy Madavan gives us some great ideas to actively cultivate more humility in our lives
Signs & Wonders in everyday life
Beryl Moore, 87, had a dramatic conversion in her 40s after adultery and divorce, and subsequently leading a renewal and healing centre in Kent
Curate Philippa Cook explains that the struggles we face in the day-to-day are often not just earthly.
Veronica Zundel challenges us to check we are fulfilling God’s full mission mandate
Within every hope and flicker of a dream is a core value bursting with love, true brilliance and wonder; it is ever ready to shine. It is our values and talents, both God-given, that when combined create our unique yet powerful purpose; one we would be wise to follow.
Rev Kaye Gardiner spoke with Becky Hunter-Kelm about her journey from beauty therapist to vicar
Your stories of God’s intervention
Cathy Madavan encourages us all to find winsome ways to share the good news with those around us
Recently my son’s school held an eco-themed week, where the children were encouraged to walk to and from school each day while keeping a record of the nature they spotted on their travels as well as picking up litter. The growing awareness that we are in the midst of the most challenging battle of our times is irrefutable.
In August 2021 I was absolutely frazzled and God encouraged and challenged me to both seek his way and walk in it (Jeremiah 6:16). My husband and I needed to get away and during a last-minute Google search for accommodation, Dunoon in Scotland came up. We booked, borrowed my dad’s car and went.
Rev Sharon Murphy has been driven by a 20-year mission to minister to people living on the margins – especially young people impacted by alcohol and drugs
Veronica Zundel asserts that it is time to take God’s mandate to look after the world and all that it is in seriously
Fiona Stewart loved listening to stories of paranormal activity, and then one day they unexpectedly led her to God.
When the simple Pentecostal faith she inherited cracked under pressure, Dr Selina Stone’s faith evolved into a spacious, generous theology. She spoke with Jane Knoop about how this has changed her life
A thought and prayer for August
Rev Jules Middleton explains why the Christian faith is just as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago.
Kat Wordsworth shares how 'deconstructing' her faith allowed it to grow and we shouldn't be afraid of doubt.
Prayer and reflection
Your stories of God’s intervention.
Whether or not Christians believe in reincarnation is a topic frequently Googled, so here writer Lauren Windle shares her thoughts.
Author Amy Boucher Pye explains why we shouldn’t fall into the trap of cultural typecasting of these famous biblical sisters.
Prayer and reflection
In this book extract, New York Times bestselling author Joanna Gaines on how she learned to break free from years of hiding her true self, and continues to challenge untruths she has believed
Your stories of God’s intervention
Veronica Zundel unpacks how we each exercise faith every day, and the importance of evidence in the absence of proof
The Bible has a lot to say about alcohol, but is it alright for Christians enjoy a drink or should they stay away?
Sometimes we all need a break. Here, writer Rachael Cottle runs through the best UK Christian retreats for women this year.
Writer Shakira explains how her father's love and support brought her closer to Jesus, even though he wasn't a practicing Christian.
Writer Praise Kujore shares a moving insight into her faith journey, making the God of her parents, her own.
Signs & Wonders in everyday life. Your stories of God’s intervention
Alongside all the current crises they are facing – mental health challenges, societal pressures, and an epidemic of faith deconstruction that is leading some to walk away from Jesus – Liz Bewley is convinced that the Holy Spirit is moving
Victoria Armstrong is the founder of the Oasis Centre in Gorton, Manchester. When she first moved there as a student, she could never have imagined the vision God would give her
The flowers of May are the Lily of the Valley, which symbolises the return of happiness, alongside the Hawthorn, which means hope – how apt as we look forward to the longer, warmer days of summer. In Matthew 6:28–31, a simple and profound idea is presented: “And why do you ...
Veronica Zundel looks at the lost art of ‘monotasking’ and how important it is for our relationship with God
Woman Alive’s deputy editor explains how she managed to keep trusting God when it felt like her prayers weren’t being answered.
Author Andrea Sarginson explains the devastating effect the Black Death had on people’s faith in the 1300s and compares it to how people responded to the COVID pandemic.
Author of Living to Finish Well Marjie Sutton asks if we can face a fear of death by better understanding the glory of eternal life.
Woman Alive's editor Tola Doll Fisher explains that as Christians, it's a bad idea for us to adopt a 'flexitarian' approach to faith.
Philippa Cook offers practical advice to those who have decided they want to follow Jesus.
Your stories of God’s intervention
Thirty years on from the first staged play of The Passion of Jesus, Tola-Doll Fisher spoke with Charlotte de Klee, trustee and producer of Wintershall, the world-famous organisation responsible for staging award-winning productions that focus on the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus
Witnessing my mum suffer from ill-health was a challenging experience. I prayed for her recovery many times. She remained cheerful and strong in spirit throughout her illness and I feel blessed to have witnessed her courage and grace.
When Sarah Berger was faced with the most horrific bereavement she had to choose whether she would walk away from her faith or pull closer than ever into God. Here she explains her story.
Norwegian wife and mum Benedicte Mella, who lives in Kenya, went to visit Asbury University, because she heard of the revival and wanted to immerse herself in what the Holy Spirit was doing.
In 2015 I felt God tell me that I was going to have a girl, she was to be called Keziah Rose Grace and she was going to be born in Armenia (where we had just moved to). A year later I got pregnant, but had a miscarriage when the ...
It’s often said a problem shared is a problem solved, and who better to share concerns with than God? Through prayer and meditation, I have found much solace. In Joshua 1:9, we are encouraged to heed God’s commandment: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, ...
God sent Emily Emanuel to Asbury last year, six months before revival broke out. At the time she was disappointed but with hindsight she sees how he was working.
Today, the start of lent, writer Rachael Cottle shares what helps her successfully navigate 40 days of discipline and how she uses the time to bring her closer to Jesus.
Authors Lavinia Byrne and Jane McBride has an unusual suggestion for connecting with God this Lent and it involves the classic musical.
Authors of The Lives We Actually Lead, Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie, share a blessing for those who are concerned about ageing.
Your stories of God’s intervention
Sinead Mcleod’s reflection and prayer for February
Author of Caught Between Life and Death, Lee Ann Assing, offers an important reminder to believers about what which paths lead to life in its fullness.
Veronica Zundel has created an intriguing way of classifying Christians, and challenges you to think about what description reflects you best
Your stories of God’s intervention in every day life
Cathy Madavan sniggered her way through the first event she attended that was focused on women, but today is full of praise for those done well. Here she shares the benefits she has enjoyed when meeting with a room full of other women
Sinead McLeod shares a thought and prayer, living with a sense of hope
Elaine Storkey shares the deeper, biblical significance of embracing a new beginning
This year has been tough for many reasons, but here Tola Doll Fisher explains why we, as Christians, have a lot to celebrate.
In light of the news that 54 per cent of England and Wales do not describe themselves as Christian, writer Lauren Windle asks if it’s time to stop celebrating Christmas as a national holiday, and keep it as a Church event.
If you’re feeling run down or stressed this Christmas, it can be hard to pray. Here writer Christina Schuetz offers six Psalms that she prays, when she doesn’t have the words herself.
Pilgrimage is an incredible opportunity for spiritual growth and deeper connection with Jesus. Here, author Daniella Rushton shares the three most important things she learned on her trip to Jerusalem.
Your stories of God’s intervention
While many can feel overwhelmed by the festive season, Cathy Madavan gives us some great suggestions for how we can both embrace and enjoy Christmas this year.
Maxine Hallett reflects on Christmas, and gives us a prayer for the season.
Hannah Butler knows she has a lot to be grateful for as, in her teenage years she was homeless for a while. Here, she explains the role gratitude to God has in helping our mental and spiritual health and encourages all of us to say thank you to the Lord this Thanksgiving.
Writer Heather Tomlinson speaks to YouTuber Mikhaila Peterson and Instagrammer Jon McCray about getting the Christian message to younger people. And they are hopeful about the next generations.
For all of us, the idea of getting older, looking older and having your youngest years behind you is daunting. Here, Elizabeth Moore and Audrey Elledge, authors of Liturgies for Hope, share their prayer for letting go of your younger self.
Many of us are struggling to make ends meet at the moment. Here, Elizabeth Moore and Audrey Elledge, authors of Liturgies for Hope, share their prayer for when there’s not enough money to pay the bills.
A Christian foundation in Kansas launched a $100million campaign called “He Gets Us”, to promote Jesus to the masses. Here, advertising copywriter Lizzie Hutchison shares her expert opinion on the pricey project.
Stories of God’s intervention
Veronica Zundel has been a columnist for this magazine since 1982. Now, in what she calls her ‘autumn years’, she considers what has changed – or not - for Christian women
Author Catherine Campbell explains how the Bible demonstrates God’s devotion to us and reassures us that, if it all feels like a mess, he’s not finished.
Reflection and prayer with Maxine Hallett
Your stories of God’s intervention
At a special Service of Prayer and Reflection at St Paul’s Cathedral, London this evening, The Rt Rev and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, Bishop of London, spoke of the Queen’s life of service, as well as our need to grieve. We share her sermon here.
At a time when many of us feel overwhelmed and unsure how to respond to the sad news of the Queen’s death, spiritual director and the author of 7 Ways to Pray Amy Boucher Pye, shares some prayers that may bring us and her family some comfort.
Elaine Storkey explains who the ‘foolish virgins’ were and why their story is still so relevant to us today
Speaker, author, neuroscientist and apologist Sharon Dirckx shares her own journey to faith and explains why she believes we are more than just our brains
With a PhD in the theology and practice of hearing God’s voice, author Tania Harris asserts that he is still speaking to us in the same way he did to those in the New Testament
Veronica Zundel confesses to having moments when she feels like lashing out – and suspects she is not alone
When writer Lauren Windle felt convinced that she should give up praying and hoping for some of the things she wanted in life, someone asked her a very simple question and it completely changed her mindset.
Mandisa Lynn Hundley’s award-winning singing career began on the fifth season of American Idol, where she finished in the top ten. She spoke to Damilola Okeke about the challenging seasons in her life and how they have impacted both her faith and music
Jeannine Wiedmer spoke to Becky Hunter-Kelm about her passion to provide a safe place for young people, and the miraculous provision of their Youth Community Home
Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is a global mission organisation started in 1960 that today reaches out in more than 180 countries through training, mercy ministries and evangelism.There are many church partnerships working in recognisable mission activities such as teaching, food and clothing provision and evangelistic outreach. But what about a coffee and tattoo studio in the middle of London?
Pastor and prophet Preethy Kurian told Jemimah Wright the incredible story of how God called her, and how she believes revival is coming to the UK
Stories of God’s intervention
In a world where we’re all encouraged that “you do you”, author Elizabeth McQuoid explains that we’re not made to define our own identities but for glorious dependence on our loving creator.
July sees the end of the academic year – a relief to students finishing their exams but possibly daunting to children starting new schools in September
From the Shepherd to the Father, writer Rachel Peddar explains how the different names we have for God reveal more about his character and what they say about us too.
Writer Macaila Britton was on the brink of burnout when she decided to embrace a month of Godly meditation. Here she explains how the experience changed her perspective on her relationship with the Father.
We all feel low and worthless from time to time. But here, writer Lauren Crook explains that what the Bible says about us is far more important than what we say about ourselves.
May is a good month for decluttering our cupboards and refreshing our wardrobes. I have fond memories as a child of my grandmother’s house, windows flung open as the warm, late spring breeze danced and glistened with particles of dust while cupboards were cleaned and wardrobes filled with summer clothes.
Christian festivals are not just about big numbers. These events are spiritual refilling stations where we lose ourselves in worship and teaching. Here, we take a peek behind the scenes of Creation Fest and David’s Tent
Stories of God’s intervention
New York Times bestselling author Ann Voskamp is also a farmer’s wife and mum of seven. Seeing her sister killed in front of her eyes gave her unimaginable trauma. Here she speaks about the beauty and pain of life and how her writing draws her closer to the healing power of God
Do you struggle to know what God’s plan for you is or do you find yourself in a state of constant confusion? Here Lauren Crook shares five helpful tips for discovering God’s call for your life.
I wear a cross around my neck and often find myself touching it gently throughout the day, as a thought pops into my mind that I want to share with God. Other times I reach for the cross just to catch my breath, pausing in the middle of a busy ...
Emma Stark spoke to Jemimah Wright about being a prophet, and why she is passionate about the Church re-engaging with the Holy Spirit
Christian Unions are seen by some as legalistic, boring and irrelevant but CU leaders Chaplain Rev Alice Monaghan and English teacher Violet Taylor argue passionately that they need to continue
God told Kelleigh Wooderson-Hudson to give up her job and start the charity Life Essence Housing. Here, she explains what she has learned about obedience
Stories of God’s intervention
Restored CEO Bekah Legg prays that those living in captivity in the UK will experience the same joy as Nazanin as they find freedom and restoration
When Theresa Grant had the idea to put the real meaning of the rainbow on a t-shirt, she never realised that it would affect her own faith, and be a tool to tell many about the love of God.
This Lent, writer Amy Boucher Pye encourages us to explore the prayers of Jesus.
Author Ellie Carter struggled to come to terms with not being able to have a baby with her husband, until she realised the part her faith had to play in her pain.
Writer Rebecca Chamaa not only gives something up for Lent but also incorporates a new spiritual practice. Here, she suggests six things you may want to take up for the next 40 days.
People often joke about the “flirt to convert” evangelism technique, but here Lillie Sutherland explains that even though her boyfriend encouraged her to explore faith, it was God’s words that convinced her to follow Jesus.
Walking along a familiar path I stopped and breathed in the air around me, my senses suddenly becoming awakened by the newness of the spring day. I realised how thankful I was that God had carried me through the dark and dreary winter months.
Suzie Kennedy is an internationally renowned Marilyn Monroe lookalike who has flown all over the world to sing ‘Happy birthday’, attend parties and has featured in adverts and films alongside Hollywood stars. However, for over a period of almost 20 years, she was living under the dark shadow of sexual and domestic abuse
Elaine Storkey on how Lent reminds us to recognise the power of evil and to take sin seriously
For the final feature in her series on living free, Candy Ellie lays bare the far-reaching impact of stress-induced emotion
Kemi Koleoso’s mum left when she was a child and her father remarried a woman who didn’t care for his children. She speaks with Claire Musters about the trauma she carried throughout her teenage years and encountering God in the midst of it all
Ram and Sunita Gidoomal are from different castes (class systems), which meant those around them felt their relationship simply couldn’t work. They proved everyone wrong
Stories of God’s intervention
Despite many feeling their phone is a barrier in their spiritual life, Rebecca Chamaa found a deeper connection to Jesus with the help of apps.
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, romance is in the air. It is everywhere around us – in advertisements, retail shops and in the eyes of every couple passing by on the street. While this is beautiful to see, it can make some people feel alone and abandoned.
Veronica Zundel refuses to run after the thrill of the ‘new’, but values hard-won, deepening relationships
Clare Thompson leads the vibrant, social-action focused LoveBristol organisation with her husband Greg. She told Clare Blake why she loves living in a Christian community house
TV anchor Wendy Griffith dedicated a book to her future husband when she was still very much single. She explains how she discovered that ultimately, God is the best matchmaker
Stories of God’s intervention
After years searching for hope within the occult, Talitha Colchester shares her story of finding Christ and his peace
In our final blog looking at different ways to connect with God, Claire Musters shares how thankfulness has helped her in some difficult seasons.
In the next of our series on finding different ways to connect with God, Claire Musters shares how she came across the ancient practice of the Daily Examen and how she has come to value it.
Rachel Pearce explores the difference between healthy and unhealthy guilt, and explains why she’ll be leaving the latter at the cross in 2022.
In the first of a series of blogs during January looking at different ways to connect with God, Claire Musters shares how choosing one word to focus on each year has impacted her.
Nine million people tuned in to watch The Queen’s Speech on Christmas Day, making it the most-watched festive broadcast. A pre-speech leak had suggested that this year’s address would be a more personal affair than usual, and her majesty did not disappoint
If you’ve already started packing up your baubles and taking down the tealights, stop right there. Belle Tindall explains that Christmas lasts a full twelve days and it isn’t over yet.
As many of us grapple with feelings of disappointment, uncertainty, fear and rejection, author Anne Le Tissier encourages us to pray with confidence, peace and faith in God who is for us, and not against us.
Christa Smith spoke to Jemimah Wright about her new book, which aims to break the stigma of singleness
A stencil on my wall reads: “HOPE makes all things work and FAITH makes all things possible.” It is a constant reminder to me that there is only one way to turn my helplessness into hopefulness – by fixing my eyes on the Lord, breathing him in and inviting him ...
Cathy Madavan shares how she plans ahead in order to embrace a new season
Elaine Storkey gives us four lessons from the perplexing book of Ecclesiastes
As we enter the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Catherine Butcher shares her discoveries about the Queen’s faith and invites us to join in with this year’s celebrations
Stories of God’s intervention
Uncouth, unclean and tattily dressed, the shepards would have been the last people you’d want to vouch for you, and yet Jesus revealed himself to them first. Rosemary Hector reflects on the radical nature of the way Jesus came to earth.
As Christians we can sometimes be tricked into believing that Jesus came to make us happy. Writer Rachael Newham explains how the prosperity gospel has crept into our thinking, when really Jesus’ promise is far greater.
Are you hearing from God or the enemy? Or are you simply listening to your own heart’s desires? Amy Boucher Pye shares her top tips for discerning the still, small voice of God.
Rebecca Goldsmith from the Salvation Army asks us to pause this Advent, and consider afresh the meaning of the well-loved carols we all sing during this season.
The concept of ‘Fake Christmas’ may sound a little sacrilegious, but Rachel Pearce found there was a lot more to it than mince pies and mulled wine.
Kate Nicholas on dealing with cancer returning and a near-death experience following her mastectomy
To mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25), Ben Cohen of the charity Open Doors UK & Ireland considers the shocking truth of what life is like for Christian women around the world
A reader’s prayer by Julia Rudyard
Stories of God’s intervention through the power of prayer
Cathy Madavan shows us how the five love languages provide a great guide to generosity
When you hear the word ‘nun’ what do you think of? Sister Act or Julie Andrews in the iconic Sound of Music? If these are your benchmarks the reality may well disappoint. However, there are many delightful insights to discover about the religious life. Caroline Leighton spent some time as a postulant in a religious community and lifts the lid on what it was like
Templespa owner and co-founder, Liz Warom, reveals how she and her husband started their business, and how faith is at the centre of all they do
Elaine Storkey unpacks what the Bible says about the significance of our homes
After 15 years of a progressively debilitating illness, John Mark Comer’s wife, Tammy, was supernaturally healed from a curse last year. She talked to Jemimah Wright about her journey
Make this International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November) count, urges Abbie Mumbi
The woman behind the popular Woman Alive Book Club, Amy Boucher Pye, is an American living in England. Here she shares her memories of Thanksgiving, and encourages us all to take some time today to think about the things we can be grateful to God for
Research from Menopause Experts Group highlights a rise in suicide rates for women aged 45 to 54 – the age when most women experience perimenopause and menopause. Dr Kate Middleton explains why and offers practical coping strategies
Holly Satterthwaite shares how identifying and killing the idols in our lives puts God back in the driving seat and makes us better witnesses of Christ’s love
Babs Bray felt great compassion for Alice Evans when the news of husband Ioan Gruffudd’s alleged infidelity broke. Despite Babs’s heartbreak after her ex-husband’s affair came to light, she was determined to forgive her ex and do the right thing
Kate Neal says the growth of social media seems to have created a society in which bullying is more prevalent than ever before, with devastating and even life-altering effects
Tola-Doll Fisher felt devastated when cancer resurfaced after a large tumour had been removed from her uterus. But a brave decision gave her a peace that surpassed earthly understanding
Alice Corrie, technical and communications officer for Climate Stewards, spent this week at the climate summit – and is more convinced than ever that much of the change needed will have to come from us
Succession has just been renewed for a fourth season and everyone is talking about it. Our editor Tola-Doll Fisher unpicks why she finds it so compelling
Whatever you think of them talking about their marriage on a podcast, Justin and Hailey have shared some important lessons, says Claire Musters
Rachel Gardner urges us to get over our embarrassment and fear of saying the wrong thing, because we have a vital role in helping to shape young people’s attitudes towards relationships and sex
On World Adoption Day, Chrissi Pegg shares the story of how she and her husband came to adopt their two daughters
Would you walk 1,200 miles to get people talking about the environmental and financial implications of climate change? That’s exactly what Rachel Mander and a team from Young Christian Climate Network (YCCN) did ahead of the all-important Glasgow summit
Premier Christian Radio’s director of content, Charmaine Noble-McLean was awarded a Fellowship by The Radio Academy during this week’s Radio Academy Festival. We honour her contribution to radio and hear exclusively from Charmaine about why she loves this particular medium
As Japan’s Princess Mako has turned her back on her royal status in order to marry, Ola Awonubi looks at how the desire to be married has impacted Christian women’s lives
During National Fertility Awareness Week (1-5 November) we look at how employers are beginning to recognise the need to support those experiencing fertility issues – it is time the Church did the same
Lauren Windle looks at the growing market for love coaches and considers the impact for Christian women
Is it a trick or is it a treat? Rachel Pearce explores whether the opportunities Halloween presents outweigh the fears many Christians have about celebrating this contentious festival
Liz Earle explains why she is lending her voice to fight climate change and global poverty, and why she is passionate about empowering women around the world
A reader poem
Stories of God’s intervention
Cassandra Nelson from Premier Gospel caught up with actress and comedian Yvonne Orji about her new book, dating while celibate and the rise to fame
Ella Bartelsian of Yerevan International Church, Armenia, spoke to Clare Blake about how God is breaking through to a defeated nation
Elaine Storkey reminds us of that we should seek the peace that Jesus gives, for all of us
Maxine Hallett reflects on the desperation and determination of her ancestors
As news outlets move on to other stories, the plight of Afghan women remains precarious. Alastair McIver urges us to check our own responses, seek out truth – and, above all, remain hopeful
During Prisons Week (10–16 October), Trudy Makepeace shares her journey from addict and prisoner to outreach worker
To mark Baby Loss Awareness Week (9-15 October) Tammy Tunnah shares about her traumatic miscarriage and how mentally agonising her next pregnancy was, and we look at the place of art therapy in processing baby loss
Hannah Baylor says it is time for ‘women to claim their worth’ and ‘men to challenge and change their own, and other men’s, behaviour’
Natalie Williams reminds us that there is hope in Christ and practical help for those who need it – highlighting those with mental health issues who are living in poverty
The time of year when singles rush to couple up ahead of winter – known as ‘cuffing’ – is upon us. However, Candy-Ellie Graham warns us that it isn’t worth cuddling up to just anyone
As we celebrate National Poetry Day, poet Liz Carter explains how reading and writing poetry has helped her in the darkest moments of her chronic illness
Seasoned author Cathy Madavan suggests that, whatever our history, we can learn from it and move on
TV and radio personality Diane Louise Jordan talked to Jeannette McCarthy about her new project The Making of Black Britain
Stories of God’s intervention in our daily life
Maxine Hallett grew up not going to church but, looking back at her family history, is inspired by her great grandfather
From childhood loss to founding the Beloved charity reaching out to those in prostitution, Rosie Hopley shares her life’s journey through deep lows and great joy
Lyn Connolly shares why she is now involved in prison work
Alastair McIver explores what lies ahead for British tennis champion Emma Raducanu
Could the police’s latest efforts to find out what happened to Claudia Lawrence be the answer to her mother’s prayers on International Day of the Disappeared?
‘As God’s daughter I know that I am a work in progress’’God has helped me embrace the identity of the person he knew from the moment he created me’Maxine Hallett shares how she found her identity in Christ, and how she prays her children will too
Three women from the world of science explain how they came to embrace Christian faith
Seasoned author Cathy Madavan explains how she has come to accept who she is – and how we can do the same
Elaine Storkey explains that our security lies in our relationship with the God who made us and knows us
Stories of God’s intervention
Reader prayer - September 2021
Five-time world record holder Stef Reid says her Christian faith has made life more of an adventure. She is excited about competing in Tokyo, in what will be her fourth Paralympic Games
Rachel Pieh Jones has lived among Muslims in both Somaliland and Djibouti. Here she tells Jemimah Wright how much they have taught her about faith
Editorial from July 2021
Maxine Hallett encourages us to record how we are feeling, what we are learning and the prayers that God is answering
Elizabeth Neep, commissioning editor at SPCK, explains the idea behind new spiritual formation imprint, Form
As the final lockdown restrictions are about to lifted, Sarah Yardley shares with us some of the lessons she has learned through many life-altering changes
Current leader, Glenys Adams describes how Camps for Girls started, and what it is like to attend
Emma Borquaye, the founder of Girl Got Faith, encourages us to help the teenagers in our lives have confidence in who God has made them to be
Karen Young shares candidly about the excruciatingly difficult journey her family is currently on, and reflects on what she has learned about those moments when God says: “Not yet.”
Have you always prayed the same way? Author Sarah Bessey believes we can learn something from Christians who pray differently to us.
Karen Allen reached a tipping point in her life when she told God she couldn't do ministry anymore. Her marriage of 14 years had suddenly ended and she found herself pregnant with her 5th child. A close friend spoke into her life and changed things. Here is some of what Karen shared with Premier radio presenter Maria Rodrigues