All Real life articles – Page 15

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    Caring for the vulnerable


    During Foster Care Fortnight, we hear from Hannah Hylton about her family’s journey into fostering

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    ‘I thought my wife would be better off without me’


    Premier’s Maria Rodrigues spoke to Patrick and Diane Regan about the physical and mental health challenges he faced, and how they affected Diane too.

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    ‘If I perish, I perish’


    On International Nurses Day (12 May), intensive care nurse Georgie Coster honours the incredible sacrifice our nurses have made for us in this most challenging of years.

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    ‘I knew Caleb was safe in heaven’


    During Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week (3–9 May) we hear from Chloe Smith, who was heavily pregnant when her four-year-old son died.

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    When life falls apart


    Have you experienced disappointment and loss? Sarah Stockinger has journeyed through miscarriage and, more recently, experienced a ministry job falling through…after her and her husband sold everything to move to America to take up the post. She shared what she has learned through these experiences with Premier’s Maria Rodrigues.

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    Moving from fear to compassion


    Christine Soule had a series of traumatic experiences in her childhood, including her stepfather phoning her when she was nine years old and home alone, threatening to rape her. As a result she carried chronic fear into adulthood, until one day God set her free. She shared her story with Premier’s Maria Rodrigues:

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    ‘Angels appear to me’


    Minister Charlynne Boddie has had numerous angelic encounters. Here is a snippet of the story she shared with Premier’s Maria Rodrigues.

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    Losing the man who was always by her side


    Claire Musters was struck at how the Queen’s loss ultimately reflects her humanity, as she begins to navigate the grief that we all face when we lose someone we love

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    Life after a Christian divorce


    Steph Gutmann grew up as a pastor's kid and prayed for her marriage to be blessed by God, but when it turned abusive she was challenged about how to make things work. She shared her story with Premier's Maria Rodrigues.

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    'I was pregnant with my 5th child when my marriage and ministry fell apart'


    Karen Allen reached a tipping point in her life when she told God she couldn't do ministry anymore. Her marriage of 14 years had suddenly ended and she found herself pregnant with her 5th child. A close friend spoke into her life and changed things. Here is some of what Karen shared with Premier radio presenter Maria Rodrigues

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    'Jesus appeared to me in a dream'


    Like Joseph in the Bible, Naomi Chamroo grew up having dreams that confused both her and her family. She tells Premier radio presenter Maria Rodrigues how an encounter with God gave her the answers she was searching for

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    ‘I’m not a mum but I’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day this year’


    A traumatic baby loss meant Woman Alive editor Tola-Doll Fisher avoided Mother’s Day for years. Here’s why she wants this year to be different

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    My mum ran a brothel


    EMMA WEAVER grew up in a situation where she would alternate between living with her mum or dad. At one point she moved to Spain with her mother, but when financial difficulties hit she returned to the UK to be with her father. In that time her mum set up a business. Premier's Maria Rodrigues heard something of the story, as written in Emma's book 'Unvanquished Spirit'.

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    ‘You never know what God has planned for your life’


    Santia Deck is the highest-paid female American footballer in history. Here she tells Jeanette McCarthy about the highs and lows of her career, her battles with self-image and how her faith in God and the support of the women in her life have inspired her to help the next generation