All Parenting articles
Parenting - is it time for something new?
Rhiannon Goulding reminds us that parenting isn’t a one-size-fits all, and encourages us to try something new on if we recognise we are in a different season
How God made me a mother - adopting a baby boy as a single Christian woman
‘Every child I had the privilege of pouring into fuelled my desire to be a mother even more. So at the age of 36 and still single, I trusted that God would make a way to see my desire fulfilled,’ says Sue Gray.
The Bible references old age, but has little on the role of grandparent
‘This is a role over which one has absolutely no control. Nobody invites you to become a grandparent! Reactions vary hugely, from delight, to dismay at becoming ‘old’ to everything in between,’ says Rosemary Hector, as she shares some of her experiences of becoming a grandparent.
As Christians are we raising an anxious generation?
‘I’d rather know this ‘anxious generation’ as the ‘feeling generation’. They now have the vocabulary to articulate their fears. This is a blessing and a curse,’ says Rachel Allcock
‘It’s my daughter’s 7th birthday on International Women’s Day and I want her to be exposed to amazing women who have inspired me throughout history’
‘This year’s theme for International Women’s Day particularly excites me in that it’s inclusive of all ages, as I believe we’re never too young to receive truth. Reinforcement of sound doctrine is essential in an age of cultural promiscuity where the boundaries of identity are disputed,’ says Hannah Wickens.
How not to be perfect
Rhiannon Goulding says it’s time we stop pretending and allow our families the grace to be real
Will the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill help or hinder parents in raising their children in line with God’s word?
‘The bill proposes objectives that at first glance ostensibly shield children from potential harm, even from well-intentioned but ‘ill-informed’ parents. In reality, the small print will render parents defenceless against state intrusion,’ says Hannah Wickens.
On being a good role model for your (sometimes challenging) teenagers
The teenage years can be difficult for everyone. Rhiannon Goulding says it is how you behave that will impact and teach your children the most
What do you really believe about parenting?
In her first column, Rhiannon Goulding says it is time to consider what we want to pass on to our children without simply following what everyone else is doing
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: I hate being a mum
In our fortnightly column ‘Great Sexpectations’ we answer your questions on sex, faith and intimacy. Drop us an email on and ask us anything. Here we answer someone who misses her life before having a baby.
Women usually bear the burden at Christmas - from cooking to gifts - here’s how to navigate this time while actually enjoying it
‘I’ve learned that Christmas isn’t about achieving perfection. It’s about celebrating love, laughter, and the birth of our Saviour during all the craziness,’ says Salomé Criddle.
The Bible values the wisdom of older generations so let's raise confident women together
In her final column, Cathy Madavan reminds us that we all have our part to play in encouraging the next generation
Why can’t women choose to be childfree?
With a recent survey revealing more women are deciding not to have children, Alex Noel looks at the Church’s attitude in response
Is ethical parenting possible?
Cathy Madavan reminds us that our children are learning what godly living looks like by watching us
Lessons from baby loss - ‘God’s grace is sufficient’
Rebekah Watkiss thought she would not be able to get through the emotional and physical pain of losing her firstborn, but she says, ‘I discovered God’s grace was truly sufficient in each and every moment.’
‘What Little House on the Prairie taught me about a godly attitude to sex and marriage’
’Raising a teen in these times seems almost impossible, but Laura Ingalls gives me a model of what true joy and contentment can look like,’ says Kate Orson.
Should governments put age restrictions on social media use?
Anna Hill looks at the effect of social media on our children, and says, ’Any government raising essential questions about our children’s safety and mental health, particularly as they navigate the complex world of online connections, identity, and peer pressure, is on to a win, in my opinion.’
Encountering thin places
Dr Belle Tindall on her experiences of interviewing those involved in setting homeless children in families
The Government is giving 15 hours of free childcare - as a Christian mum of three, here are my thoughts on it
The offer of free childcare has caused Hannah Wickens to prayerfully contemplate the conflict she felt about accepting it, and wonders if the reason she felt incensed was that childcare is not regarded as ‘work’.
Mothering without a mother: finding strength in God through grief
’Raising my daughter without my mother’s physical presence, even just over these past few months, has pushed me to lean into God’s promises more than ever,’ says Bethany Hobbs.