Rebekah Collins attended March for Life UK in London on 7th September, and shares how six years ago God broke her heart for the issue of abortion, and led her to work with HOPE Pregnancy.
Last Saturday I was at March for Life UK with my CBR UK colleague Christian Hacking, alongside other exhibitors, to mobilise pro-lifers towards ending this injustice of abortion as healthcare.
“For such a time as this” was the call from the front stage as the March for Life UK 2024 ended with a rally in Parliament Square, where thousands came together from across the UK to proclaim that ‘Abortion is #NotHealthcare’
Indeed, the time has come for men and women, like Mordecai and Queen Esther, to arise! At great risk to herself, Esther was used by God to save her people, from worldwide genocide. What is our response to the global ‘abortion’ genocide of 73 million unborn babies each year, or the 10 million lives lost in the UK since the 1967 Abortion Act.
In this nation, 1 in 3 women will have an abortion in their lifetime and 1 in 4 babies in the womb are killed by abortion.
In this nation, 1 in 3 women will have an abortion in their lifetime and 1 in 4 babies in the womb are killed by abortion. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy using the euphemistic language of healthcare.
Pro-abortion campaigners want full decriminalisation – abortion to be treated like any other medical procedure. (Abortion up to birth for any or no reason.)
This year, the message from March for Life was: healthcare doesn’t kill. Abortion kills 50% of its patients – every abortion kills a baby in the womb, either by starving to death or cutting and crushing.
Dr Haywood Robinson, who previously worked as an abortionist, addressed the rally and spoke of the grace for all of us in Christ Jesus. Who the Son sets free is free indeed. Since his salvation in 1986, pro-life work has been a passion for him. He made it clear: “Abortion is not healthcare, because pregnancy is not a disease.”
“Abortion is not healthcare, because pregnancy is not a disease.”
Some courageous women on the March held placards that said: Abortion isn’t health care, it killed my baby. One such friend, Sarah, engaged in conversation with a woman holding a placard reading: Abortion IS healthcare! Decrim now! Sarah asked, “Have you seen an abortion?”, the woman’s response was to shout in her face. Indeed, there is no rational argument for abortion, this is a spiritual battle. If you like Sarah, have been personally affected by abortion, please contact PASE – Post Abortion Support for Everyone.
If you need convincing that abortion is not healthcare, then please go to (Trigger warning: It is graphic). If you are pro-life in your thinking but need re-awakening to action, just as I did six years ago, watch the short film from the link and ask the Lord what he would have you do. That small step led me to my work with HOPE Pregnancy, a project of CBR UK. HOPE equips churches to support mothers in challenging pregnancy situations with the compassion of Christ, full of grace and truth. We can be a voice for their unborn child and a voice of true hope in Jesus. Contact HOPE if your church would be interested in hosting the seminar: How to talk with someone considering an abortion.
Read more on abortion
CBR UK’s main work is to equip educators to engage the public in teams across the U.K. that pray and work for the abolition of abortion. Find out how to connect with like-minded people where you live
We need to arise as Esthers! Abortion is not just a women’s issue. Justice will be found with women and men working together. Mordecai, Esther’s relative, was outside the royal court. Yet, at the city gates was a watchman and strategist, working with Esther in seeking the Lord for justice.
There is a call for Esthers to arise today, with their Mordecais. A Million Women is a gathering taking place in Washington DC on 12th October, to pray, fast and cry out for our children.
Will women and men in this country arise together? Will we stand up for the next generation in our families and our towns? And who knows whether you have not come into the kingdom for such a time as this. Esther 4:14
If any of these issues have affected you, you can call Premier Lifeline for support. Premier Lifeline is a national, confidential helpline offering a listening ear, emotional and spiritual support from a Christian perspective. If you would like someone to talk with and pray for you, call Premier Lifeline on 0300 111 0101.

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