Writer and broadcaster Deanna Fletcher encourages us all to think through who’s in our corner when it comes to our careers.
Have you ever stood at a pivotal crossroads in your career, feeling like your dreams were slipping away? Have you imagined a life filled with global adventures and the realisation of your fullest potential, only to be met with deafening silence? It’s a scenario that many of us can relate to, especially in a world reshaped by the pandemic and personal challenges.
A friend of mine has been facing these very obstacles. She found herself at the dawn of a new year, her once-thriving public speaking career overshadowed by uncertainties. The pandemic had cast doubt on her ambitions, leaving her questioning her path. Can you picture it? The world’s stage, once vibrant and alive, suddenly empty.
Our protagonist, however, was not one to give up easily. She embarked on a transformative journey with a newfound ally – a coach who understood that confidence was a key obstacle. It’s a situation many of us can relate to, isn’t it? That inner voice whispering self-doubt, making it challenging to connect with potential employers, to market ourselves effectively online, and leaving our once-thriving network of connections dormant.
Who’s in your corner? Can you pinpoint a friend or family member who excels at being a sounding board for your ideas?
Yet, in just a few months, the tide turned. Our determined woman attended an international conference, received invitations to speak overseas, booked television appearances, and even started planning international trips! It’s a testament to the power of perseverance and support. The lesson here is one that resonates deeply with many of us. We often think we lack something vital when, in reality, we possess all the necessary tools. Sometimes, all we need is guidance on how to harness our existing resources to their full potential.
Support, dear friends, is the linchpin of success. Take a moment to ponder: Who’s in your corner? Can you pinpoint a friend or family member who excels at being a sounding board for your ideas? Perhaps someone who’s helped you navigate the treacherous waters of self-doubt in the past? Consider whether there’s someone in your life right now who can illuminate your path toward your dreams because they’ve walked a similar one before.
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The wisdom of Ecclesiastes reminds us that “Two are better off than one because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help them up.” This ancient proverb resonates in the modern world, highlighting the value of collaboration and support systems in our journey to success. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.
Now, let’s dive into a little self-reflection, shall we? Have you ever tried journaling? If not, it’s a powerful tool worth considering. Take a moment to jot down three things you’re doing now or have achieved that were mere dreams a few years ago. How did you get there? What obstacles did you overcome? Reflect on these journeys and see if there are valuable lessons that can be applied to any current challenges you’re facing. Self-reflection is a compass guiding us toward growth and self-discovery.
Remember that your pursuit of greatness doesn’t just benefit you – it has a ripple effect that touches the lives of others.
Ladies, let’s keep those dreams alive! Whether it’s a career aspiration, a personal goal, or a passion project, remember that your pursuit of greatness doesn’t just benefit you – it has a ripple effect that touches the lives of others. Your leadership, your achievements, inspire those around you. Remember that you have the potential to rise above challenges, just as our inspiring friend did. Seek and embrace support, both from within and from those around you. And never forget that your journey is not just about personal growth; it’s about igniting positive change in the world.
Here’s to unleashing your full potential, with the world as your stage! Cheers to your dreams, your journey, and your indomitable spirit.
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