‘I am not talking about watering down the gospel, or not standing up to injustice, but in our day to day lives, let’s carry kindness into 2025,’ says Woman Alive deputy editor, Jemimah Wright
Did you watch the Gavin and Stacey Christmas special? The finale of the 2007 series apparently had over 12 million viewers on Christmas Day, but don’t worry, if you were not one of them, I won’t give any spoilers.
Writers and creators of the hit programme, James Cordon and Ruth Jones were recently interviewed about the series for mother and daughter, Jessie and Lennie Ware’s podcast Table Manners. Singer songwriter, Jessie Ware said her take-away from watching the series and finale is the kindness in it.
Watching it back this week, it has been a total joy. Such respect to you, it’s kind
‘Watching it back this week, it has been a total joy. Such respect to you, it’s kind….there is a kindness and a gentleness to it. Sometimes with comedy it’s taking the p..s out of someone else, [but Gavin and Stacey] it’s so charming and quite unique,’ she said.
Do you reflect the kindness of God?
James Cordon, the former The Late Late Show host, was raised in the Salvation Army, however in 2016 spoke of how he’s moved away from the faith he was brought up in, but suggested he still has a “hunch” that it could be true.
Acts of kindness
Ruth Jones hasn’t spoken of having a faith as far as I am aware, but from both James and Ruth there is a respect for faith that comes out in their writing. In one Gavin and Stacey episode Ruth Jones’ character, Nessa talks of her time working for haulage company Eddie Stobart. She says she had a crush on Christian businessman Eddie, but they did not have a relationship. ‘He’s a deeply religious man, and I respecs (sic) that.’ she says.
Kindness was also the theme of The Princess of Wales’ annual carol service at Westminster Abbey on the 6th December.
Kindness was also the theme of The Princess of Wales’ annual carol service at Westminster Abbey on the 6th December. Christian artist, Charlie Mackesy, a favourite with his Alpha course drawings was asked to illustrate the Order of Service which embodies the service’s themes of kindness, love and empathy. Charlie’s image depicted a snowy scene with a group of people walking arm in arm towards Westminster Abbey, accompanied by the words ‘How did I help? You were by my side, which was everything.’
Charlie Mackesy is now internationally known for his bestselling book The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse - which was published in 2019 and celebrates themes of kindness and friendship.
He said: ‘Love, empathy and kindness are important messages for us all. As the theme of The Princess of Wales’ Carol Service this year, it was very special to have been asked to create the illustration for the Order of Service. I hope it reminds us of the beauty of being there for each other at Christmas.’
Be kind to yourself
1 Corinthians 13:4 says, ‘Love is patient, love is kind….’ In a year with a cost of living crisis, injustice, fighting, politics and cultural wars, I think the relief of a bit of kindness, gives us hope again.
I am not talking about watering down the gospel, or not standing up to injustice, but in our day to day lives, let’s carry kindness into 2025. Kindness is contagious – let a driver in front of you in the traffic, open a door for another, smile at even the grumpiest stranger, and it will have a knock on affect.
I think kindness is one of the most underrated but powerful qualities, and in the words of Charlie Mackesy’s The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse:
‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’
‘Kind,’ said the boy.

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