We launched the first faith-focused art awards because creativity reflects a core part of God’s nature


Katrina Moss shares the inspiration and story behind the Uk’s largest faith-linked art prize.

Back in 2016, when my mother was dying of cancer, I prayed: “Here I am send me.” (Isaiah 6:8) I was asking for fresh direction. I didn’t expect the radical direction my life would take. The day my mother died I woke up with the idea to initiate a national Art Awards focusing on faith and spirituality.

You may think my mum was connected to the arts, she wasn’t. Or that I had a career in the arts, I didn’t, but I have always been a bit of pioneer and passionate about God using many different ways to get our attention and to deepen our walk and relationship with him. I discussed this with my good friend writer Ann Clifford. We had met in church, when she ran a theatre company more than 30 years ago. We have been on many exciting faith journeys together, so I thought she would be up for another adventure into the unknown.

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