Writer Lauren Windle loves to partner with God to do his good work. So, with that being said, Stormzy if you’re reading this (presumably you’re a Woman Alive subscriber) drop Lauren a line and she’ll happily play match-maker and set you up with a Godly woman.
If there’s one thing the Church is not short of, it’s Godly women - and in my experience - plenty of them are single. This is great news for award-winning Christian rapper Stormzy, who revealed in an interview last week that he was waiting for God to bring him a wife.
God works for the good of all those who love in him (Romans 8:28) and has plans to prosper us and give us hope for the future (Jeremiah 29:11). So if Stormzy’s prayer is for a wife and family, God will, of course, have heard that prayer and will know how he intends to answer it.
Stormzy explained that he wouldn’t use a dating app, so instead I would like to put my services forward as his matchmaker.
I believe in praying for the desires of your heart but also partnering with God to explore what’s out there and push on a few doors. If you want a new job you pray, but you also have a look at the jobs advertised online and send off your CV, you don’t just expect the role to fall in your lap. Although that is possible with God. Stormzy explained that he wouldn’t use a dating app, so instead I would like to put my services forward as his matchmaker.
Having scoured the internet for Godly women equal to him in fame and celebrity, I have found that singer and actress Selena Gomez is both single and committed to her faith. Further investigation showed that the former Disney star was perhaps a touch more famous than him with 353 million Instagram followers to his three million, but let’s face it - Jesus only needed 12. Dating Selena would mean he was with someone who understood the ups and downs of being in the public eye, although the Texan may not be keen to move into the south London home he’s currently rennovating for his future family.
In my church, prayer group and Bible study, there are many, many women that - given the chance - I would introduce to any respectful and Godly man looking for a wife.
Ok, so let’s cast our nets closer to home. What about the Woman Alive and Premier offices? Looking around (I actually work from home so this is more me imagining myself looking round), there are some high calibre Christian women here. Our very own editor-in-chief Tola-Doll, who is probably about to fire me for writing this, is the catchiest of all catches. She loves Jesus, is funny, quick, resilient and passionate. Plus the *coughs* former model is all legs. Or perhaps the rapper could take Cass, one of Premier Gospel’s DJs, for a cheeky Nandos. Stormzy wouldn’t have to go to the gym to keep that six-pack because comedian Cass would have him laughing so much at home they would get a thorough daily workout.
In my church, prayer group and Bible study, there are many, many women that - given the chance - I would introduce to any respectful and Godly man looking for a wife. So Stormzy, drop me a line and I’ll pop on my cupid wings and sort you out.

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