Speaking in tongues – is this the gift to ask the Holy Spirit for this Pentecost Sunday?


What is speaking in tongues, and is it something all Christians can and should do? Woman Alive’s deputy editor, Jemimah Wright shares her own experience.

Speaking in tongues or ‘glossolalia’ (from the Greek glōssa meaning “tongue” and lalia “talking”) is something that divides many Christians. Some say it’s for everyone, others say only for a few, and still others believe it is not a gift for today. Some Christians have prayed for it and don’t believe they have received it. It is therefore understandable that many would come to the conclusion that it is not for everyone, and therefore give up on asking.

However, I believe speaking in tongues is the ultimate gift to ask our heavenly father for this Pentecost! Just as Jesus left us the Holy Spirit, as our comforter and guide, so I believe the gift of speaking in tongues is to help us walk the narrow road of faith.

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