By Claire Musters2022-04-12T08:30:00
Source: Mentatdgt / Pexels
The latest research from the Marriage Foundation that shows that even those who aren’t Christian are more likely to work on a relationship if they have cemented it in marriage.
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2025-03-26T06:51:00Z By Ann-Louise Graham
‘The American Family Survey suggests that while marriage plays a significant role in combating loneliness and achieving life satisfaction, it is not the sole factor. In fact, church attendance is another key means to tackling loneliness, and this applies to all Christian women, whether married or single,’ says Ann-Louise Graham.
2025-03-19T06:35:00Z By Julie Robinson
Broken Rites is an interdenominational group offering mutual support and information to divorced and separated spouses and partners of clergy and recognised ministers. Julie Robinson shares how the group helped her in her time of need.
2025-03-17T06:00:00Z By Jemimah Wright
What is the difference between a divine appointment, a movie ‘meet-cute’, or just simply serendipity? In biblical terms, a divine appointment is when God sets the stage for a meeting that changes everything, and Jemimah Wright says maybe we should pray for more of them.
2025-03-28T09:00:00Z By Funke Oham
Having lost two children at birth, Funke Oham wrote a book about her experience and now shares tips on how to navigate the pain.
2025-03-28T06:37:00Z By Danielle Finch
‘Relationships are messy. In many ways, life might be so much easier if we didn’t have to interact with others. Yet God, in his wisdom, chose us to live in community. I don’t know about you, but I have become increasingly aware of a trend of cutting ‘toxic’ people out of our lives,’ says Danielle Finch.
2025-03-27T05:20:00Z By Tola Doll Fisher
Woman Alive editor, Tola-Doll Fisher, writes a tribute to her ex mother-in-law who always showed her love and compassion.
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