By Sally Hope2025-01-22T13:02:00
‘Egalitarian leadership structures have been shown to combat the attitudes and beliefs that can lead to abuse, and to provide a protective factor when abuse does occur,’ argues Sally Hope.
This recent Woman Alive article argues that increasing numbers of female pastors will not decrease the number of church scandals. I disagree, if the Church really wants to combat abuse, one of the things it must do is review its male dominated hierarchy.
Even in churches where there are no official restrictions on female clergy, men still dominate leadership positions. In the Church of England for example, men outnumber women as incumbents by more than 2 to 1.
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2025-03-26T13:18:00Z By Jemimah Wright
Elizabeth Zion Herder served in leadership and advisory roles at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC) for 15 years, from 2002 to 2017. She remained part of the church community until 2022, when she and her family separated from IHOPKC due to significant, biblically irreconcilable issues, including unaddressed error, sin and abuse. Elizabeth spoke with deputy editor Jemimah Wright about exposing the abuse of IHOPKC founder, Mike Bickle
2025-03-26T13:17:00Z By Kate Orson
Kate Orson reminds us that we are meant to be unified, so need to learn to disagree well
2025-03-26T13:17:00Z By Veronica Zundel
While Veronica Zundel reminds us Jesus taught we will be judged by how well we lived the Christian life, rather than our church style, she believes that there is room for all the different types of church in existence today
2025-03-28T09:00:00Z By Funke Oham
Having lost two children at birth, Funke Oham wrote a book about her experience and now shares tips on how to navigate the pain.
2025-03-28T06:37:00Z By Danielle Finch
‘Relationships are messy. In many ways, life might be so much easier if we didn’t have to interact with others. Yet God, in his wisdom, chose us to live in community. I don’t know about you, but I have become increasingly aware of a trend of cutting ‘toxic’ people out of our lives,’ says Danielle Finch.
2025-03-27T05:20:00Z By Tola Doll Fisher
Woman Alive editor, Tola-Doll Fisher, writes a tribute to her ex mother-in-law who always showed her love and compassion.
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