Cherry de Winter decided that aproaching the big 5-0 was the right time for her to launch her music career, here she explains why.
Have you ever faced a birthday with a zero at the end, and thought: ”I’m not ready for this?!” I felt it when I turned 30 and was involuntarily single. I felt it even more acutely when it looked like I would turn 40 involuntarily childless. As it happened, I was very fortunate to be just 11 weeks pregnant at my 40th birthday party, and subtly batting away alcoholic drinks bought for me by unsuspecting friends. My next big birthday is this October, when I’m going to be 50.
50! It sounds so old. But am I ready for it? Yes and no.This March I am very excited to be releasing my first song. You know, properly, to the world, on Spotify and Apple Music and with a video and everything! I’ve been writing lyrics and music andrecording vocals and drum beats, finding outfits and cajoling my husband to film the video on my iPhone.
I have to admit, in this ageist world, especially as a woman who’s no longer in her 20s, the prospect of "putting myself out there" is daunting. Will the make-up hide the dark circles under my eyes? Will the close ups of me playing the piano show the arthritic bumps on my fingers? And, certainly, the late night gigs I used to do as a singer with a band in the 90s are simply not going to happen.
In this ageist world, especially as a woman who’s no longer in her 20s, the prospect of "putting myself out there" is daunting.
I like/need sleep, and can’t juggle both gigs and a day job anymore. But I am determined to do this in my own way. I believe I have something to offer in terms of wisdom, and creativity, but also in the fun that comes with being a bit more certain of who I am in life.
Job speaks of wisdom belonging to the aged. Ok, I’m not aged yet, but surely, if I have any wisdom, then it’s good and loving to impart it to others. In my case, I love to do this through music. My very first song, Little One, is about the way that children, especially if you have them later in life, completely turn your life upside down and tear through your world like a hurricane, and yet, in the same breath, you want them to know that, as the chorus says: "However old you are, however tall you grow, you will always be my little one."
Our creator God made us in his image, and didn’t put any age limits on our creativity. So neither should we!
Even the wisdom of holding two, apparently contradictory emotions at the same time, and yet so completely, is something that has become clearer to me as I’ve gone through life. And now I want tosing on behalf of those people who’ve lived a bit, but are often too busy to feel their own emotions, let alone express them. And at the same time, bring any wisdom I have, while adding a touch of magic.
But it’s not all serious. The next song will be a really fun one about killing your plants by overwatering them. Our creator God made us in his image, and didn’t put any age limits on our creativity. So neither should we!
Little One is out on March 10 on all the streaming platforms. Come and find me on@CherrydeWinter, and join in the adventure.

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