‘We believed we served the “light” and brought healing to people and the earth,’ says Elizabeth Klanga, until she discovered the dark side, and realised Jesus is the only way, the truth, and the life.
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them – Ephesians 5:11
For over a decade, I was involved in the occult, working as a psychic medium. However, amidst the chaos of the Covid-19 pandemic, Jesus mercifully opened my eyes to the deception that ensnared my soul, leading me on a journey of profound transformation and redemption.
I was drawn into the occult in 2010, when, at the age of 27, I experienced an emotional breakdown and spiralled into a deep depression. Seeking solace, my aunt offered me a book filled with angelic messages and healing affirmations.
Intrigued by her recent experience with a psychic medium who claimed to see angels, I sought out a session for myself, unaware of the darkness awaiting me.
Intrigued by her recent experience with a psychic medium who claimed to see angels, I sought out a session for myself, unaware of the darkness awaiting me.
As I arrived at the medium’s house for my reading, the room was adorned with statues of angels, crystals, a laughing Buddha, and white candles, she laid out the tarot cards and details of my past, present, and future were revealed. I wondered how this woman knew so much about me. Despite, feeling hopeful when she predicted future success in my health and career, it came at a price - I had now opened the door to the devil, giving him legal rights to my life.
I felt compelled to return, and started to rely on the medium for my life decisions.
I felt compelled to return, and started to rely on the medium for my life decisions. She became my mentor, training me in all aspects of the occult, such as giving tarot readings and communicating with deceased loved ones. By the eighth year of practicing spiritualism in the occult, I would sit in a darkened room with other mediums in a séance and allow spirits to possess my body. We believed we served the ‘light’ and brought healing to people and the earth. In my ignorance, I never considered myself to be a witch or an agent of the devil, which is the biggest deception of the new age today.
However, in February 2020, Jesus opened my eyes to the deception I was under. While contemplating my wall adorned with idols, I removed an image of Jesus, and said, ‘I don’t need you,’ and stored it away. As I walked away, I heard a voice, which I believe to be the Holy Spirit, saying, ‘You’re going to meet the devil, and you will have to choose.’
The following week, during my work as a manager of a security team in an art gallery, a girl came for staff cover. She approached me with a compliment and began sharing her knowledge of voodoo. In private, she exclaimed, ‘I work for Satan and summon demons.’ I was utterly shocked. When I asked her why, she replied, ‘To hurt people,’ and as she laughed, I heard the laughter of demons within her. Terrified, I ran home and, in my ignorance, sought a crystal talisman for protection. Then I heard the Holy Spirit say, ‘Put your cross on; it’s the strongest weapon.’
I had grown up in a Greek Orthodox home without a genuine relationship with God, but I kept a cross given to me at my christening when I was three. And there, after years of darkness, I put on the Cross of Jesus Christ. A sense of freedom washed over me like never before. The following day, I renounced all my belongings associated with the occult. I shredded my tarot cards, ouija board, statues of idols, crystals, and occult books. That night, Jesus appeared to me in an open vision and impressed upon my heart, ‘I entrust you, my little lamb, bring light to those who are in darkness.’
As I broke away from the Kingdom of darkness, the enemy’s attacks began. Demons threatened me daily with laughter, that I heard audibly and spoke in their demonic language. In fear and repentance, I cried out to God and I heard the Holy Spirit say ‘Call Sola’ a dear work colleague. Sola connected me to River Church in Canning Town. In August 2020, I was baptised and I began a new life in Christ Jesus.
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Today, I stand as a living testament to the transformative power of God’s grace, determined to bring light to those ensnared in darkness and to proclaim the boundless mercy and love of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
For those trapped in the occult, I urge you to turn to Jesus with all your heart. He came to set you free. Mediums are agents of the devil and capitalise on vulnerability.
I was like the man in the cave in Luke 8:26—full of demons! Because of his amazing grace, Jesus set me free, gave me a new life, and an identity in him. Jesus comes after the one who is lost. If you’re reading this, know that he’s heard your cry in the dark cave and he’s coming on the boat to save you.
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