I suffered abuse in the Church, but we mustn’t confuse the acts of Christians with the acts of Christ


Source: Anete Lusina / Pexels

Writer Hope Bonarcher shares her experience of abuse in the Church and how she turns to Jesus for her faith rather than the example of flawed people. 

It seems like every week there is new light shed on another scandal lurking in the church shadows. Recently scrolling through comments on social media regarding the latest accusations of impropriety against a prominent UK leader, I was reminded how cunningly the enemy can use church abuse as a trigger. 

There were threads peppered with commenters decrying their own or loved ones’ awful experiences. Immediately, I reacted in defense. They’re throwing the baby out with the bath water! There are bad people everywhere, in every religion and outside of religion altogether. Is it fair the Church should so often be the scapegoat?

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