How can Christians navigate ‘Blue Monday’?


Today is apparently the most depressing day of the year, and so named ‘Blue Monday’. Woman Alive’s deputy editor, Jemimah Wright considers what we can do to make this day better and not simply succumb to the negative associations with this time of year. 

Today has been named ‘Blue Monday’, according to….a UK travel company (!) it is apparently the most depressing day of the year in the UK. Sky Travel published this information in 2005 after claiming to have calculated the date using an undisclosed ’equation’ taking into account weather conditions in the Northern Hemisphere. 

Blue Monday is now set as the third Monday of the month in January, so well done to the Sky Travel marketing team, as the term has stuck. But how do we, as Christians, respond to the day?

Here is my suggestion: we laugh at it, and I honestly think it is what Jesus would have done.

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