‘The power of the gospel is one of the few things that unifies us across cultures and generations, transcending time and geography,’ says Melissa Immel, curation and acquisition lead for the Jesus Film Project.
The 1979 film JESUS continues to share the gospel on screen around the world – nearly five decades after its release. It began with a faithful group of believers committing their time and energy to produce a film transformative to how we communicate the gospel message. As a ministry tool, the film has helped change many lives, and its message remains as powerful and relevant as ever.
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Remarkably, the JESUS film has become the most translated film of all time, having reached audiences in over 2,000 languages in the process (the most recent translation being Zo, spoken on the borders of India and Myanmar/Burma). That is no mean feat. Every translation is a painstaking effort, requiring technical expertise from audio mixing to dubbing, with a knowledge of local dialects.
The premise behind translating the film is simple: not everyone has access to a Bible in their native language
The premise behind translating the film is simple since not everyone has access to a Bible in their native language. How then can we share God’s living word, Scripture, and its message of healing and freedom in a way that everyone can understand it? The JESUS film is our solution. With increased translation capabilities thanks to the wonders of modern technology, the mission of translating this film into every language is only growing. And we have an incredible team working tirelessly to ensure that everyone, everywhere, can hear the transformative words of Jesus in their mother tongue, or what we at Jesus Film Project call their “heart language.”
While it is a tool for ministry, the JESUS film has also become a classic for film-buffs and Christians alike. It has evolved to become something of a collectible. This is largely due to its timeless message: Jesus transforms lives. Whether preaching to first-century Palestinians living under Roman oppression or to people living in the twenty-first-century who are discovering a new purpose and meaning through faith, the life-bringing message Jesus offers is the same.
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The JESUS film resonates because it tells a story of hope, peace, and justice–values and beliefs that are ever needed in today’s world. The power of the gospel is one of the few things that unifies us across cultures and generations, transcending time and geography. Over 2,000 years after Jesus walked the earth, nearly three billion people profess to be Christian–evidence that the gospel is still powerful, and still at work today.
As curation and acquisition lead for Jesus Film Project, I admit I am biased about why everyone should watch JESUS. Our dedicated teams and countless individuals work tirelessly to share this film with the world. Every year, millions of people watch the JESUS film, whether in bustling cities like Chicago and London or in remote, indigenous communities only accessible on foot.
The film brings Jesus’ story to life. Through powerful acting, detailed sets, and thoughtful props, it transports us to that time and place when our savior walked on earth. From following Mary and Joseph fleeing as refugees to one of the poorest towns for Jesus’ birth, to depicting Jesus’ ministry and miracles–to sharing the grief and despair the disciples endured at the cross to announcing the triumph of his resurrection, it’s a story with more plot twists and unexpected turns than your average blockbuster. But most importantly, it’s the foundation of our faith as Christians. It challenges us, captivates us, and inspires us to share this message near and far. That is our mission and our heart at Jesus Film Project.
You can watch the JESUS film in your native language for free on Jesusfilm.org/watch or through the Jesus Film mobile app.

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