Everything you need to know if you’ve decided to ‘get back out there’ on the dating scene in 2023


Source: Pixabay / Pexels

Writer and author of Notes On Love, Lauren Windle, shares her advice for those who’ve made a romantic resolution.

January brings with it the promise of new routines, new habits and the ever-elusive “new you”. For some this means shunning the snooze button, others commit to face-planting multi-vitamins every morning and a brave few decide it’s time to hit the dating scene once again.

If this is you – I applaud you. I believe God answers prayers, but often not with a lightning bolt, but a strategy. A lot of Christians pray for a partner and then wait, hoping for Prince Charming’s car to breakdown just outside their house and for him to desperately need to use their phone to call the RAC. In this fantasy Prince Charming doesn’t have a mobile. If you were buying a house, you would pray for sure, but you’d also look on Zooplah. If you wanted a new job, you would pray – of course, but you’d also scour LinkedIn and run some searches on Reed.com. What I’m saying is, God’s here. He’s in it, but you should probably get moving and see where he takes you.

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