Do Christians believe in evolution?


Source: Max Mishin / Pexels

Elizabeth Cole, author of God’s Cosmic Cookbook, shares that there's space for God and science. 

It’s the first line of a popular children’s worship song: "Our God is a great big God" and it's familiar to most of us. Simple enough to be understood by very young children, but also deeply profound… in truth, God is so "big", so impossible for us to define or imagine, that we will always struggle. Even getting our heads around what the "fullness of God" really means is likely to trip us up. 

We know God is the maker and sustainer of all things: "In heaven and on earth, visible and invisible" (Colossians 1:16). We know God is eternal: "The same yesterday, today and tomorrow" and that he is beyond time (Hebrews 13:8). We know God’s name is "I am" (Exodus 3:14),  the very source and underpinning of existence; it is constantly tempting for us to cut God down into something or someone more our size; a bit closer to our image not the other way around.

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