At Madonna’s The Celebration Tour, she told fans that her first word after coming out of a coma and a ‘near-death experience’ was… ‘no’.
Did you know that there is a whole Wikipedia page dedicated to Madonna and Religion? The American singer-songwriter has incorporated in her works many references to religious themes of different religions and spiritual practices.
Madonna was raised Catholic, but has been accused of sacrilege, heresy, iconoclasm and blasphemy in her performances.
For example, in her 2015 tour, singing Holy Water, the ageless pop star stripped off her skirt to reveal a skimpy nun’s habit — and started to pole dance. Next, her dancers acted out the Last Supper, with Madonna in the central role as Jesus.
Madonna has said she believes in Jesus but not in institutional organisations.
Madonna has said she believes in Jesus but not in institutional organisations.
So what does she think about meeting God one day? Well apparently, in 2023, she nearly did.
Madonna, 65, recently told an audience at her The Celebration Tour on Monday 4th March about her experience in June last year, when she was hospitalised with a bacterial infection. She was in a coma for four days.
During her performance in Los Angeles, the singer, wearing a giant cowboy hat, told fans that her first word after coming out of a coma and a ‘near-death experience’ was… ‘no’.
She said, ‘I’m pretty sure that God was saying to me, ‘You wanna come with? You wanna come close? You wanna come with me?’ And I said, ‘No!’
And then she woke up.
She said, ‘I’m pretty sure that God was saying to me, ‘You wanna come with? You wanna come close? You wanna come with me?’ And I said, ‘No!’
If Madonna was at the point of death last year, and did hear God, I believe this is amazing grace that she lived, and still has time to turn to Jesus.
We don’t know where she is with faith. In 2015, in an interview with the Irish Independent, she said: “I don’t affiliate myself with any specific religious group. I connect to different ritualistic aspects of different belief systems, and I see the connecting thread between all religious beliefs”
But talking about the changes made by Pope Francis in an interview with Rolling Stone regarding her Rebel Heart Tour, she said ”It’s good to look out into the big, wide world and see that we have changed, and at the end of the day the message of Jesus is to love your neighbour as yourself, and so that means not judging. And to do that, you have to be more open-minded and accepting of people who have lifestyles that you perceive as unconventional.”
At her show in Los Angeles last week Madonna talked as if she was given a second chance, and I believe she was.
A few years ago I spent some time with Samaa Habib. She didn’t have a ‘near-death experience’; she actually died, saw Jesus face to face, and then was resurrected!
Samaa spoke about the glory and power and beauty of Jesus, how his love radiated into her, but he was so holy, she could only lie prostate before him in worship.
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She was always laughing, and told me, ‘joy is the currency of heaven.’
God gave Samaa a choice to stay in heaven, or return to earth. She said she knew she had not fulfilled her purpose in life, and her family and nation did not know him, so she chose to return. He said, ‘See you soon!’
Now she says if she died she would never ask to come back for heaven is so wonderful.
In Madonna’s near death experience she says she heard God’s voice, and that she said no. Let’s pray for her that for however long she has left, she would open her heart to Jesus, surrender to him, and receive his forgiveness and salvation, so that next time she hears him say ‘You wanna come close?’ she will run into his arms, a daughter found in her heavenly father’s embrace.

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