Celibacy is trending as it isn't just Christians who decide voluntarily to abstain from sex


Source: Bas Geerlings / Pexels

It turns not "doing it" is the latest in thing... who knew single Christians were so ahead of the times?

There have been a lot of unexpected stories knocking about in the press but this is truly the news no one saw coming. It turns out that celibacy is trending in the UK. Yep, you read that right - it’s not just the Christians that are at it (or not “at it” in this case) but the population as a whole is enjoying abstaining from a roll around in the sack. 

New Google data revealed that celibacy, which means voluntarily not having sex, is a growing trend, and some studies found younger people are having sex less often. The data shows a 90 per cent increase in searches for the term celibacy in the UK over the last month, indicating a growing trend in interest, and is currently at an all-time high in the UK. But why is this happening?

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