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Tearfund 1

Margery and her husband John have been driven by their faith to make a difference in the lives of other people all around the world for many years. Now, by leaving a gift in their will, they’ve planned to ensure that work will continue long into the future. Credit: Fruit Media UK

Margery and her husband John have been driven by their faith to make a difference in the lives of other people all around the world for many years.

What started as a prayer group at university has turned into a lifelong expression of God’s love for those in need.

Now, Margery and John have planned to ensure that their legacy of transforming people’s lives for good will continue long into the future by leaving a gift in their will.

Why Tearfund?

‘We first got to know about Tearfund at university,’ says Margery. ‘We had a friend who went to Bangladesh with Tearfund, so we had a group get together to pray for him and from that we decided to find out more about Tearfund’s work in other countries.

‘A couple of years later, I spent two years in Thailand during the Cambodian crisis. We were working in a camp with 6,000 people in it that was meant for 2,000 people. The work was non-stop.

‘Thailand made a huge impact on me. And, last year, I was able to meet up again with one of the ladies from the refugee camp. She had been the lone survivor on her boat and had lost both her brothers. We’ve kept in touch all these years, so when her daughter was coming over to study in the UK, I invited her to visit me in Scotland and she came.

‘It was quite something to meet someone again that I’d met 40 years ago.

‘When I’d met her in the camp, I’d told her that my sister was expecting a baby. She was so excited and she had this baby blanket that she gave me for my niece. This time, when she came to visit, she brought one for my granddaughter.

Why leave a gift in your will?

‘We have a real fondness for Tearfund,’ says Margery. ‘And we’ve seen it really evolve.

‘We were at Tearfund’s 50th Anniversary celebrations in Glasgow, and we got the feeling that wonderful things have definitely happened in the past but that what is happening in the present is very exciting. The vision for the future is inspiring too!

‘Our feeling for Tearfund is that it’s in a good place.

‘Because we’ve been Tearfund supporters for the last 30 years, it’s one of the main charities we give to. So, leaving a gift in our will seemed like the obvious thing for us to do.

‘We know we can trust that the money will be used well.’

How can you make a lasting impact with your faith too?

You, we, all of us who are the church are God’s answer to extreme poverty. We believe that God’s plan is for each person to have the opportunity to thrive and fulfil their God-given potential.

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Like Margery, John and many other faithful Tearfund supporters, you too can make a lasting impact on people’s lives by leaving a gift in your will.

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Recently, Margery was able to meet up with a friend she had made in the refugee camp in Thailand 40 years ago.