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Discovering ‘clean beauty’
Honouring diversity through fashion
Are women cursed?
A league of extraordinary women
A powerful testimony of what happens when women support women
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What do Pamela Anderson and Alicia Keys have in common?
GREAT SEXPECTATIONS: I’m in debt. Is it okay for me to sell pictures of myself online?
How to pitch
It’s harder for women over 50 to find work but God still has a purpose for us
Remembering my friend, Steve Legg (1967-2024)
Can men go topless this summer or is modesty for everyone?
Book Club
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January 2025
Your fresh start is found in surrendering
You are part of a growing sisterhood...
Christine Caine: ‘I should have been a statistic’
Lydia Dicas leads worship at church but has also suffered through years of debilitating chronic pain
If you're one of the increasing number of women travelling solo this year, make sure you don't feel lonely on the journey
Are Christian women ashamed of their own sexuality?
Look after the skin God gave you (here’s a 20% discount to give you a head start!)
Diets are overrated - here is what the Bible says about food and nutrition...
Human righteousness is cheap, in 2025 Christians need their spiritual armour more than ever
I became a bestselling Christian author in my 40s - it’s never too late to follow your God-given dreams!
January Book Club: The autobiography of Britain’s first black woman bishop
What do you really believe about parenting?
Christian feminism is a gospel issue
‘I found freedom in submission’
‘Marriage is not about a hierarchy or a chain of command’
How to handle complaints with justice
Saved from injury in a car crash
December 2024
Woman Alive exists because of your support, so here's our Christmas gift to you...
Speak up for religious freedom
Speciality coffee is not just a fad, being a values-led, social business means 'trying to be like Jesus'
Sentenced to death for her faith
A man stepping down for a woman is a clear representation of Jesus
Why can't men tell the difference between friendly and flirting?
Gwyneth Paltrow’s former nursery nurse, Rachel Waddilove, left Bibles for the children in her care
If you've got questions about gender and sexuality, don't be afraid to ask God
Toxic masculinity is everywhere but a soft rebranding is not the answer
Witchcraft is masquerading as female empowerment
December Book Club - What does it mean to be human?
The Bible values the wisdom of older generations so let's raise confident women together
If you're searching for permission to love yourself in mid-life, this is it
God does not force anyone to believe in him
Do we have freedom of religion within our own churches?
God intervened when cheap beef caused me to have periods at four years old
November 2024
My husband and I gave up alcohol, and this is what happened
Why I believe women’s fiction is an important tool to share the gospel
Thoughts on the fairness of life
Could this be your new winter routine?
Lex Renick on faith, identity, and transformation: 'God removed my dysphoria and renewed my life'
Girl power reimagined
This month I’m reading…A Crown that Lasts: You are not your label By Demi-Leigh Tebow
‘Trust is a major key in our walk with God’
Set free to set others free
Are you caring for your neighbour?
Why can’t women choose to be childfree?
On being different to the world
Please, don’t stay silent
Is ethical parenting possible?
On the pressure to do the ‘right’ thing
Being fair is part of our calling as Christians
The gift we didn’t know we needed
Joining our stories with God’s
October 2024
‘What Little House on the Prairie taught me about a godly attitude to sex and marriage’
‘I suffer from religious OCD’
We need more people fostering and adopting
‘I hated being called Joy but now I love it’
Adoption, marriage breakdown and the Slave Bible
Encountering thin places
Lord, send me!
Without bravery ‘Christianity will perish’
‘Do not suffer alone’
Fostering is a calling for the whole Church
Book Club: Being a Sanctuary By Pricelis Perreaux-Dominguez
Shining a light on HRT
Embracing hospitality
How God uses adoption to forward his plan
‘Blood ties are not always the most important’
Pineapple-sized tumour disappeared!
How the Bible was deliberately censored to control African slaves
September 2024
Pursuing the career of my dreams
Education is a lifelong journey
Women and men do need each other
‘Women have always been a key part of God’s plan’
Revelations of Jesus to a Jew
‘A biblical worldview underpins every subject I teach our children’
Making God an intrinsic part of every lesson
Why do women perform better at school, but men are ahead in the workplace?
A good teacher sees the role as a vocation, not just a job
Embracing change
‘When the riots came to Sunderland’
'Lead like the real you' this month's Book Club is on Amy Orr Ewings new book
Menopause - a whole-body experience
Nurturing independence
Educating all of the Ritas - what does the Bible say about educating women?
Church life should be about learning
God answered my husband’s specific prayer requests
‘I want people to forget me, but see Jesus'
August 2024
Doll's message for the August issue
The spirit of sports
Going for gold – with God
‘I wouldn’t be able to do what I do if I was married and had children’
The impact of women in sport
‘God’s love for me was my anchor and stability in the unpredictable world of sport’
‘When you’re on the receiving end of a miracle, it’s very odd’
Looking after your emotional health as a mother
There are domestic abusers in our churches
Influencer, Anna Mathur says, ‘You can’t do it all’
Nurturing faith within your family
Women naturally understand about menopause, and men don’t need to…right?
Book Club interview with author of ‘Tis Mercy All: The power of mercy in a polarised world
Suffering is inevitable; our response to it isn’t
Running the race
Healed of anorexia aged 75
‘Why must all sports be fiercely competitive?’
July 2024
‘The British Church would fold if it were not for women’
The joy of reading
Memories of my ‘gentle yet firm’ boss
Kathy Keller on life after the death of her late husband Timothy Keller
Wendy Grisham's books that kick up the dirt
Cooking in season
‘Reading is a kind of magic’
Sexism in the city
The gala and the garden
Why South Korean women are striving for a male-less existence. And why I sort of get it.
It’s not you, it’s perimenopause
Your history is not your legacy (AKA You are not your mother)
Book Club: Beyond Ethnic Loneliness: The pain of marginalization and the path to belonging
God has respect for children (and so should we)
‘Nothing beats a real book’
I was an atheist and ended up conversing with God
June 2024
Where do you call ‘home’?
Creating ‘home’ wherever we go
Faith and fashion
Home is where you are
A traditional English housewife
I’m calling time on the myth of the ‘domestic goddess’
Science catching up with the Bible
Designing gardens with God
The issue of whiteness
Is therapy okay for Christians?
Book Club - Does God See Me? How God meets us in the center of our trauma-healing journey
It’s time for your health MOT
There are spiritual benefits from spending time in nature
Not a housewife
There’s no place like home
God brings healing through words of knowledge
May 2024
A sense of togetherness
The May Issue: Festival fever
From trauma to God’s glory
Dealing with disappointment
A beautiful philosophy
Helping families to stay together
Gathering together at summer festivals positively impacts our churches
People crave God, which is why they go to Glastonbury
Are we ageist?
The curse of ‘perfect parenting’
How to embrace festival season – if that’s your thing
The A-Z on pelvic health
Book Club: Fully Alive - Tending to the soul in turbulent times
‘We follow a camping God’
‘Whatever is happening in our world, God is here, with us, in it all’
God used bunions to reconnect me to my mother
April 2024
April 2024: ‘Keeping things fresh’
Life and hope this Easter
‘Sewing into people’s lives’
Modern day slavery: Human trafficking
Suffering has a purpose
Are we balanced?
We need to start talking about young-onset dementia
Time to stop being offended
Making memories and celebrating milestones
‘Who cares what she’s selling? What the heck has she done to her face?!’
The ‘believe me’ gap
Is the Government finally prioritising women’s health?
This month I’m reading…She Speaks Fire: Battling shame, reigniting your faith, and claiming your purpose
The women Jesus sent
We don’t have to understand everything that happened at Easter
‘God gave me a piano' and 'I received a prophetic word about my future husband’
March 2024
A season of celebration…
Be kind to yourself
Fall down seven times, stand up eight
Lessons for Lent through my own story of loss
The wait - my journey with infertility
Get outside - embracing the benefits of leisure time
Utilising yoga during Lent
Nurtured in the hidden places
A place of holistic nourishment
Exercise yourself happy!
Real life parenting in a digital world
God’s brand of inclusion
Why are men raging at pink confetti?
Busyness is not close to godliness
However you choose to live, live well
Book Club interview with Lauren Windle
'How I got my ‘Jesus dungarees’' , 'God gave us the perfect flat' and 'how worship helped me with sleep training my baby'
February 2024
Feb 2024: 'Should women propose?'
You are what you eat
What are your expectations on Valentine’s Day?
‘This industry requires a lot of faith'
‘There’s no passage in the Bible about dating’
How I decided to tackle food waste, and made it into a business
Baroness Stroud - speaking up for others
Parenting children with additional needs
Romantic relationships aren’t the only ones we should prioritise
Notes on…feminism
My life for God’s glory
My husband was told he had less than six months to live
Lessons in love
God's comfort after a broken heart, hearing the Holy Spirit at midnight in a train station and angel feathers
Book Club: This month I’m reading…Of Love and Treason
Do you do everything in love?
January 2024
What did Jesus really say about money?
Who are you? Do you know your true identity?
Jan 2024: 'You are part of an incredible group of inspiring women'
How God led me to start a cake business, and resurrected it when I thought it was all over
My life story, and how the Lord has directed my path
‘Scientifically I should have been dead. It’s a miracle that I survived’
‘People want to cancel what they can’t stand’
'I was once more than £50,000 in debt, now I’m a money coach'
Remembering we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’
No more being a ‘kept’ woman…
‘I would suggest that all Christians should be feminists’
Joyce Meyer - An extract from her latest book Overcoming Every Problem
Here is what I have learnt, being a mother, about helping our daughters to discover their uniqueness
'God gave me my eyesight back' and other miracle stories to increase your faith!
Contented living in a time of financial crisis
Book Club This month I’m reading… The Warsaw Sisters
December 2023
Understanding the menopause
Traditions are important…but don’t fret when things don’t go as planned
God's miraculous provision and calling to Scotland
'I survived abortion'
Married at 66!
Lucy Grimble: From struggling with self-doubt to leading thousands in worship
Jesus the entertainer
‘I can get you a six-pack, but I’m far more interested in getting you into heaven!’
Girls’ Brigade: A 130-year legacy
Five things I have learned about… the art of celebration
‘Enough is enough’ for gun and knife violence
Well-known Christians reflections on Christmas
Eating disorders don’t take a break at Christmas
Redeeming mixed-sex relationships
Dec 2023: Celebrating the hope we have this Christmas
Prayer & Reflection: Celebrating Christmas
This month I’m reading… The Gifts of Christmas
November 2023
Finding the light in the midst of so much darkness
Standing up for faith in politics
WA Book Club: This month I’m reading…The Bride by Joy Margetts
Amplifying the voices of abused Ugandan women
The blessing of serving
Trusting God’s sovereignty in singleness
There is no biblical justification for persecuting women
Stop the persecution of women
Walking free of shame and stigma in pregnancy and beyond
Five things I have learned about…humility
Mission & burnout
'God gave me friends' and other testimonies...
Life after adultery and divorce
‘Do men hate women? Or do they just fear us greatly?’
Furniture, food and friendship
Deconstructing faith is trending – but hold on to your Bibles
October 2023
‘I have seen God work miracles through the natural ingredients’
‘Who really wants to be “evangelised” (and without an anaesthetic)?!’
From Hollywood to Jesus
The animated gospel
‘We too are commissioned to continue Jesus’ mission’
Walking with Jesus through complex grief
Living out your life mission
From beauty therapist to vicar
A word for the Sainsbury's delivery guy
Let’s not be afraid of our sexuality
It’s time to start having uncomfortable conversations about mental health
It’s time for something new
God has called women into every sphere of influence
Five things I have learned about…sharing my faith
Book Club - Say Goodbye to Anxiety
Kate Bottley - a curator of faith
September 2023
The Woman Alive podcast
Jesus first, Olympics second
Mama got faith!
Book Club - Unashamed by Tracy Williamson
Awake to the world around us
Five things I have learned about…recycling
God heard my cry and moved us to Scotland
Faith and Tik Tok
God’s creative work is outstanding, but we are failing to look after it
'Gals' that brunch
The transforming power of abiding in God’s love
‘I was face to face with a former IRA terrorist’
Support for single mums
Help for those struggling with addiction
Do genetics hold the key?
God has plans for the future of earth – so should we
August 2023
We don’t like talking about it but…
Is there space for faith in politics?
Five things I have learned about…financial planning
The unique ministry of a ‘Big Fat Greek Mother’
Memorizing Scripture
What it means to be on mission for Jesus
Embracing doubt
Are we spending more than we earn?
‘I spent thousands on therapy because I wasn’t thin enough for support from the NHS’
From atheist to Christian author and other miracle stories
‘I’m glad that the prosperity gospel is on its way out’
‘I became the first white woman ever to be ordained in northern Uganda’
‘Mothers have been so devalued’
Why I teach people about sexuality
In praise of Greenbelt (for anyone who isn’t quite sure about it)
The priceless love of God
July 2023
Waiting for love
Understanding the Gospels
This month I’m reading…The Body Revelation
Five things I have learned about…reading
5 Ways to Say ‘I’m Sorry’ by the man who brought us the 5 Love Languages
Are women too strong for their own good?
‘Does reading bring us closer to God?’
The Woman Alive podcast is coming this summer!
What kind of parent would plan out their children’s lives in every detail from the get-go?
Healing miracle at Luton airport!
Strongholds of the mind
From suicidal to life coach
Faith of a mustard seed
‘If you can’t write, read’
Debunking the myth of the “summer body”
June 2023
Yes, it’s probably going to rain this summer…
Every day is an adventure
Fancy going on holiday for next to nothing?
The truth about sex
June Woman Alive Book Club
‘This is what home should feel like’
Does Jesus really want us to give away all we have?
We sold everything to live on a boat
Joanna Gaines on telling our stories…
Travel has helped me develop a greater understanding of my faith and family
Fighting fast fashion is every Christian’s responsibility
Slowing down can help to change the course of the climate crisis
Five things I have learned about…how to ‘travel light’
Eating disorders don’t take a holiday
My teenage son came back to God
What is faith?
May 2023
A message from Doll: A Coronation celebration!
Would it surprise you to learn 65 per cent of British black Caribbean women are single?
Women have never held power in patriarchal societies but we can still effect significant change
Testimonies: No rain on my wedding day...
WA Book club: This month I'm reading... Transforming Love: How friendship with Jesus changes us by Amy Boucher Pye
Suffering is a natural part of life
Parents, do not despair - there is hope for our young people!
My husband was addicted to porn for 20 years
Landscape Artist of the Year says, ‘I feel truly alive when I paint’
Five things I have learned about…embracing the ordinary
God gave us a building for £1!
A prayer of thanks – and hope
I put God at the centre of my birth experience
‘How can we make space and time to listen to God when we are always doing at least two things at once?’
Coronation Special: ‘The coronation is inescapably Christian’
Coronation Special: How to be a queen
‘Any sex outside of God is unsafe’
April 2023
God told me to give up my career
God provided us with furniture
Why I left the Pussycat Dolls
What are the ‘little foxes’ in your life?
This spring, why not try forest bathing?
‘There is no Christian position on transgender’
The priest from Pakistan
‘Sick people matter’
This month I’m reading…Cuckoo in the Nest by Fran Hill
Sex bonds us together like glue
Serving single
Easter with Wintershall: Taking Jesus’ story to where people are
Good health is not just a prayer away
‘My son got five siblings – one for every year he prayed!’
I grew up on a housing estate but that didn’t stop me becoming a vicar
Five things I have learned about…living within my limits
A prayer for health
March 2023
I’ve been married to an unbeliever for 30 years
We have accepted sexual disorder as normality for too long
God restored me after my husband walked away
WA Book club: All My Knotted-Up Life by Beth Moore
I gave birth with the help of the Holy Spirit
Fitness and faith help my neurodivergent brain
Our children were born to heroin addicts
Celebrating International Women's Day: Four black Christian leaders you need to know about
‘I struggle as a Christian mum’
Isn’t it time the world listened to women?
Bible Study: Have you ever heard of the female apostle?
Five things I have learned about…female friends
‘We prayed, but we didn’t get a miracle’
A Message from the Editor: Thanking the women who make a difference in our lives
The gospel is liberating for everyone – women included
Your church would pay more for a plumber than for your creative skills (which could win souls if not fix a leaky tap)
Prayer & Reflection: Experiencing God’s guidance
February 2023
Unpacking the strong black woman stereotype
The Church is obsessed with leadership
'The Holy Spirit saved my baby’s life' and other testimonies
Prayer & Reflection: Led by God’s love…together
Moving from self-hatred to self-love after sexual assault
Everyone knows you need to be married to plant a church...right?
'I was single when God told me to speak out about Kingdom marriage'
Interracial marriage and mission
Have I run out of time to have a baby?
Yetunde Hofmann is on a mission to help women break the glass ceiling
Finding hope in walking
God has a heart for children
God celebrates sex!
Five things I have learned about…leadership (the hard way!)
Is egg freezing biblical?
Book Club with Bishop Jill Duff
January 2023
Women’s conferences and events
Why should we care about the Black Church?
What type of Christian are you?
Why I need God and medication
God gave me a vision and somehow I ended up running a luxury accessories business!
The power of the name of Jesus... and other testimonies
How I learned to help my daughter deal with anxiety
Lessons on sexuality: ‘Goodbye, Garden of Eden’
Prayer and fasting is the backbone behind this ministry
The death of my daughter led me back to faith
Five things I have learned about… women’s events
Book Club
Adopting embryos
Prayer & Reflection: A time for rest and renewal
A spiritual new year
Don’t join a gym, don’t become a vegan; here’s how to spend the first month of the year
A coach for growth
December 2022
We have NEW columnists joining us in 2023…
Walking with The Chosen
WA Bookclub: This month I’m reading…
Visited by angels
Psychosis kept me wide awake for 96 hours
The story of six-year-old TikTok sensation ‘Along Came Abby’
Stories of supernatural provision
‘I was high on drugs but could not stop talking about God’
Posada: Celebrating the nativity journey
Meeting The Teddy Bear Ladies
‘It’s nearly Christmas again and I still haven’t washed the Christmas tablecloth’
‘God places such value on women, that he lived within one for nine months’
‘God loved me and met me in the darkest place of my life’
Jesus appeared to me in a dream
Is it safe to have sex when I’m on my period?
Five things I have learned about… surviving Christmas
A prayer for Christmas
I didn't celebrate Christmas, now I love it
November 2022
Healed of long COVID after a spiritual curse lifted
Will the average Christian woman please stand up?
Rebuilding Syria
Dear GP: I’m self-conscious about my arms, what can I do?
‘Juliette lived briefly, but she truly has a story’
Chocolate helping prisoners
Mikhaila Peterson: from psychedelics to faith
‘I was abused and I had to forgive my father for what he had done to me’
God never promised we wouldn’t suffer
Fall down seven times, stand up eight
Five things I have learned about… procrastination
‘If I ever touch you again, your God is going to kill me’
Could mouth-taping help you get to sleep?
New historical fiction from Woman Alive’s deputy editor!
Rosemary Conley; ‘My life was a total mess …I needed divine help’
October 2022
Remembering the Queen
Our Queen
In rooms with kings and rulers
Honouring the Queen – and praying for our new king
‘God told me to go to the UK as I would meet my husband there’
The Queen, the Church and the gospel
Book club
It scared her, so she said yes
‘The Queen led our country through the best of times, the worst of times and the changing of times’
Signs & Wonders in everyday life
‘God restored my marriage’
Tackling anxiety
Should I be worried about bleeding?
A devoted servant
September 2022
A message from the editor: “God told me you’re my wife”
Prayer & Reflection: Welcoming in a new season
Shopping to save lives
Actress Rhoda Ofori-Attah: Called to act
Five things I have learned about… empty nesting
In Business: The power of a story
WA Bookclub: This month I’m reading…
My rainbow baby: Pregnancy after stillbirth
The ten virgins: The importance of being prepared
Can you be an intellectual and believe in God at the same time?
Not just a fad, organic farming is important for our diet
Ask the doctor: Should my child have the flu vaccine?
Life Lessons: ‘Never give up, it’s never too late and you are never on your own’
Testimonies: Signs & Wonders in everyday life
For the love of food
God is still speaking to us today
August 2022
Letter from the Editor: ‘God gave us the command to take a Sabbath rest’
‘God gave me a prophetic word that I would be salt and light in the dark place of the media’
Whatever age you are, God is not finished with you
WA Bookclub with Claire Musters: This month I’m reading…
Five things I have learned about… loneliness
A lesson from sunflowers
Martha and Mary: learning to simplify
‘Being pregnant with an eating disorder can feel like a minefield’
Reading the Bible in a year
Signs & Wonders in everyday life
‘I was left vulnerable to abuse’
Publisher recommendation
Shauna Niequist: The books that have changed my life
Putting truth on walls
‘When I am kind to people, I feel better’
What causes the dark circles under my eyes?
‘The best place for young children isn’t nursery. It’s at home’
Going on holiday this year? Here’s why God’s rest is best
July Issue
A sunshine state of mind
‘Let’s acknowledge our emotions – but also weigh them up’
‘How can I reduce excess saliva?’
‘I spent too many years wishing that I was like somebody else’
What does a healthy home look like?
I’m singing my testimony
‘The home is where life happens’
From Mara to Naomi: What’s in a name?
‘My husband came out as transgender’
Changing the world one pizza at a time
Five things I have learned about…life balance
Tattoos for Jesus?
‘God still speaks to his people’
Signs & Wonders in everyday life
July Book Club
Publisher recommendation
This month I’m reading…
Seeing afresh through the eyes of a child
June 2022
Celebrating 40 years of Woman Alive!
Signs & Wonders in everyday life
What causes bloating?
Shining a light on Black British history
The Baby Whisperer
‘No matter what we’ve been through I’ve never lost hope’
God, me and ADHD
Five things I have learned about… reading the Bible
'I love Jesus and Gucci'
A Prayer for The Queen’s Jubilee
Editor's Letter: Fashion + Faith?
What does a healthy home look like?
Bible Study: A representative for all faithful women of God
Woman Alive Book Club
‘I am an ordinary woman, with a simple dream from God’
A celebration of gospel
In praise of the ordinary
May 2022
Prayer and Reflection: Making room for Jesus
Editor’s Letter: Don’t settle for second-hand creativity!
‘I have never experienced a relationship like this’
We don’t need a ‘Christian alternative’ to Wordle
‘Singing has helped me with fear and anxiety’
Five things I have learned about… walking wisely
May 2022 Book Club
Struggling to read the Bible? There’s a game for that!
Tamar: God can redeem any story
May 2022 Book Club - You recommend…
Finding Jesus at festivals this summer
‘I dealt with racism every day’
What’s the connection between diet and eczema?
Cravings vs Hunger - what's the difference?
Women have always been central to the story of Christianity
Signs & Wonders in everyday life - May 2022
WA Community - May 2022
God’s ways are not our ways
April 2022
WA Community - April 2022
Normalising Christians in fiction
The impact of the cross
In conversation with a modern-day prophet
My passion came from putting my children first
Churches, don’t ditch the technology
April 2022 Book Club
Is there still a place for Christian Unions in schools?
Five things I have learned about… life balance
April 2022 Book Club - You recommend…
Who says you have to pick friends your own age?
Jezebel – how evil was she really?
‘The need to find love is universal’
Creating safe spaces for women
I was terrified of giving birth!
Signs & Wonders in everyday life - April 2022
Do you actually enjoy your food?
‘I don’t want IVF; I don’t want to help God’
March 2022
Editor’s Letter: Celebrating women
Prayer & Reflection: Spring at last!
‘Being Marilyn Monroe saved me during years of abuse’
The “invisible” women
Bible Study on Lent: Jesus’ example in the wilderness
Five things I have learned about… learning
There is power in forgiveness
'I was sold on the black market as a baby'
'God told me I had to forgive my mother'
Spreading hope in the House of Lords
A Romeo and Juliet love story
‘Every diet I have tried has failed. What now?’
March 2022 Book Club - You recommend…
March 2022 Book Club
The women behind Woman Alive
Struggling with your period?
Signs & Wonders in everyday life - March 2022
When did parenting become a competitive sport?
The cross-generational sisterhood
WA Community - March 2022
February 2022
Changing the narrative on love in the Church
You are never alone
Let’s fly the flag for ‘old love’…
‘I was reminded about being single every day at church’
Five things I have learned about… worry
‘I’m 45 – could I still conceive naturally?’
Rescuing our sex lives
Hagar: Trafficking and sex slavery
Love as a driving force
The house that God built
February 2022 Book Club - You recommend…
February 2022 Book Club
Whose job is it to fill my love tank?
Love your gut!
Married at 54: ‘I was willing to wait’
Signs & Wonders in everyday life - February 2022
‘I was drawn into the subculture of alternative spirituality’
WA Community - February 2022
January 2022
Don’t avoid adoption to ‘protect’ your biological children, I gained two brothers when my mum and dad chose to live by faith and not fear
I found myself in a church-cult, here’s how to spot the signs
Whether it’s good news or bad, knowing the future won’t make 2022 any easier… Jesus will
Love on a bicycle
‘Singled Out in a Couple’s World’
Looking to the year ahead
Five things I have learned about… setting goals
January 2022 Book Club - You recommend…
January 2022 Book Club
Living with long COVID
Let’s stop telling everyone to be more resilient
Strange wisdom for 2022?
New year, same you?
Running the good race
Our Queen: 70 years of faith and service
Nurturing ourselves at bedtime
‘I’m a virgin, do I need a smear test?’
Our adopted daughter wasn’t waiting for us, but we chose her long before she was born
Signs & Wonders in everyday life - January 2022
WA Community - January 2022
December 2021
Laughing children, hot chocolate and a snoring dog on a lazy Sunday afternoon…
Editor's letter: Would you open your home to a stranger?
A prayer of thanks for our homes
Signs & Wonders in everyday life - December 2021
Cathy Madavan: Five things I have learned about… generosity
You can thrive during menopause!
December Book Club
December Book Club - Readers recommend…
My life in a convent
‘Pornography has been normalised in our culture’
In Business: Your body is a temple
Home is...a place to belong
‘I had made peace with dying, but the thought of being crippled was harder’
‘We all need a place where they have to let us in’
Working through suffering without losing faith in God
Life Lessons: Following God’s call all around the world
WA Community - December 2021
Liz Earle: Our leaders should do more to prioritise women’s health
November 2021
Cancer, chemotherapy and confident hope in God
Poem for Remembrance Day
Signs & Wonders in everyday life - November 2021
Bamboozled by Jesus
How do I respond as a Christian if my enemy wants to kill me?
‘My garden brought me hope’
November Book Club - Readers recommend…
November Book Club
‘We play a significant role in far too many wars’
One woman’s fight against FGM
How did my grandparents survive the war?
Married for the first time at 65
‘I lost interest in sex’
Buy this book and you might save someone's life
Tackling the horrors of child trafficking
Five things I have learned about… being a peacemaker
‘I’ve always been a pacifist’
WA Community - November 2021
October 2021
October Book Club - You recommend…
Five things I have learned about… processing the past
What it means to be black British
Signs & Wonders in everyday life - October 2021
‘Where are the women?’
A prayer of thanks for godly men and woman in history
I love history
Women as God intended
October Book Club
Who interprets history?
Clues from the past
‘More than a business; it’s a place of ministry’
‘You can’t stop the menopause, but you can improve the experience’
Reaching out to women in prostitution
‘The default is white British, and everything else is different and other’
A new kind of healing
’I wrestled with feeling like God had abandoned me’
WA Community - October 2021
September 2021
If you are considering a career in porn…don’t
‘We don’t know what is in store for women in Afghanistan’
Reflections from a 9/11 survivor: 'Just three hours had passed since the first plane hit. Three hours of sheer terror’
‘Let’s stop treating suicide as a crime or sin’
An anxious return
‘There is hope for all our children’
‘No refugee should be alone,’ says Welcome Churches as fleeing Afghans arrive in the UK
It’s time the government started protecting children from porn
Physical and mental struggles led to a new ministry
Body confidence cards encourage users to reflect on their identity
WA Community - September 2021
‘Identity politics’
It’s not every day you find a Christian designer behind a lingerie brand’
Adopting my girl
‘As God’s daughter I know that I am a work in progress’
From atheism to faith
Five things I have learned about… being yourself
'Christian identity is always linked with Jesus’ identity’
September Book Club - You recommend…
September Book Club
Katie Piper: ‘I found comfort in my local church'
Signs & Wonders in everyday life - September 2021
Joyce Meyer: ‘God showed me I had never truly received his love’
When I don’t know who I am
My new identity
August 2021
Learning from my Muslim friends
Spiritual journalling
Invited on a journey of discovery
Book Club birthday!
‘Books are the windows through which the soul looks out’*
July 2021
Why don’t we talk about periods?
Gaming: It’s not a battle you need to win
What has lockdown done to our children?
‘I’m staying home this summer’