Who are you? Do you know your true identity?


Author of Image Bearers, Rachel Atkinson highlights the importance of integrating our emotional and spiritual lives

Read story
  • My life story, and how the Lord has directed my path

  • ‘Scientifically I should have been dead. It’s a miracle that I survived’

  • ‘People want to cancel what they can’t stand’

  • 'I was once more than £50,000 in debt, now I’m a money coach'

  • Remembering we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’

  • No more being a ‘kept’ woman…

  • ‘I would suggest that all Christians should be feminists’

  • Joyce Meyer - An extract from her latest book Overcoming Every Problem

  • Here is what I have learnt, being a mother, about helping our daughters to discover their uniqueness