2022-04-26T15:11:00+01:00By Maxine Hallett
May is a good month for decluttering our cupboards and refreshing our wardrobes. I have fond memories as a child of my grandmother’s house, windows flung open as the warm, late spring breeze danced and glistened with particles of dust while cupboards were cleaned and wardrobes filled with summer clothes.
2022-04-26T15:11:00+01:00By Tola Doll Fisher
I laughed out loud when I read Veronica Zundel’s column this issue. I admit, the Wordle game craze has passed me by, but I can relate to her frustration when Christians try to make ‘sanitary’ versions of mainstream products, events or ideas. Veronica’s article got me thinking about this magazine ...
Vicki Keir shares her story of failed marriages – including discovering abuse in her home – and the faithful God who has given her hope and joy again
2022-04-26T15:10:00+01:00By Veronica Zundel
Veronica Zundel says it’s time to stop creating a ‘safe’ version of every cultural phenomenon
2022-04-26T15:10:00+01:00By Jemimah Wright
Singer Elle Limebear talked to Jemimah Wright about being the daughter of Delirious? front man Martin Smith and her own call to the music industry
2022-04-26T15:09:00+01:00By Cathy Madavan
Cathy Madavan reminds us to slow down, plan ahead and keep connected to Jesus as well as those he has placed in our lives to cheer us on
2022-04-26T15:08:00+01:00By Clare Blake
Alice Bond’s passion for communicating the Bible found a new outlet, which God had given her in a dream: Biblios, the Bible in a box
2022-04-26T15:07:00+01:00By Elaine Storkey
Widowed twice, sent home in disgrace, prostituted to her own father-in-law, this woman from Jesus’ genealogy lived a life full of shame at the hands of men, and yet Elaine Storkey reveals how the grace and blessing of God was on her life
This is a powerful testimony of the amazing journey of an ordinary woman set apart for such a time as this. Through the power of the Holy Spirit she has accomplished more than she ever hoped or imagined (a ministry that is still alive today), in one of the UK’s ...
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