2022-08-02T13:55:50.55+01:00By Tola Doll Fisher
I’m sure I’m not the only one whose social life gets an upgrade in the summer. During the warmer months, I am the sender and recipient of what seems like hundreds of invitations to go here, there and everywhere.
2022-08-02T13:55:45.07+01:00By Tola Doll Fisher
TV presenter, Tearfund ambassador and now author Gemma Hunt talks to our editor Doll Fisher, about how her career has developed
2022-08-02T13:55:28.44+01:00By Carolyn Castleberry
Carolyn Castleberry Hux shares the story behind her book, Women at Halftime
Ruth Leigh is an incredibly talented writer – and in Isabella M Smugge has created the picture-perfect character for our Instagram age
2022-08-02T13:55:00+01:00By Claire Musters
I Guess I Haven’t Learned that Yet by Shauna Niequist (Zondervan, 978-0310355595)
2022-08-02T13:55:00+01:00By Cathy Madavan
Cathy Madavan shares shares helpful insights about those times when we can all feel isolated
2022-08-02T13:55:00+01:00By Maxine Hallett
Walking through a field on a warm August evening, my eye caught sight of a glimmer of colour. There, standing tall but alone in the middle of the field, was the glorious bright yellow head of a sunflower. It seemed confident and not at all out of place among the dreary brown vegetation. Its bright, sun-filled face beamed at the world beyond
2022-08-02T13:55:00+01:00By Shauna Niequist
Life is in the Transitionsby Bruce Feiler
2022-08-02T13:55:00+01:00By Jane Knoop
Perry-May Britton runs Perry-May, an online business selling faith-inspired prints, clothing and journals to help connect people to God and spark conversation
2022-08-02T13:55:00+01:00By Veronica Zundel
Veronica Zundel confesses to having moments when she feels like lashing out – and suspects she is not alone
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