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Leadership isn’t about titles; it’s something we practice daily. Indeed, we all take on leadership roles in some way—guiding a family, supporting friends, or through our professional experiences at work. Yet when I first stepped into a formal leadership role, I quickly realised how unprepared I was for the people management side of things. My past experiences, values, and even the wounds I carried shaped my leadership style—sometimes for the worse. 

Through coaching leaders, I know this experience is not unique to me or new. Rahab, one of the Bible’s most underestimated yet significant figures, faced a similar challenge. 

She came from a complex background, leading a business of ill repute, and would have faced intense judgement, yet when it mattered most, Rahab rose to the occasion with bravery and wisdom. 

Her story offers valuable lessons for female leaders today. It shows that leadership isn’t about where we come from but how we respond to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. 

Here are three skills Rahab demonstrated that stand leaders in good stead today. 

1. Emotional Intelligence

Rahab took a massive risk by hiding the Israelite spies (Joshua 2:1-7). She stayed calm and made decisive moves, trusting in a bigger plan. She understood what was at stake, recognising the fears of the Israelites and the suspicions of her people. Nonetheless, she leaned into courage, making a challenging and strategic move. Today’s leaders, like Rahab, need to observe and regulate their own emotions while staying attuned to the needs of those around them.

2. Adaptive Communication 

Leadership requires not only the ability to have tough conversations but also the skill to communicate effectively in high-pressure situations in a manner your audience understands. Rahab adapted her message to her audience. She built trust with the Israelites and managed conflict without escalating tensions.

3. Resilience and Agility

One of Rahab’s defining traits is her resilience. Living under immense pressure, she didn’t allow her past to define her future. When the opportunity arose, she embraced a new reality and aligned her faith with her actions. For today’s leaders, resilience isn’t just about enduring hardship—it’s about learning from it and moving forward. Agility, like Rahab’s, means being able to pivot when circumstances change while staying focused on your core goals.

Rahab’s story reminds us that leadership is a journey of faith, resilience, and growth. Her ability to navigate conflict, communicate effectively, and adapt to change teaches us that leadership isn’t about perfection but rising to the moment, even when the odds seem against us. Just as Rahab trusted God’s greater plan, today’s leaders must step forward with courage and faith—ready for the opportunities ahead. 

If you’re feeling called to explore and deepen your leadership skills, the upcoming High Potential Talent Summit offers an incredible opportunity. Whether you’re at the beginning of your leadership journey or looking to refine your skills, the summit provides practical tools, real-life case studies, and engaging discussions to help you navigate today’s leadership challenges. 

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About Arit

Arit Eminue MBE is a Talent Management specialist, facilitator, and careers coach with an entrepreneurial flair who partners with business leaders to create work environments that bring out the best in their people. Her work with organisations boosts employee engagementand performance through the design and delivery of talent management solutions that align with business goals.




High Potential Talent Summit