All Health and wellbeing articles – Page 7
Grammy-award winning singer Mandisa Lynn Hundley reflects on how music helps her through dark times
In celebration of Gospel Heritage month, American Idol contestant and award winning singer Mandisa Lynn Hundley shares how music got her through a particularly dark time after the death of a friend.
Prayer & Reflection: Welcoming in a new season
September is the start of a new season; autumn is upon us and, while we are still enjoying the warmth of the sun, nights are drawing in, gardens are starting to lose their summer blooms and the dark, rich autumnal colours are slowly creeping in.
Ask the doctor: Should my child have the flu vaccine?
Your health questions answered by our resident GP, Dr Olúṣẹ̀yẹ Àríkàwé
Ten practical ways to support a child with an eating disorder as they go back to school
As we prepare for term time, parents of children who struggle with their eating will be concerned about the best ways to support their young person. Author and founder of #DumpTheScales campaign, Hope Virgo, shares her ten tips for setting children up for success.
I’m a Christian and a doctor and this is how your periods affect your mental health, plus how to manage it the godly way
Your menstral cycle impacts your energy, how you build muscle, your productivity, focus and efficiency, your creativity and so much more. Here Dr Kate Middleton explains the impact our periods have on our minds and how we can manage our monthly cycles.
Five things I have learned about… loneliness
Cathy Madavan shares shares helpful insights about those times when we can all feel isolated
What causes the dark circles under my eyes?
Your health questions answered by our resident GP, Dr Olúṣẹ̀yẹ Àríkàwé
‘Being pregnant with an eating disorder can feel like a minefield’
Award-winning mental health advocate, author, speaker and founder of #DumpTheScales, Hope Virgo developed anorexia as a teenager. Here she shares how it impacted her recent pregnancy
Going on holiday this year? Here’s why God’s rest is best
In a world that is always switched ‘on’, nutritionist Clare Backhouse urges us all to learn to unplug regularly
The three things we need to teach our children - and ourselves - about eating, when the world says restricting our food is good
When the world brands some food “good” and some food “bad” and we’re bombarded with messages about slimming down with fad diets, it’s hard for us - or our children - to know how to navigate it. Here Dr Kate Middleton gives three simple thoughts that can help us have a truly healthy attitude towards eating.
After my father’s near-death experience, I take getting a good night’s sleep very seriously - eight hours helps your physical and spiritual health
‘The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep’. So says E. Joseph Cossman, inventor, entrepreneur and author, but a good night’s sleep seems so much harder to come by these days. Here Christian singer Elle Limebear shares that, after a life-threatening incident, she’s prayerful about sleep.
These are the signs of a functioning alcoholic, and how you can help if you think you may know one
As summer brings plenty more drinking opportunities, Private Rehab Clinic Delamere shares the signs that you’re a functioning alcoholic and what you can do about it.
Social media could make you miserable and come between you and God, I made one simple change to help my mental and spiritual health
Social media is an incredible way to connect, but if you let it - it can really affect your mental and spiritual health. Writer Rebecca Chamaa explains the one change she made to help her use Facebook and Instagram in a healthier way.
‘Let’s acknowledge our emotions – but also weigh them up’
Veronica Zundel argues that we can put too much emphasis on feelings
What does a healthy home look like?
Nutritionist Clare Backhouse explains that there are some microscopic bugs living inside of us that are incredibly useful
‘How can I reduce excess saliva?’
Your health questions answered by our resident GP, Dr Olúṣẹ̀yẹ Àríkàwé
I love moving my body with Pilates and I found that paring it with prayer an incredible way to connect with God
Founder of Prayerful Pilates, Louise Ryrie explains how Pilates can help with mental health and emotional wellbeing. Plus how she found it to do an ideal way to connect with God with combined with prayer.
God told me to invite people on a walk but I had no idea how much the weekly activity would change people's lives
When Angie Le Mar felt a “God prompt” to invite people to a walk on Facebook she had no idea that she was starting a movement that was badly needed. Now We Walk Wednesdays runs in 16 locations and there are hiking, talking, golfing and dining versions to connect people.
Is anyone else worried that they are not ‘beach body ready’?
As summer hots up many of us will experience that familiar dread that we’re not ready to bear all in swimwear. Here Lauren Windle explains why it’s time to take a stand against the ‘beach body ready’ narrative.
Snooze buttons are the enemy of your morning quiet time and experts say they’re bad for your wellbeing
Many of us allow ourselves a sneaky snooze in the mornings but the pros insist it’s bad for your routine. Here Lauren Windle explains why getting straight up was not only great for her sleep but for her relationship with God.