All Church articles – Page 5
In conversation with a modern-day prophet
Emma Stark spoke to Jemimah Wright about being a prophet, and why she is passionate about the Church re-engaging with the Holy Spirit
Churches, don’t ditch the technology
In our rush to get back to ‘normal’, are we leaving behind the most vulnerable once again? Veronica Zundel asks
Why there aren’t enough men in your church and what we can all do about it
Author and chartered psychologist Annabel Clarke explains how fewer Christian men can affect individuals, families and the Church.
‘I was reminded about being single every day at church’
Lauren Windle caught up with Christianity’s poster girl for single women, Carrie Lloyd, to ask how she feels about love, life and relationships ten years on from the start of her ministry
The house that God built
Clare Thompson leads the vibrant, social-action focused LoveBristol organisation with her husband Greg. She told Clare Blake why she loves living in a Christian community house
‘I was drawn into the subculture of alternative spirituality’
After years searching for hope within the occult, Talitha Colchester shares her story of finding Christ and his peace
I found myself in a church-cult, here’s how to spot the signs
From kicking off when her family missed a service to dictating how she did her hair, Tola Doll Fisher’s pastor showed some seriously problematic behaviours. Here’s how to work out if you’re in a church cult.
Why do churches need to be eco-friendly anyway?
As we put up Christmas trees, write our cards and buy gifts, there is a growing call that we need to do this in a more ethical and sustainable way. While we may accept changes that we can make in our own lives and shopping habits, Helen Stephens, Head of Eco Church, asks does it really need to extend to our churches?
Many female clergy donned the popular BELIEVE jumper from Marks and Spencer this Christmas, Revd Lucy Brierley explains why
‘If you take “Christ” out of “Christmas” you’re left with just “M&S”!’ jokes Revd Lucy Brierley, as she explains why a bright Marks’ jumper became the unofficial clergy uniform this festive season.
Liz Earle: Our leaders should do more to prioritise women’s health
Macaila Britton talks to Liz Earle MBE, wellbeing brand founder, about her experience in the industry and what still needs to change
‘My ex-husband bit off my nose, cut off my ear and carved up my face like a cabbage in an attempt to slit my throat’
Make this International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November) count, urges Abbie Mumbi
‘I have come to think that patriarchy is inherently violent’
Veronica Zundel questions why the Bible is so full of strong, decisive women if we were created to be subservient under a complementarian system she claims was originally introduced to get women back into the home
‘Time is running out at COP26’
Alice Corrie, technical and communications officer for Climate Stewards, spent this week at the climate summit – and is more convinced than ever that much of the change needed will have to come from us
Young people really do want us to talk to them about sex
Rachel Gardner urges us to get over our embarrassment and fear of saying the wrong thing, because we have a vital role in helping to shape young people’s attitudes towards relationships and sex
Could you open your home to a vulnerable teenager?
A new report from Home for Good highlights the benefits of support lodgings as a way for young people to receive support within a family environment. Lucy Colman explains how individuals and local churches can provide a vital safety net for teenagers in the care system
How do I respond as a Christian if my enemy wants to kill me?
Ella Bartelsian of Yerevan International Church, Armenia, spoke to Clare Blake about how God is breaking through to a defeated nation
‘Violence against women is a chronic situation that must be rejected’
Hannah Baylor says it is time for ‘women to claim their worth’ and ‘men to challenge and change their own, and other men’s, behaviour’
On World Mental Health Day: ‘We must be careful not to offer a false hope of: “Come to Jesus and all of your problems will disappear”’
Natalie Williams reminds us that there is hope in Christ and practical help for those who need it – highlighting those with mental health issues who are living in poverty
‘I’ve forgiven the men who murdered our son and now spend time visiting others in prisons’
Lyn Connolly shares why she is now involved in prison work
The Handmaid’s Tale: When fiction mirrors the ugly truth
With the latest series of the hugely popular TV drama having recently drawn to a close, Veronica Zundel reflects on the horrors it reveals about worldviews regarding women