Here at Woman Alive, we celebrate every woman in every issue (this includes you!) and as part of our International Women’s Day issue, we’ve chosen eight ‘ordinary’ women to recognise for their inspirational workplace ministries 


Laurelle is wearing the ‘Alabaster Jar: Break It Open’ Oversized Faded UNISEX Tee from the latest Living in Light Apparel Collection.

Laurelle Wade

Producer / Project manager  

A typical day for me looks like…organised chaos, including a sea of tabs on my laptop, budget spreadsheets, creative briefs and emails while making quick calls to lock in logistics. The occasional meeting with team members adds structure to the ever-evolving puzzle of production planning.

The hardest thing about my job…pushing past the ‘lull’ that creeps in during marathon laptop days – when the to-do list feels endless, and the hours blur together – that takes a special kind of determination. It’s about finding little sparks of motivation; whether it’s crossing off a task, taking a quick break to reset or reminding myself of the bigger picture that all this effort is leading toward.

My faith journey… I would say I was confident in my belief in Jesus around 13 years old, but this confidence grows all the time.

An issue for the Church… I think that individuals can lose focus on their personal mission to engage in outreach and save souls within their local communities. 

My favourite scripture is… currently Genesis 39; I’m loving seeing how Joseph’s visions began to play out in his life.

Christ called us to be united as one body, which sadly isn’t the case currently

An extraordinary person… is made so by the amount of time that they spend in the presence of God. 

Joy is… knowing that I have been able to invest in someone’s relationship with God.

I am proud of… being able to work in film, TV, radio and podcasting before the age of 40.

In 2025, I am looking forward to… what God’s faithfulness looks like in this new year, in this new season – emotionally, physically, spiritually and more.

International Women’s Day… is about taking a moment to stop and reflect on the journey of women; highs and lows, swings and roundabouts. I don’t do this enough.

Please pray for… my need of Jesus’ continual guidance as I learn how to be a wife.

Laurelle is a producer currently working in film and podcasting and is passionate about telling impactful stories. You can find her @Laurelle_Jones on most social media platforms.


Navi is wearing the ‘For Such A Time As This’ Oversized Faded Tee. Based on Esther 4:14 from the latest Living in Light Apparel collection.

Creative director at Sodium & Co

A typical day for me looks like…different because I wear so many hats! One moment I’m providing brand consultancy and creative direction for charities, social enterprises and communities and the next, I’m leading teams or mentoring and encouraging other creatives. I thrive on the variety: it keeps things exciting and fresh. I’m a people person, so I love the chance to connect and collaborate. 

The hardest thing about my job… is the mundane tasks! They can feel like such a drain sometimes. But having a good balance and creative freedom really helps. I’ve learned to find joy in even the little, repetitive things.

Plan B… I could see myself running an orphanage – raising kids and changing lives. It’s about serving people wherever I’m needed. 

My faith journey… I became a Christian when I was 25, so that’s 15 years ago now, and it was honestly the best decision of my life. My family thought it was a phase at first, but they’ve seen how consistent my walk with God has been, and they know it’s real. 

On Woman Alive… A friend sent me an article online and I love how you tackle real, relevant issues and offer a Christian perspective. You’re not afraid to dive into tough topics, which I really appreciate.

An issue for the Church… I think the Church has lost its focus on outreach. While some churches are doing this well, many have become too inward-looking. People are searching for truth, and when they don’t find it from us, they turn to other sources to define it for them. This creates both an opportunity and a responsibility for the Church to step into these spaces with boldness and intentionality.

My favourite scripture is… Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” has been my anchor since I became a Christian. I even have the word ‘Trust’ tattooed in Hebrew on my arm as a reminder. 

An extraordinary person… I think everyone is extraordinary; they just need the right people around them to bring out their potential. And when someone follows God, that sets them apart because they’re connected to the Creator, who makes all things extraordinary.

Joy is… anything creative, as that’s where I feel most alive. But I also find happiness in the little things, like feeling the sun on my face, spotting daisies that remind me of my childhood, or being surrounded by nature. It’s those simple moments that bring a sense of peace and perspective.

I am proud of… starting Sodium & Co. Nearly nine years ago, God gave me a vision to create a creative consultancy that serves the third sector. At the time, I had never run a business, and stepping out in faith to leave my job was one of the scariest things I had ever done.  

In 2025, I am looking forward to…moving into my new home and finding new ways to make a difference through my work and personal life. I’ve also learned to hold things lightly. While I have some goals, I no longer plan my year down to the tiniest detail. Now I embrace the freedom of leaving space for God to move in unexpected ways.

International Women’s Day… It’s amazing to have a day dedicated to celebrating women from all walks of life and their contributions. There’s still work to be done, but I love seeing women lifting each other up. 

Navi Aulkh is a brand strategist and creative consultant at Sodium & Co, where she focuses on developing thoughtful and impactful brand strategies for the third sector.


Emma is wearing the ‘The Word Endures’ Oversized Faded UNISEX Tee from the latest Living in Light Apparel Collection.

Emma John

mum of three, vicar’s wife, church co-ordinator

A typical day for me looks like… I’m up at 6/6.30am, reading my Bible and (if the wind takes me) a little bit of yoga/stretching before waking up my children at 7am and getting everyone dressed, fed and in the car to school by 8am. I’m usually back at my desk at 9.15am and then start on emails, meetings, bookings, proposals, spreadsheets, planning, numbers, receipts, invoices, praying, worshipping, pastoral walks and chats with people—and the dog! I leave at 3.15pm to collect the children, home by 4.30pm and then begin homework, the children’s supper, bath, and get the kids to bed by 7pm. There’s a kitchen turnaround for evening meetings by 7.30pm; could be a standing committee dinner, homegroup, marriage prep couple etc, which is standard vicarage life! People leave by 9.30pm and then we go to bed. If it’s a Thursday, it’s date night with cooking and a glass of wine! 

The hardest thing about my job…being the only admin/facilitator for the church, a lot of varying things fall at my feet and are funnelled through me. I find it hard knowing what to pick up or put down and what takes priority. I’m a thorough sort of person and not being able to do everything on my list to the highest standard is tricky.

My faith journey… I was brought up in a Christian home and went on Stewards’ Trust camps throughout my formative teen years. After a short time of wandering I claimed Christ for myself when I was 21, or he claimed me! 

An issue for the Church… is division. Christ called us to be united as one body, which sadly isn’t the case currently. I would love to see the national Church absorbed in the spreading of the gospel because that is ultimately an outworking of taking scripture seriously. I’d love to see all churches donate more time to spreading the good news!

My favourite scripture is… Jeremiah 31:3: “The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” This is the verse I bind daily around my heart as it tells me who God is and whose I am. My husband even had it inscribed on a necklace for my 30th birthday.

An extraordinary person… I don’t know if you’ve ever met someone who sprinkles fairy dust wherever they go. The sort of brimming with joy, endlessly encouraging, deeply prayerful, full of wisdom, compassionate and outrageously generous (in all senses) type? I’ve met a few of these angels in all spheres of life and their witness and humility singles them out as extraordinary. 

Joy is… cold water swimming, crisp winter walks with my husband, cooking with the kids, hosting people around our table, great coffee, answered prayers, a tidy house (not often!), and a gin and tonic with the girls.

I am proud of… overcoming some difficult things and learning lots along the way to help others. It has been tough but a privilege, and worth celebrating. I’m also quite proud of some of the sourdoughs I knocked out during lockdown!

In 2025, I am looking forward to…contending in prayer for and watching the Lord grow His church, specifically St Peters; ticking off a few work projects, spending more time with my family, friends’ weddings, going deeper in worship and the odd holiday.

International Women’s Day… I categorically would not be ‘me’ if it weren’t for my mother and grandmother. They, among other strong women in my life, have been the greatest influence on who I am today. I wholeheartedly support this day.

Please pray for… health and protection over me and my family; prayer as we navigate our relationships in the wider church in 2025 and for St Peters

to be a welcoming, healthy body of believers who proclaim Jesus wherever they go! 

Emma lives in Vauxhall with her husband Michael and three children. Michael is vicar of St Peter’s Church, while Emma does all things admin- and finance-related for the church. Their mission is to carry the love of Jesus to the heart of London.

Joy is…knowing that I have been able to invest in someone’s relationship with God


Caroline is wearing the ‘Crown of Beauty’ Oversized Faded Tee. Based on Isaiah 62:3: “You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God.” From the latest Living in Light Apparel Collection.

Caroline Wyman

Anglican priest

A typical day for me looks like… In my new role as vicar for a parish in Rotherham my job is so varied that it’s hard to describe a typical day, but I’m usually the one who gets up with our little boy, as my husband leaves for work quite early. A typical day might include meeting with a family to discuss their child’s baptism, planning a funeral for a family member or preparing for a wedding. I might visit someone who is ill in the hospital or at home or spend time with someone who is housebound. We might chat, pray and share Holy Communion. Visiting local schools is almost always a highlight. Sometimes, I lead an assembly, visit a class to discuss the Church and faith or check in with staff to see how they’re doing. I also engage with various community groups, often popping into toddler groups, coffee mornings and warm spaces.

Churches and their buildings are sometimes targets for antisocial behaviour and drug use, so I meet regularly with the police and local council to ensure that the spaces we use are safe. These meetings also provide valuable information to help us signpost people to the best possible support. We also have regular meetings, like the PCC (church council), where we discuss day-to-day decisions about running the church and supporting the wider parish. 

In addition to all this, at ordination, deacons, priests and bishops commit to lifelong learning, so there is always reading to do, sermon preparation and small writing tasks for parish magazines and newsletters. I also support and help develop lay ministers (people who aren’t ordained) who help lead worship. Last, but by no means least, there is preparing and leading worship, which, yes, is on a Sunday but also throughout the week. 

The hardest thing about my job… is maintaining a good balance between being a priest and a wife and mother. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be able to do everything, and I am often disappointed in myself when I can’t manage it. However, I’m reassured by CofE guidelines, which say: “Those who are called to marriage should never forget that this is also a vocation…Being a parent is likewise a holy calling, and so ordained ministry should not take priority over bringing up children with Godly love, care, time and space.” 

My faith journey… I was brought up going to church, and I was in the choir and youth group. But I don’t think I took my faith seriously until I was in my 20s, when a conversation with a friend forced me to consider how my faith informed my life and the decisions I was making.

An issue for the Church… is division. The Church too often focuses on what separates us, which can overshadow what should bring us together. 

My favourite scripture… There are so many powerful verses to choose from, but if I had to pick just one, it would be “Love never fails” from 1 Corinthians 13:8. 

An extraordinary person… embodies selflessness and compassion. These qualities in a person can change the world.

Joy is… my family. They have made me the person I am today! 

I am proud of… who I am as a priest. In each community that I have served, I have become more equipped for the work of the kingdom than when I first met them, and I believe, through the Spirit, they have grown in love and faith, too.  

In 2025, I am looking forward to…getting to know everyone in my new role here and learning what we can achieve together in our church in Rotherham. 

International Women’s Day… When we live in a world where violence against women and girls is still so commonplace, and inequalities in work and society continue to be rife, we cannot stop promoting the achievements of women and girls.  

Please pray for… my new work in Rotherham, for our church families

and everyone who lives in the parish and for guidance when balancing ministry and family.

Caroline and her husband Daniel are both priests in Sheffield diocese and they have a two-year-old son.Caroline has recently been licensed as parish priest at St James’ Church, Clifton and associate in two other churches, which together form a mission area in Rotherham.


Arit is wearing the ‘Kingdom Come’ Oversized Faded UNISEX Tee. Printed in Hebrew. From the latest Living in Light Apparel Collection.

Arit Eminue MBE

Founder and talent management director of All Things People & Talent

A typical day for me looks like… a mix of client meetings, designing and facilitating leadership and management programmes, delivering speaking engagements, driving business development, staying up-to-date with sector trends and investing in my own skills and growth. The variety keeps me energised and inspired.

The hardest thing about my job… is that it can feel isolating at times.  

Plan B…  I’m currently exploring career options that align with my passion for creating meaningful impact. I’m drawn to outward-facing leadership roles that include international travel, leverage my existing skills in relationship-building, strategy and leadership, and provide opportunities for growth and innovation. My ideal opportunity would allow me to influence change, foster collaboration across sectors and drive initiatives that improve lives on a global scale.  

My journey as a mother is a testament to God’s love and grace

An issue for the Church… There’s a growing division among believers – across generations, denominations and identities – who struggle to reconcile the word of God and their walk with Christ with cultural pressures. This tension isn’t new; we only need to look at the life of Jesus to see how people react when their thinking and walk with God are disrupted. However, it feels heightened in this rapidly changing digital age. 

My favourite scripture is… Genesis 2:19: “Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.”

I lean into this scripture often because it reminds me our words are prophetic, and God entrusts us to name the situations in our lives, good or bad, with faith and purpose.

An extraordinary person… recognises that they’re perfectly nuanced and imperfect human beings. They’re intentional about how they live – showing up with courage, authenticity and compassion for themselves and others, while remaining committed to growth, even in the face of challenges. 

Joy is… the little and big things! I love lounging on the sofa in my onesie with a bowl of black grapes, strawberries, blueberries and melon, smothered in M&S Greek yoghurt watching my favourite Real Housewives shows. It’s my way to unwind and recharge. But I also find joy in visiting historical buildings – there’s something grounding about standing in places where others once worshipped, lived and worked. It reminds me how everything changes and that our stories are part of something much bigger. And, of course, nothing beats quality time chilling with my daughter.

I am proud of… watching my daughter evolve into a beautifully grounded, empathetic and ambitious human being who is positively impacting the world. My journey as a mother is a testament to God’s love and grace, and a reminder that prayer and faith paired with action delivers incredible outcomes. Plus, having a child in her mid-20s is a whole new vibe – I’m like the chairperson in her life, and I treasure the friendship we’ve built.

In 2025, I am looking forward to…having no plans. Usually, I enter the year with a clear vision, goals and actions, but I recognise that this isn’t the season for that. I’m in a period of transition, so I’m intentionally creating space for God to guide me. 

International Women’s Day… I understand and value the opportunity to spotlight the achievements of women and highlight our wins and the ongoing challenges we face. However, I’m a woman all year; I don’t need a specific day to remind me of that. What matters most to me is the consistent, everyday work of creating spaces where women can thrive and be celebrated for who they are.

Please pray for… I’d love for readers to join me in declaring Isaiah 43:18-19 and Amos 9:13 over this season of my life. Pray that I continue to create space for God to lead me as I navigate this period of transition, seeking wisdom, clarity, discernment and alignment with his will. As you pray, I hope these scriptures inspire and encourage you in your own journey too!

Arit Eminue MBE is a talent management specialist, facilitator and careers coach with an entrepreneurial flair who partners with business leaders to create work environments that bring out the best in their people. 


Assumpta is wearing the ‘Perish’ Oversized Faded Tee. Based on Esther 4:16b: “Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.” From the latest Living in Light Apparel Collection.

Assumpta Ozua-Vitcu

Wedding and special event planner and writer

A typical day for me looks like… a quiet reflection to ground myself first, followed by some sort of exercise or movement of my body, before diving into emails and client

communication. I often spend the morning liaising with suppliers, researching or mapping out timelines for weddings or events. By afternoon, I may be creating design proposals, researching venues, or daydreaming to feed my imagination. My evenings are for creative work – writing poetry or short stories and ensuring I maintain a semblance of work-life balance by reading, watching a series or movie and catching up with loved ones. 

The hardest thing about my job…is balancing the high expectations of my clients with the unpredictability of logistics. My desire to create something magical while managing many moving parts requires resilience and adaptability. It’s rewarding but entails constant problem-solving. 

Plan B… I love what I do, but if I ventured into something different, I’d dedicate myself fully to writing: publishing a novel, short stories or poetry collection. 

My faith journey… I was born into a Christian home – I was baptised and reaffirmed my faith when I chose to be Confirmed as a teenager. At university I felt quite distant from God, however, my faith deepened significantly in my 20s.

An issue for the Church… is balancing tradition with cultural relevance. While the gospel is unchanging, the Church sometimes struggles to adapt its approach to reach a diverse and fast-evolving world. Inclusivity, by way of welcoming people from all walks of life, is an area we must prioritise. 

My favourite scripture is… Proverbs 18:16 (NKJV): “A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.” This verse resonates deeply with me because it reminds me that our God-given talents, when nurtured and used for his glory, will create opportunities beyond our imagination. It is a source of encouragement in moments of doubt.

An extraordinary person… is authentic, resilient and committed to uplifting others. Extraordinary people stay true to themselves, rise above challenges and leave an impact wherever they go.

Joy is… creating beautiful moments for others – whether through an event, a heartfelt poem or a kind word. Spending time with loved ones, good books, touching music and meaningful conversations are also sources of joy. 

I am proud of… building a business that honours my heritage and values while creating space for diverse love stories to be celebrated. Seeing couples and families feel truly seen in their celebrations and winning an award for doing so, fills me with pride.  

In 2025, I am looking forward to…seeing exponential growth in my business and creative endeavours. I am excited to expand my reach, collaborate with incredible individuals and deepen my impact.

International Women’s Day… is a powerful reminder of the courage, fortitude and achievements of women worldwide. It is also an opportunity to advocate for the rights and opportunities women still lack in many parts of the world.

Please pray for… continued strength, clarity and discernment as I navigate this season of growth in my business, life and creative work. Also, prayers for balance and rest would mean a lot as I juggle multiple roles.

Assumpta is an award-winning wedding and event planner specialising in seamlessly bringing multicultural celebrations to life.

I’m intentionally creating space for God to guide me


Carrie is wearing the ‘Yeshua’ Oversized Faded Tee from the latest Living in Light Apparel Collection.

Carrie Bishop

House of Prayer leader

A typical day for me looks like… They’re all different. I like to get up early while it’s quiet and find that starting my day with silent prayer before my mind gets too busy means I know a much deeper peace through the day. Our House of Prayer (HoP) is also where we live, so once our children have gone off to school I might work from home in the mornings. We began the HoP about 18 months ago so there are still areas we are in the process of establishing. In the mornings I try to do less appealing admin tasks. The end of the working day tends to be doing the school run to collect my son and then catching up on emails. We have two regular gatherings which we host; once a week a young people’s Bible study, which is noisy, inspiring and fun. We also host a weekly prayer night which is a real furnace of prayer; we have people from many different church communities and our shared heart during these evenings is to intercede for our neighbours, communities and our city. 

The hardest thing about my job…is self-doubt! I tend to overthink things. I am so aware of how I’d like to pray more and how much more there is to prayer than I have yet discovered. But I also know when God calls us we have to choose to say yes and part of my faith is trusting he knows what he’s doing, even when I feel inadequate.  

My faith journey… I grew up in a Christian family and I always knew God was real. I remember giving my life to God when I was about seven at a Christian event. My faith was always quite deep but at university I was part of an incredible church community with loads of other students and it was such a significant time of my faith growing. 

My favourite scripture is… 2 Corinthians 3:17: “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” God is always with us and therefore the Spirit can and will minister freedom for me, for others, for our world. I need to keep remembering that and praying out of that place of hope in him.

An extraordinary person… I think every person is utterly extraordinary – we’re made in the image of a wildly creative God. But I think perhaps it’s when people are true to themselves; living out their own unique blend of strengths, gifts and talents that we see the extraordinary most vividly. It takes courage, raw honesty and depth of character to do that and it’s inspiring and encouraging when you see and know others who are living like that. Hearing and seeing others who are doing beautiful things acknowledge that they too have battles, encourages me and makes me think they’re even more extraordinary! 

Joy is… going for a long walk along a big, wide empty sandy beach with my family. I also love just sitting for an hour with a coffee and a good book. 

I am proud of… my identity as a creative. I hated art lessons at school and for years I took that to mean I’m not at all creative. Over many years, the Lord has been gently inspiring and encouraging me that of course I am creative because he is the Creator, who created me. I had wanted to try pottery for years, so in 2023 I did a beginners’ course at a local pottery studio and absolutely loved it. At the end I had a handful of dishes and bowls which I was genuinely pleased with. But perhaps even more importantly, I enjoyed the process of exploring my creative gifts. 

In 2025, I am looking forward to…some kind of summer holiday! I’m not sure where but we always take time off in August to go away. 

International Women’s Day… is great and I particularly think the opportunity to profile and speak into issues facing women such as gender equality and VAWG (Violence Against Women and Girls) is really important.

Carrie lives in London with her family where she co-leads a House of Prayer. Insta: 


Deepa is wearing the Fear Not Oversized Faded UNISEX Tee from the latest Living in Light Apparel Collection.

Deepa Vargis

Solicitor and founder of Well International 

A typical day for me looks like…first, a period of praying, reflection and journalling. Mornings are typically quite busy due to the time zone differences with my primary clients in Asia. By 8am, I start addressing their enquiries and continue to do so while commuting to the office. Once there, I engage in supporting my team and clients, which requires quick thinking and the application of laws from various jurisdictions to different business scenarios. 

The hardest thing about my job… As lawyers, we are custodians of confidential information. Our decisions and advice can lead to judgments about our character, especially when they challenge the norm. It can be hard to stay true to ourselves amid such scrutiny.  

An issue for the Church… is a lack of transparency and leaders not being held accountable.  

My favourite scripture is… 2 Chronicles 20:17: “You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.” This helped me recently when I was overwhelmed by certain passive aggressive behaviours; I was surprised at how at peace I was during that period. 

An extraordinary person… is gracious in the face of adversity and calm under pressure. They are empathetic and compassionate yet have boundaries.  

Joy is… watching a woman whom I mentor achieve the unthinkable in their career. 

I am proud of… launching Well and hosting our first conference in 2024, which focused on women in the workplace. What truly stood out were the testimonies from attendees whose lives have been transformed. 

In 2025, I am looking forward to… As I step into 2025, it feels like I’m leaving behind a year I merely survived. This year, I intend not only to thrive but to flourish. I’m eagerly anticipating witnessing God’s powerful testimonies at the Wise Well Woman Summit on 26 April 2025 (details below).

International Women’s Day… is essential. While it may be tempting to dismiss the day, arguing that we should celebrate women every day, the reality is that millions of women still live below the poverty line, in patriarchal societies, without access to bank accounts or financial independence, and are subjected to sexual manipulation or control, among other issues. On days like this, we aim to raise awareness among the younger generation to challenge and change old habits or mindsets. 

Deepa Vargis is a business lawyer and an advocate for integrating faith into the workplace through Well, a non-profit organisation she founded in 2023. Book your place at this year’s conference at


All the women featured wore t-shirts designed by Bobbi Kumari and can be purchased at

Make-up by Amy Dyas at CIean Beauty and Kate Williams.

Images by Jessica Flavin Photography at St Peter’s, Vauxhall, with permission.